P2 23rd November 2020

New Homework-Grid-Monday-23rd-November

The link for the new homework sheet is above.  It should be completed by Friday 4th December.

We hope the children are enjoying using the new ‘Read, Write, Count’ resources and have liked listening to the stories read by us on the blog.

The children in P2 have been very busy learning new knowledge and skills last week.  In Science, the children were able to create an electrical circuit which included a battery, lamp and switch.  The children found this very interesting and we may have some budding engineers! As part of our ‘Life in the Past’ topic the children were listening to music and performing some dance moves from the 1950s and 1960s.  There is a link on the homework sheet for children to show their families their groovy moves! The children were also learning about shopping in the past and wrote excellent imaginative stories about life for people in the home in the olden days.

In Numeracy, the children were learning to add on 10, 11 and 9 to a number.  In Maths, the children have been learning about weight and have been weighing objects in grams and kilograms.  In Literacy, the children were learning about alphabetical order, using the first letter.

Please return raffle tickets for the Christmas Prize Draw to school by Thursday 3rd December.

Thank you from,

Mrs Harris, Mrs Oliver and Miss Rafferty.

P2/1 update 23.11.20

Last week was another great week in P2/1 and this week we have lots planned.


From now on we are using an online resource called Seesaw for our homework.  It’s a great resource which allows the children to complete activities on a tablet or phone and submit them online. Today we will be sending home a sheet with details on how to access Seesaw. We hope you will enjoy using it and if you have any questions about it please let us know.  Reading books will continue to be given out on a Monday and should be brought to school every day.


P1: In reading we will continue to use sounds we know and clues from the pictures to help us read our reading books. Thanks for reading with your children at home – it makes such a difference to them.  Our new phonics sounds are:  b and u.  It would be really helpful if you could encourage your child to think of words which begin with these sounds.

P2: Our new sounds for this week and next are ‘oy’ and ‘oa’. We’ll be learning to spell words with these sounds and will write sentences using the words. In reading we are continuing to work on our summarising skills. It can be tricky to identify the main parts of a story but the children have been doing really well.


P1: We will be starting to learn about subtraction this week and will be using lots of concrete materials such as blocks and counters to help us.

P2: We are working on counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and gaining confidence in counting both forwards and backwards. We’ll then be moving on to subtraction, first consolidating what we learned in P1 and then moving on to develop new strategies.

In music we’ve been using instruments to play different rhythms and to show our understanding of dynamics by playing loudly and quietly.  The children have really been enjoying these sessions with Mr Shanks.


From this week we will no longer have Mrs Ferguson for PE but we will continue to have outdoor PE on a Tuesday (with Mrs Muir) and a Wednesday (with Mrs Steel). Please continue to wear PE kit to school on those days.

Thanks so much for all your support. If you have any questions or need to speak to us you can contact us via the school office.

Mrs Steel and Mrs Muir.

Primary 1 23.11.20

Good morning
Primary 1 have been very busy the past few weeks. We have begun a new interdisciplinary topic learning all about toys. We started this topic with a virtual visit from the museum services. Maureen called us on the class laptop and spoke about some of the toys children played with in the olden days. The children were able to investigate the different materials toys used to be made from and saw the differences between toys now-a-days and toys in the past. This week we have turned our role play areas into toy shops. The children are enjoying creating toys to place on the shelves and are learning to use money in the cashiers area. We are using this topic to explore forces and have been learning about toys we push and toys we pull.
In phonics we have been learning the sounds g, l, f and o. This week we will be learning about b and u. Thank you for all the work you have been doing at home to practise writing these letters and thinking of words containing each sound.
In maths we have finished our work on addition and are now learning to subtract. We will be using lots of concrete materials to support learning in this.
Homework from now on will look a little different. We are going to be using Seesaw to post a variety of activities each week. Seesaw is a fantastic resource which allows your child to complete activities on a tablet or phone and send them back to us. Your child will come home today with a sheet explaining how to access their personal Seesaw account. Please let us know if you need any help with this. Reading books will continue to be given out weekly and should be brought to school every day to be read in class. Thank you for your continued support Miss Daun and Miss Christy

Primary 3 20.11.20

Hello Everyone,

We were excited this week to meet the ladies from the museum virtually. They were very impressed with our ‘museum’ we have set up in our classroom and we await in anticipation for their museum objects to be brought to us. We learned lots of new things, and even found out about the Ancient Egyptian shoes! They were weaved from palm leaves and did not look very comfortable.

We completed lots of projects concerned with our Ancient Egypt topic too. We painted our clay cartouches, finished and painted our Egyptian masks and created a collage of ourselves made into a pharaoh. We even learned about 4 of the most famous pharaohs and created posters to share what we have learned.

Primary three have been working so hard on their joined handwriting too. Lots of us are managing to do this in a speedier manner and much more confidently and I have been bowled over by the standard produced!

This coming week will be the last week we have PE on a Monday and a Thursday. As of week beginning 30th November, PE will occur on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We will remind you of this next week and this will be written in the children’s homework diaries.

We hope you have a lovely weekend. We look forward to seeing everyone back on Monday.

Mr Williamson and Miss Smith

Primary 6 Update 20 November

This week Primary 6 began our new interdisciplinary topic ‘Who do you think you are?’ The main focus of this topic will be Europe but we will also be finding out about different countries around the world. Last week for homework the children were asked to find out if anyone in their family was born in a country other than Scotland and we can’t wait to find out where all our families are from.

In Numeracy we have been improving our multiplication skills and have been multiplying 2,3 and 4 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers. The class picked this up well. To aid with the instant recall of the times tables, homework on the Education City web site was set.  These games are a lot of fun and we would strongly encourage the children to use the games throughout the year.

This week both classes had their last tennis lessons with Mrs Ferguson for this block of time. Even though it was very windy on Wednesday the children were able to control the ball and hit targets of varying distances. On Thursday the children worked hard when completing circuit training. What fit classes they are!

A quick reminder that homework continues to be issued on TEAMS.

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Jamieson, Mrs Smith and Ms Matheson

Primary 4 20 11 20

Primary 4 have been hard at work this week and in our animals topic we have some superbly skilled researchers! The presentations they are creating about their chosen animal have started to take shape with great exploration of different presentation themes and some very impressive animations and transitions. We know that when they are presented to the class each and every one of them will wow and inform!

We have continued to develop our knowledge of the division by looking at dividing by 8, linking our times tables and arrays to make sure the pupils hit the ground running and they have been very impressive with how well they have taken to this. In maths we have finished off our shape animal zoos and they results are impressive and the knowledge of maths, patterns, shape, colour and design is fantastic!

In our persuasive writing topic we looked at persuading someone at home to watch a film of their choice! We had some very strong arguments for various films and TV shows across the board and the passion the pupils had to put forward their choices was obvious. They certainly are a very persuasive and convincing group!


PE – Mondays and Fridays

Homework – Posted on Teams on Mondays with paper copies available in school on request.

Thank you for all your hard work and support, have a fantastic weekend!

Miss Clark and Mr Woodward

Primary 5 – 20.11.2020


A huge thank you to all in Primary 5 who helped to organise Children in Need this year. We managed to raise a massive £565.55! The winning duck of the Duck Race was Quackman and Bobbin, and the winner of each class received a bag of sweeties which were gratefully received.

In Maths the children took on the challenge of using protractors to measure angles. It was quite tricky getting used to the new piece of equipment but they all tried really hard.  In Coordinates, the learners were plotting points and naming the coordinates – using the correct brackets and commas format.

In Reading, the children are well into their routines of using their reciprocal reading cards and all are becoming confident in each of their reading roles; predictor, summarising, clarifying, questioner and Big Boss.

In a connected theme in writing this week, children were persuading ‘Aliendino’, a new arrival to planet Earth, ‘why reading is important’. We had some great discussions on how much reading can impact on our lives and were able to form some strong arguments.  The children were also looking ahead to why reading was important for when they go to high school and beyond!

In Science, the children’s Endangered Animals fact-files are coming along well. We are still continuing to find many interesting facts about our chosen animal and how we can help protect them from extinction.

This week in our Great Britain and Northern Ireland topic, the class have been continuing to work in their groups on their display posters. Many of the groups are finding creative ways to display their information and have produced some really great pieces of work. The children are very excited about their Landmark Challenge and we are hearing lots of stories about the creations in progress.

In RME, we have been learning about the patron saints of Great Britain and Northern Ireland over he past month. We have studied the lives of St David, St George and St Patrick and next week we will be studying our own St Andrew, just in time for St Andrews Day!

Both classes are continuing to learn how to greet in each other in Spanish. They are able to say ‘hola, and mi nombre es.. and adios’ – a quick translation ‘hello, my name is and goodbye! This week the children learned how to ask someone their name – ¿Como te llamas? and to informally introduce themselves ‘Me llamo’



  • In Numeracy, the children need to use their number bonds and their times tables on a regular basis and it would be very helpful if they could get some extra practice in. Please practice 2-10 times tables and number bonds to 100.
  • Homework on TEAMS this week is a spelling and numeracy activity. The children will also continue working on their Landmark Challenge at home, which is due in on Friday 27th
  • Some children were able to complete the activities online and some used their homework jotter. This jotter can be returned to school each week or they can take a picture of their work and upload that to the photo channel in their Team. Please just complete the activities at a time most convenient for you and your family.


  • PE- Tuesday and Thursday

Please ensure the children have the correct kit for going outdoors- trainers, trackies/joggers, t-shirt and fleece/hoodie. They can come to school wearing their PE kit but a school jumper must be worn during the day. They can then change into their outdoor jumper when we go outside.


  • The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment in class and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Ms Munro, Mrs Muir and Miss Herd


Primary 2 Read, Write Count Videos

Your child should have received their ‘Read, Write, Count’ gift pack today. Normally, we would have invited you into school to see the resources gifted by the Scottish Book Trust and you could have heard your child’s teacher reading one of the books. Due to Covid, instead, we have videoed the reading for you to enjoy at home:

Primary 2: Mrs Harris reads ‘Rocket Mole’

Primary 2: Ms Rafferty reads ‘How Many Trees?’

Primary 2: Mrs Oliver reads ‘The Three Billy Goats Fluff’


Enjoy your Read, Write, Count bag – it is really important to child-development that you read at home with your child.

Primary 3 Read, Write, Count Videos

Your child should have received their ‘Read, Write, Count’ gift pack today. Normally, we would have invited you into school to see the resources gifted by the Scottish Book Trust and you could have heard your child’s teacher reading one of the books. Due to Covid, instead, we have videoed the reading for you to enjoy at home:

Primary 3: Mr Williamson reads ‘Look Up!’

Primary 3 Ms Smith reads ‘The Sea Mice and the Stars’


Enjoy your Read, Write, Count bag – it is really important to child-development that you read at home with your child.

Primary 1 Book Bug Videos

Your child should have received their BookBug gift pack today. Normally, we would have invited you into school to see the resources gifted by the Scottish Book Trust and you could have heard your child’s teacher reading one of the books. Due to Covid, instead, we have videoed the reading for you to enjoy at home, the idea being you will carry on the good work with your child:

Ms Christy Reads ‘This is a Dog’

Ms Daun reads ‘Brenda is a Sheep’:

Mtrs Steel reads ‘Ziggy’s Sports Day’

Enjoy your BookBug bag – it is really important to child-development that you read at home with your child.

Primary 2 16.11.20

What a super week we had last week Primary 2!

We made poppies and wrote a persuasive piece of writing to encourage people to wear poppies to remember our soldiers and veterans. The children showed a good understanding of the importance of the day and took part in a 2 minute silence.

The children also raised money for Children in Need on Friday by participating in our dress down day, and we wore rainbow colours. Everyone looked fabulous and thank you so much for taking part!

In science we have been exploring electrical circuits. The children learned about the importance of a circuit and how it can not be broken if we want a light to remain on. In pairs they drew and created a circuit using a battery, wires and light bulb. Everyone was successful in getting the light to come on. This week we are doing something similar but we will be adding in a switch. All very exciting!

In our topic we are learning about the olden days. We have learned that transport has changed, our classrooms have become much more appealing and this week we are going to be learning how household items have changed over the years, and how they have made our lives easier. We will also be listening to 50s and 60s music and participating in some dance! We will give the Jive and the Twist a go.

In reading are still learning how to answer questions, read aloud with fluency and decode tricky words. The children came home with a list of tricky words linked to their reading book- once they are confident with these words they can colour them in. We are also looking at the alphabet and putting words into alphabetical order.

In maths we are continuing to add but this week we are adding 10, 11 and 9. We will be using the 100 square to help us and see if we can recognise patterns.


PE days- Wednesday and Thursday

Indoor shoes and filled water bottles

Reading books brought into school every day


Stay safe everyone,

Miss Rafferty, Mrs Oliver and Mrs Harris

P2/1 update 16th November 2020

Everyone looked fantastic on Children in Need day in their brightly coloured costumes. We wrote a description of Pudsey during our writing lesson and used lots of different adjectives to describe him.  Thank you for supporting Children in Need.

Here’s an overview of what we will be learning next week.


P1: We will be learning two new sounds – f and o. We’ll be learning to recognise them, write them and think of words which begin with them.  In reading we’ll be identifying and drawing the main parts of a story.

P2: In reading we’ll be learning how to summarise a story by identifying and writing about the main events. Our new sound this week is ‘ai’ and we’ll be spelling lots of different words with this sound.



P1: The children are doing really well with addition and we’ll continue to develop our addition skills this week. We will be introducing the skill of ‘counting on’ this week. For example, for 5+3, when ‘counting on’ we would start at 5 and then count 6,7,8 rather than counting from 1 –  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.

P2: P2 are starting to work on number patterns. We’ll be counting up and down in 2s from different numbers and completing patterns with missing numbers. We will also continue to practise our addition strategies during our number talks sessions. These 10 minute sessions encourage the children to talk about the strategies they use to solve numeracy problems.


Last week we found out all about barn owls and started creating our owl fact files. This week we’ll be learning about tawny owls.  Don’t forget to ask us about the amazing facts we have found out about owls!


In PE we will continue to develop our ball skills through throwing, catching and dribbling footballs. PE days are still on a Tuesday and Wednesday and will be outside unless the weather is too poor.


The homework is the same as was issued last week but I’ve attached it here again so it’s easy to find!

P2 9th November home learning                       P1 9th November home learning

Please return reading books to school every day. They will be taken in on a Friday and new books issued on a Monday.

Thanks for your ongoing support!

Mrs Muir and Mrs Steel.

Primary 7 – 13.11.20

Hello, it has been another busy week in Primary 7!

On Wednesday, Primary 7 had a virtual session with an expert at the National Museum of Flight! He shared a lot of information about the type of clothing people wore who worked there during the Second World War (we were particularly impressed with where they hid a compass!). We are now very excited for our WW2 topic next year.

With Remembrance Day taking place this week, we also learned a bit about the First World War.  We looked at the Battle of the Somme and watched the 2014 Sainsbury’s Christmas advert where we saw the extraordinary events of Christmas Day, 1914, when the guns fell silent and two armies met in no-man’s land, sharing gifts – and even playing football together. Primary 7 were shocked and moved to find out it was inspired by real events.

In writing, we learned about the different techniques we can use to help us persuade our reader. Primary 7 then tried to use their powers of persuasion to convince everyone what the best type of pet to have is and what the best holiday is!

We loved seeing many of you dressed in colourful outfits and Pudsey merchandise today for Children in Need and can’t wait to watch the duck race on Monday to see who wins!

Mrs Wylie and Miss Morris


PE – Outdoor Kit Mondays and Thursdays

Primary 3 13.11.20

What a fun-filled week Primary 3 have had.

In topic this week, we learned all about the inside of a pyramid and the children drew their own cross section to show how their own pyramids would look inside. We have also been learning about the Ancient Egyptian letter and number system, hieroglyphics. The children created their own name cartouche using clay by using a key to work out what their names would be written as in Hieroglyphics. This morning, we looked at the number system and attempted to convert some numbers. It was very interesting! We have also learned about the importance of the Rosetta Stone. We hope that the lessons planned for next week will be just as exciting!

In Art this week the children have been finishing their papier Mache for their Egyptian masks. We can not wait to see these when they are completed!

We have been focusing on questioning in reading and trying to come up with some questions of our own that make us think about the answer a little bit more.

We are continuing to develop our persuasive writing skills and this week we wrote to the Pharaoh to ask him to allow everyone to read and write. This is because in Ancient Egypt times only around 10% of the population could read and write and we learned that ladies and girls were not allowed to learn how to read and write.

In ICT today, we learned how to use Glow to send an email. The children all successfully managed to send an email to their teachers and some managed to email each other. Well done!

We were also super impressed at all of the colourful outfits today for Children in Need, well done everyone!

Have a lovely weekend everyone, and take care.

Mr Williamson and Miss Smith.

Primary 5 – 13.11.2020


It has been a fantastic week in Primary Five!

In Reading, the children are continuing to refine their skills in summarising, predicting, questioning and clarifying. They are having great discussions within their groups around their selected text. When you are reading at home together, it would be great if the children could teach you each of their reading roles for extra practice. We know they all love to be ‘Big Boss’!

This week in writing they were persuading others to take part in Children in Need. They were able to list lots of valid reasons why it is important to support this charity and they are very much looking forward to the Duck Race on Friday 13th.

In Maths the children have continued to work on plotting and reading coordinates. They were able to write coordinates accurately and plot them on the grid. In Angles, we had great fun finding different types of angles in our written names. It was exciting to see all the different angles within each letter.

In Science, the children continued their research for the Endangered Animal project. The children have been learning to use the internet to research safely and effectively. We have found out some fascinating facts about our animal.  

We introduced our new challenge for our Great Britain topic;

  • The first one is an in-school group project on one of the countries in Great Britain. The learners will be using laptops and non-fiction books in school to create an informative poster for display.
  • The Landmark Challenge will be where the learners will be making a 3D model of a British landmark at home over the next few weeks. More information to follow on Monday.

The children have been getting excited about Children in Need, and have been bringing in lots of donations for the Duck Race and Dress Down Day! We were amazed by all the wonderful colourful clothes!


  • Homework on TEAMS this week is- a spelling activity, a numeracy quiz and the Landmark Challenge. Some children were able to complete the activities online and some used their homework jotter. This jotter can be returned to school each week or they can take a picture of their work and upload that to the photo channel in their Team. Please just complete the activities at a time most convenient for you and your family.


  • PE- Tuesday and Thursday

Please ensure the children have the correct kit for going outdoors- trainers, trackies/joggers, t-shirt and fleece/hoodie. They can come to school wearing their PE kit but a school jumper must be worn during the day. They can then change into their outdoor jumper when we go outside.


  • The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment in class and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Munro, Mrs Muir and Miss Herd


Primary 4 13 11 20

Today is Children in Need day and we are so excited to see the wonderful and colourful things the pupils will come in with today to celebrate and the enthusiasm pupils have had this week with getting the bands, the Duck Race (come on Ducktor Who!) shows what a caring and selfless year group we have. They are full of enthusiasm for helping those in need and we are so proud of them!

We have also been working hard on our persuasive writing and this week was a challenge that was very close to the hearts of all the pupils. They were writing to persuade Miss Clark and Mr Woodward to give them extra playtime! There were some fabulous arguments, both pros for them and pros for us and the quality of writing was superb! They understood the idea of persuasion well and tried every angle to get their extra playtime.

In our topic this week we have been building a zoo! We have mixed maths and topic and have been using a range of quadrilaterals to create shape animals for our zoo. The pupils used their shapes so creatively and there is such an amazing variety of animals! We have also been researching more of our animals and pupils have begun to create their PowerPoints and researching and the skill involved and the confidence the pupils have had in navigating Kiddle for their research and Glow for their PowerPoints is super. They are certainly finding some amazing facts and presenting in some creative ways!


PE Mondays and Fridays

Homework will be posted on Teams and paper copies are available from class teachers.

Thank you for your continued hard work and support. We hope you have an amazing weekend!

Miss Clark and Mr Woodward

Primary 3

Hello everyone.

What a brilliant time we had in Primary 3 last week. Our Egyptian topic is progressing well and this week we began by learning about the importance of the River Nile. We created our own miniature River Nile and flooded it to see whether any grass will grow along its banks. We also learned about the process of making paper from papyrus. We had a go at creating our own paper. See pictures at the bottom of this post. The children then wrote some Egyptian symbols on their paper. It was a fascinating week!

During writing this week, our chairs went on strike! They sent us a letter explaining why they were fed up. We were tasked with writing a persuasive letter to the chairs to ask them if they could come back. All of the chairs agreed that the children had tried very hard during this writing and they came back to our tables just in time for lunch! (We don’t think we will have any people swinging on their chairs from now on!)

In art, the children have continued to work had on their Egyptian mask designs, we can not wait to see the finished products!

A few reminders for your diaries (the children will also have these written in their own diaries too.)-

  • It is Children in Need day this coming Friday and children have been invited to dress down for this
  • As of the week beginning 30th November, our PE days will be on a Tuesday and Thursday. The Tuesday slot will be with the class teacher and the Thursday slot will be with our PE specialist, Mrs. Ferguson

Some children form Primary 3a forgot to hand their homework folders in on Friday. This will mean that, due to the current quarantine measures, Mr Williamson will not be able to look at the homework until the next homework due date which will be Friday 20th November. Can we also remind everyone that old reading books need to be handed back into school with the homework.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch and as always thank you for your continued support.

Mr Williamson and Miss Smith  

Primary 1 News 09.11.20

Good morning Primary 1!

What another fantastic week we’ve had in P1!

This week in literacy we consolidated the sounds r,m,d,e,c and k. The children were asked to sort pictures into the correct category, make these letters using playdough, find the letters on the magnetic board and come up with new words beginning with these sounds. We explored prediction strategies during our reading time and were asked to discuss our favourite part of the story. We explored Guy Fawkes/ fireworks and created a persuasive writing piece to encourage safety with fireworks.

We have now started addition in maths (within 10) and used different concrete materials (such as blocks, 10 frames, fingers and counters) to solve addition problems. We introduced the + and = sign to the children and encouraged them to understand written maths problems.

In P.E. we continue to explore ball skills – throwing and catching, football and dribbling. We are working on developing our fitness and team working skills. In French we have been learning about basic greetings and now we are looking at French colours. Have a look at the French rainbow song if you get a chance! : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARBKK0-sJGU

We also looked into inheritance this week, discussing the similarities we share with our family. We also drew a detailed picture of our family and discussed all of the members in our family. We were given the opportunity to explore fireworks through expressive arts and created our own fireworks using chalk, paint, cotton buds and forks. We really enjoyed this activity!

Please find the homework for the following two weeks attached below:

Homework 09.11.20

Friendly Reminders

Please remember to bring in your reading book every day into school. P.E. days are on Tuesday and Wednesday and remember to labeling all items of clothing. Thank you for your continued support with this.

Miss Christy and Miss Daun

P2/1 update Monday 9th November 2020

Hi everyone,

We’re really looking forward to another fun week in P2/1!  Here is an update of what we have planned and also copies of the home learning grids.

Home Learning

The home learning grids for the next two weeks are attached below.

P1 9th November home learning P2 9th November home learning

Primary 1:

Language – our sounds this week are ‘g’ and ‘l’. We’ll be practising writing them and identifying words which begin with the sounds. In reading we will be continuing to learn strategies for reading words we don’t know and also making predictions about texts.

Numeracy – Last week we got on really well with counting two collections and adding them together. This week we will be using number lines to help us with addition.

Primary 2:

Language – our sound this week is ‘ck’ and we’ll be working with our magnetic boards to spell words using this sound.  In our writing we will also try to use some words which use our new sound.

Numeracy – We are continuing to work on our addition strategies and will be adding larger numbers. We will be playing lots of games and activities to help us with our addition.

‘The owl who was afraid of the dark’

We are looking forward to finding out about different types of owls and creating fact files about them this week. Our science will also link with our topic as we will be finding out why we have day and night.

Children in Need

On Friday 13th November we will be having a colourful dress down day and children can pay a donation of £1 to dress in colourful clothing. Children in Need are also holding a duck race. Children can pay 50p to choose one of the ducks which will be taking part in the race on Friday 13th.  This link has more details:  https://www.bbcchildreninneed.co.uk/fundraising/the-annual-duck-race-sweepstake-2020/


  • Outside PE will be on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Please wear PE kit to school on these days.
  • Please bring a full water bottle to school every day.
  • Please bring your reading book to school every day.
  • Children in Need Dress Down Day on Friday.

Thanks for your ongoing support. If you have any questions or anything we can help with please get in touch with the office and we’ll get back to you.


Mrs Muir and Mrs Steel.

Primary 7

We have had another busy week in Primary 7!

A big focus of ours this week has been learning about Remembrance Day. Our classrooms have temporarily been turned into poppy factories to help create a wonderful display going up in the school corridor. Primary 7 felt it was important to include the purple poppy in this display as they are a symbol of remembrance for all the animals that played important roles during wartime.

For Writing we have been working on making new scripts for CPN. In pairs, the children decided on an important topic to focus on (these ranged from climate change, hate crime, caring for pets and how to wear a mask properly!). They then researched their chosen topic before writing their script. We are really impressed with the effort that has gone into this and Primary 7 will decide on which ones to include in our newest episode of CPN next week.

In Maths we started learning about symmetry and had a go at creating symmetrical shapes which took a lot of care and concentration! We have also been looking at decimals in Numeracy.

We are still really enjoying Wonder and are now reading from the perspective of Jack. Primary 7 have been trying to predict if Jack and August will be friends again or not!


PE – Outdoor Kit Mondays and Thursdays.

Friday 13th November – dress down day for Children in Need. There is also a Duck Race where children can choose a duck for 50p and Pudsey wristbands for sale for a reasonable donation.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Wylie and Miss Morris

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