Primary 4 23.10.20

Hello everyone

It was lovely to welcome back the Primary 4 children back to school this week. We have got off to a flying start so far!

At the end of last term we finished our topic “Resilience through film”. The children wrote fantastic film reviews on either “Zootropolis”, “Moana” or “Inside Out” and showed great understandings of the plot, characters and setting of each film. The children were also able to discuss how the main characters in each of the films showed resilience. This week the children chose their new topic completely by themselves. We voted on our favourites and our new topic is… Animals! The children are very excited to begin this topic. We will be learning through Science, Technology and Art. We are looking forward to seeing how this topic unfolds.

Mr Woodward and I are looking forward to hearing the children’s class talks next week that they have been working on at home. We will begin to hear the children’s talks on Monday but will be listening to them throughout the week when each child is ready. There is more information on your child’s Teams page about this.

In Numeracy this week we have introduced the 6 times table to the children. They have made an excellent start on learning the stations of the 6 times table with a partner and also through listening to a very catchy song! We are sure the children will be 6 times table experts in no time!

Homework will resume on Teams on Monday. If you need paper copies of any of the activities then please let your child’s teacher know.

PE days will remain a Monday and a Friday each week for the next few weeks.

Thank you for all your support. Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Mr Woodward

Online Parent/Teacher Interviews

We are happy to report that the online Parent/Teacher interviews went ahead last week with very few problems. A big thank you to those parents/carers who elected to have the interview in this way and were, to a certain extent, our guinea-pigs for a system we have never tried before. Suffice to say, the few problems we did encounter are surmountable and if we are required to repeat the process in the future, we will be much more confident that it will both work and meet our needs. If you had an online interview scheduled, but some technical issue prevented you from joining, please let us know through an email to the school office and we will try to remedy it for next time. However, I think we can mark this one down as a success.

Primary 5 9.10.20


In Reading the children have been completing book reviews about the novel There’s a Boy in the Girl’s Bathroom. It has been interesting reading the children’s views about the novel and what happened to Bradley.

In Writing this week, the class were working on creative stories. It was lovely to hear all the wonderful ideas from the children; we have lots of learners with big imaginations! The children have also been learning more about adjectives and similes. We were very impressed with the words they were coming up with. Fabulous vocabulary from many.

Mrs Cuthbertson spoke to the children about Brass lessons. The whole class appear to want to learn to play! You will have now received information about how to sign up for Brass and/or Chanter lessons so hopefully we have some budding musicians in the class.

In Maths the children have been continuing to work on reading time in five minute intervals and introduced time duration.  This was challenging for many so any help you can give with this at home would be appreciated. Practice makes perfect!

Homework on TEAMS this week is- a spelling activity, a time/shape quiz and researching about bag pipes. Some children were able to complete the activities online and some used their homework jotter. This jotter can be returned to school each week or they can take a picture of their work and upload that to the photo channel in their Team. Please just complete the activities at a time most convenient for you and your family.

Parent Consultations were very different this year. We enjoyed meeting and speaking to you this week through skype and luckily there were not too many technical issues. It was also lovely to speak to many of you on the phone. Thank you for your continued support at this strange and challenging time.


  • The children are on holiday from Monday 12th October to Tuesday 20th We look forward to welcoming the children back on Wednesday 21st October.

Have a lovely holiday.

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Munro, Mrs Muir and Miss Herd


P4 9 10 20

This week the pupils have really been pushing themselves hard and they have been finishing this part of the term with a great finish! They have been working on their topic and finishing off the ‘Brain Boards’ inspired by Inside Out. They have created some great representations of their feelings and thinking and they have really pushed their creativity. We have watched Inside Out as part of our topic and have had some great discussions about the themes of the film in terms of emotions and resilience. We also used the films in our writing this week when writing film reviews and they have received glowing reviews from the pupils!

In maths we have been continuing to develop our division skills and they have looked at using times tables and arrays and adapting strategies to different numbers. It has been great to see the growing confidence across the classes with numeracy and we are proud of how hard the pupils have been challenging themselves. They have also been challenging themselves well in reading as we have looked at skimming and scanning and inference skills. The pupils have been whizzing through texts to find the information and have had some lively discussions about what answers might be when inferring, realising that there isn’t always one possible answer.

We are so proud and impressed with the pupils and they have done so well this term. Coming back after lockdown and getting back to some sense of normality was no easy task and the enthusiasm and hard work of the pupils has made everything so much easier. We’d also like to thank all our amazing parents who have been so instrumental in helping the pupils to really hit the ground running and who have worked so hard this term to ensure the success of the pupils in returning to school.

Have a fantastic Easter Holiday and we look forward to seeing you after your well-deserved break!

Thank you,

Miss Clark and Mr Woodward

Primary 1 News

What a fantastic start to the week! This week in primary 1 we are learning the sounds ‘r’ and ‘m’. The children explore these sounds through our Jolly Phonics program and are encouraged to think of words that begin with these sounds. It would be helpful if you could think of some words at home that begin with these sounds too. This week the children have been looking at picture clues to predict what is going to happen in their story. They are encouraged to read their common words at the beginning of each reading lesson for example ‘Biff, Chip, mum, a, and the’.  Please ensure that all reading books are brought into school each day in the reading polly pocket.

This week in maths the children are learning all about capacity. They were encouraged to estimate which container would hold the most water and used vocabulary such as ‘full’, ‘empty’ and ‘half full’. The children loved guessing and counting out how many cups of water would fit inside each container.

We continue to explore our topic of caring, kindness and sharing. Today we looked at the story ‘Sharing a Shell’ by Julia Donaldson and discussed the important messages in the story. The children were asked to give an example of a time where they shared something and then they created their own shells. They used mixed materials including gems, bobbles, lollipop sticks and pencils to create their artwork. We are so proud of their work!

A gentle reminder that PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Please ensure that your child comes into school on these days with a PE kit and a school jumper.

Please find the Primary 1 Homework attached:


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Christy and Miss Daun

P2/1 update wc 5.10.20

It’s the start of another exciting week in primary 2 / 1 and of course our last week before the holidays.  The children have worked so hard over the past few weeks we’re sure they will be ready for the break!  We start back at school on Wednesday 21st October.


Here are the homework grids for this week. New books will be given out on Monday. Please could you return the reading book in its plastic folder to school every day. We will collect in the books every Friday.  It’s really important that we have all the books in by Friday so that we can put them in quarantine before other reading groups use them.

P1 5th Oct

P2 5th Oct


Last week we had a lot of fun doing measurement in maths – the primary 1s were measuring in the playground using their feet while the primary 2s were using metre sticks to measure themselves and also things in the classroom. This week in maths we will be covering capacity. The primary 1s will be sorting objects according to how much liquid they think they can hold and then will be checking to see if they are right. The primary 2s will be estimating and measuring using litres.


Primary 1

Our new sounds this week are ‘r’ and ‘m’.  It would be really helpful if you could help your child think of words beginning with these letters. We have started to practise ‘blending’ some of the sounds we know, for example to read words like ‘cat’ or ‘sip’.  We will continue to do this, adding in our new sounds. In reading, we are continuing to get to know the characters in our Biff, Chip and Kipper books and to use the pictures to help us understand the story.

Primary 2

The sound we are learning about this week is ‘wh’.  In reading we are continuing to build our confidence when reading unfamiliar words by using the sounds we know and clues from the text to help us. In writing we have been using a ‘describing bubble’ to help us add more detail when describing things. The bubble reminds us to use areas such as texture, size, shape, number and colour to make our writing even more interesting.


It’s really turning autumnal now and we’re going to get out and about this week to look at the signs of Autumn using our senses of sight, hearing and touch.

PE/ Outdoor activities

Outdoor PE continues to be on a Tuesday (with Mrs Muir) and a Wednesday (with Mrs Ferguson).  Thank you so much for ensuring your child is dressed in PE kit on those days. We’re also trying to get outside for learning at other times as much as we can which the children are really enjoying.

Thanks for all your support.  Have a great week!

Mrs Muir and Mrs Steel.



Parent/Teacher Interviews

Each parent/carer who signed up for a parent/teacher interview via Skype for Business should now have received a Groupcall containing the link to that meeting. As this is the first time we have tried anything like this on such a scale, there is the chance everything will not go according to plan. In that scenario, we would ask for your patience and understanding.

If you wil be using this system for an interview, please bear the following in mind:

Please log in to the meeting via the link you have been sent no earlier than 5 minutes before your appointment start time.

When asked to input your name, please input the name of your child for easy identification by the teacher.

If you are accessing the meeting using a phone or a tablet, please downlowd the ‘Skype’ app from your app store beforehand.

We are on a tight schedule, so please do not be offended if your meeting is terminated 10 minutes after your appointment start time.

Hopefully, we will have enough bandwidth in school for 15 simultaneous meetings and the interviews will proceed without a hitch. In that case, thank you for your cooperation.  If not … we may have to think again.

Primary 2 Homework and Update 5.10.20

Hello Everyone,

Please find attached this week’s homework with starred activities and optional activities.

Homework Sheet – Monday 5th October

Last week in Maths, we continued exploring the properties of 3d shapes and learned about their vertices, faces and edges. The children had lots of hands-on opportunities to build models using cubes, cuboids, spheres, pyramids, cones and cylinders.

In Health and Wellbeing we continued to explore the Shanarri indicators for wellbeing through our lovely characters.

We worked with Included Isabella and the children designed a playpark which would be suitable for all. They came up with super ideas including ramps for wheelchair users, adapted swings and roundabouts.

This week in Maths we will continue to practise counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s and will be exploring shape and colour patterns.

In Writing we have introduced a describing bubble to children which encourages them to add detail by using adjectives to describe size, colour, shape, texture etc.

This week we look forward to speaking to many of you at our online parent’s evening on Wednesday or Thursday.


-P2 PE days are Wednesday and Thursday and where possible this will continue to be outdoors so please can your child wear appropriate clothing and shoes to school.

-We plan to use the forest adjacent to the school for further outdoor learning after the October holidays and you will have received a permission form with dates – please can you return this to school as soon as possible.

-October holidays –

All break – Friday, 9 October 2020

Pupils resume  – Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Thank you for your continuing support,

Mrs Oliver, Mrs Harris and Miss Rafferty

Primary 7

Our first broadcast of CPN ( Carmondean Primary News) went out this week . This is Primary 7s way of communicating to the rest of the school community during these unprecented times. We are in the midst of creating our own reporting studio , have created our own CPN jingle and are hoping to add some animation to our report intro next week .

We are continuing to calculate area of compound shapes and have examined the properties of rhombus. Did you know that an eleven sided polygon can be called a hendecagon?

Once again primary 7 have inspired us with their mature discussions around our class novel Wonder. This week we have discussed in depth the actions of characters, relating them to real life circumstances and how we would have perhaps dealt with certain situations.


PE – Outdoor Kit Mondays and Thursdays

Homework – spelling words will be given on Mondays with spelling test being carried out in school on Fridays.

All pupils now have a homework jotter to use at home. This should NOT be brought to school unless specifically asked for by teachers. Pupils can use their jotters to do their spelling activities or any other piece of homework rather than typing via teams. Photos of any work within jotters can be uploaded.

Numeracy  – If a specific quiz has not been posted on Teams , we expect pupils to practise their timestables using the methods and games shown in class.

Topic Homework – Due Monday 26th th October .

Thank for your continued support.

Mrs Wylie  and Miss Morris

Primary 4 2/10/20

Primary 4 have been working superbly this week and we are so proud of the effort they’ve been putting in! We have continued to work on our John Pule artwork and they are looking fabulous. They have been creating beautiful artwork in the style of Moana and used this art to celebrate their achievements. They have taken on board the art style very well and have added their own creativity and flair and we can’t wait to see how they will look when they are all completed! In our topic we also watched Zootropolis with a view to writing our own film reviews next week. The pupils took in all the themes of resilience and trying your hardest and have learned all about character, setting and plot.

In our writing we were looking at ‘All About Me’ using a variety of description. Pupils were able to describe themselves and their hobbies and they have done a great job of painting a picture with their words! The length and quality of writing is fantastic and the pupils took to the task with enthusiasm.

In maths we have been looking at dividing and problem solving. Pupils have found some of the tasks a bit tricky and we have seen great resilience and co-operation as the pupils have been determined and have completed the challenges very well. We have also been looking at weight using grams and kilograms and converting between the two.


Outdoor PE: Mondays and Fridays.

Homework: Spelling and Maths due Friday 2/10/20. Homework to be handed out on Monday through Teams or through paper copies. If your child requires a paper version of the homework please let us know.

Thank you for your continued hard work and support,

Miss Clark and Mr Woodward

Primary 5 2.10.20

Hello to everyone,

In Reading we have finished reading our novel ‘There’s a Boy in the Girl’s Bathroom’. The children have become very much invested in the life of Bradley and there were a few tears at the end with how much Bradley had changed. The children wrote fabulous letters to their best friends and we are hoping they will be able to deliver these to them.

In PE Tennis lessons with Mrs Ferguson the children are becoming very proficient with the tennis racquet. The balls are now heading the right direction! We do have a few budding Andy Murray’s and Johanna Konta’s!

In Art the children have created pictures of Bradley using the Pop Art technique. This involved using different thickness of lines, dots and primary colours. The finished pictures look fantastic.

Homework started this week on TEAMS. The children had a spelling activity, a symmetry quiz and were learning about Article 3 of their Rights. Some children were able to complete the activities online. Some children would prefer to complete them on paper. With this in mind we will be sending home a jotter for the children to complete their homework in if they wish. This jotter can be returned to school each week or they can take a picture of their work and upload that to the photo channel in their Team.

Miss Herd will be teaching Mrs Gilmour’s class on a Monday and Tuesday from now on. She visited us this week and got to meet the children.

We are looking forward to seeing and speaking with you next week through Skype during Parent Consultations. This is our first time using Skype so please be patient if we run in to difficulties. Fingers crossed for a smooth running of the evening.


  • Outdoor PE- Tuesday and Thursday

Please ensure the children have the correct kit for going outdoors- trainers, trackies/joggers, t-shirt and fleece/hoodie. They can come to school wearing their PE kit but a school jumper must be worn during the day. They can then change into their outdoor jumper when we go outside.

  • The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment in class and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home.


  • Parent Consultations Wednesday and Thursday

Thank you for your continued support.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Munro and Mrs Muir


Primary 6 2.10.20

Primary 6 have been working very hard this week on their descriptive writing skills with a particular focus on similes. If you could use three similes to describe yourself what would they be? Ask other members of the family too! Our Numeracy focus has been on rounding numbers to the nearest 10,100 and 1000 and in Maths we have been successfully drawing our own angles using a protractor. We have been learning the alphabet in French whilst consolidating our knowledge of French greetings and we have begun to take a look at our very own Scottish inventors as part of our new Topic focus.

Our boys and girls have been doing a fantastic job developing their fitness and stamina through our couch to 5k app. We will have one more week doing this before we move on to our Hiit training programme in the style of Joe Wicks. All of this will continue to take place outside where the Scottish weather will allow us so we ask you to make sure your child is appropriately dressed for this especially as temperatures have dropped significantly of late.

Homework started this week and we have been ironing out any problems with navigating your way around TEAMS as well as accessing it on various devices at home. Next week will continue in the same format with a Maths, reading and spelling focus. If there are any problems accessing these assignments do let us know as soon as possible.

Next week we will be having our first ‘virtual’ parent conferences. We are looking forward to speaking with you on line. You will receive information from our school office regarding the booking of appointments and how to attend each meeting through Skype for business. These will take place on Wednesday 7th October and Thursday 8th October.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Smith, Mrs Jamieson & Ms Matheson

P2/1 update 28.9.20 including homework

We are starting homework this week and on a Monday we will post new activities on the blog. Today you will find links to the homework sheets – one for P1 and one for P2.  Your child will also bring home a reading book on a Monday and should practise at home as often as possible. Please bring the book into school every day. On a Friday we will collect in the books and issue new ones on a Monday. 

P1 28th Sept

P2 28th Sept

number formation

Primary 1 learning

We have been consolidating our knowledge of the letters a,s,i,t,p and n and have been playing lots of games and activities to help us with this. In reading we are continuing to work with wordless books, discussing the pictures to understand the stories. 

In numeracy we have been working with the numbers 1-10 to build our confidence in writing, recognising and making sets of these numbers. This week in maths we are going to be measuring objects using things like cubes or even our feet! We will also be weighing and will be comparing different objects to see which are heavier or lighter.

Primary 2 learning

We’ve been continuing to work on sh,ch,th sounds and will be introducing ‘ng’ this week. It would be great if you could help your child by encouraging them to recognise these sounds in different words. 

In reading we have been using the sounds we know to help us read tricky words. We’ve been thinking about the characters in our stories and how they might be feeling.

 In number we are continuing to work with numbers up to 20 and beyond.  This week we will be measuring using metre sticks and weighing using kilograms which will be lots of fun!

PE and music

PE days are on Tuesday and Wednesday and we are working on ball skills. Children should come to school dressed in their PE kit on those days.  We also have music with Mr Shanks on a Monday which the children are all enjoying.

Thanks for all your support,

Mrs Muir and Mrs Steel.

Primary 1 w.b.28.9.20

Primary 1 have had another busy couple of weeks. We have taken a break from learning new sounds and instead are consolidating our learning of the letters learnt so far (a,t,s,i,p and n). The children have been practising finding the letters on a magnetic letter board, writing them neatly and thinking of words with each sound at the start.
In maths we have been learning the numbers 1-10, how to count out amounts and write them correctly. This week we are moving on to a short series of lessons on measure. We will be measuring how long different objects are using everyday objects, for example how many shoes long is the desk. You can practise doing this at home. We will also be using balance scales to explore the concept of weight, looking at the language of heavier and lighter. This week we are handing out homework for the first time. Attached to this blog is a grid with a few activities you can do at home to extend your child’s learning.   Homework 28.9.20 number formation (homework) There are 4 starred activities which must be completed, the other 2 ideas are optional. If you would like to share the learning your child has done at home, we recommend that you post a photo and short comment on their learning journal. We are also handing out reading books this week. They are to be brought in to school every day since we will be reading with the children throughout the week. At the moment our reading focus is on book skills (identifying the front page, title and author and talking about what is happening in each picture). The reading books will be collected in on a Friday and new books issued on a Monday after a 72 hour quarantine.
A reminder that PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Your child can come to school these days in PE kit with a school jumper.
Thanks for all your support. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Miss Daun and Miss Christy

Primary 6 Week beginning 28 September

Primary 6 are continuing to work hard.

We have just  finished our mini-topic about Ancient Greece. We listened to, and read, a variety of Greek myths, including Medusa and Icarus. The paintings of Medusa are brilliant, with green snakes writhing on her head! We researched the origin of the Olympics and learned that some of the events are still included in the Olympics today. We even learned to write numbers using the Ancient Greek number system. It has been a very enjoyable short topic.

Our next topic is going to be about Scottish inventors. As a class we spoke about what we want to learn. Some of the ideas include researching who the main inventors are and what they made and even becoming inventors ourselves! It should be an interesting topic too.

In Numeracy  we are learning how to round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 and in Mathematics we are continuing our work on measuring angles.

This week homework has been issued. This year it will be issued through TEAMS. If your child needs a paper copy of the homework please let us know. There is a maths, spelling and reading activity to complete. The work will be uploaded to TEAMS on Monday and should be completed by Friday.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Mrs Jameson, Mrs Smith and Ms Matheson

Primary 5 25.9.20


A short but busy week in Primary 5!

In writing the children continue to work on descriptive pieces. This week we were looking at ‘My Favourite Place’, and we had lots of lovely discussions about the different places where we feel most calm, happy or excited.  The children then wrote some wonderful pieces about their ‘Favourite Place’ using lots of interesting describing words.

In Reading the children are continuing to find out more about the characters in our novel ‘There’s a Boy in the Girl’s Bathroom’. This week has been all about birthday parties- who we would invite, creating invitations and deciding what present we would buy. The children were then able to use the internet to try and find the cost of the present they chose. Some were very surprised at how expensive things were!

With Mrs Ferguson in PE Tennis lessons are progressing well. Many are good at hitting the ball with the racquet and making it go in the right direction!

In Numeracy the children have been working with numbers up to 100 000. This has included rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1000; estimating where numbers are on a line; writing numbers in words and using digits.

Homework will start next week and will be on TEAMS. Assignments will include activities connected to Literacy and Numeracy as well as other areas of the curriculum. All children have been issued with their Glow logins and passwords again so all should be able to access this homework. If there are any issues please contact us at school.


Outdoor PE- Tuesday

Outdoor PE-Thursday

Please ensure the children have the correct kit for going outdoors- trainers, trackies/joggers, t-shirt and fleece/hoodie. They can come to school wearing their PE kit but a school jumper must be worn during the day. They can then change into their outdoor jumper when we go outside.

The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment in class and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home.

Thank you for your continued support.


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Munro and Mrs Muir

Primary 7

We know have an eye catching display in Primary Seven depicting a beautiful Japanese scene. Everyone has been involved with the creation of the display which includes; figures in traditional dress, Japanese temples, carp swimming down a Japanese river all in the shadow of a pretty cherry blossom tree. We are delighted with the overall effect, well done Primary Seven. Linked to our topic, we have started to research natural disasters and we have decided we are rather lucky that Scotland is not near the ‘Ring of Fire’!

We are continuing to study shape and have been concentrating on calculating areas. Within numeracy are continuing with a variety of problem solving using a combination of subtraction, addition, multiplication and division.

Our novel Wonder is still managing to enthral us and we are now on the section of the novel which is told through the voice of the August’s sister Via .


PE – Outdoor Kit Mondays and Thursdays

Homework will commence next week. All activities will be on Teams and will include spelling, numeracy and a topic piece. The topic piece is will be due  on Monday 26th October .


Thank for your continued support.


Mrs Wylie and Miss Morris

Primary 3 25.9.20

Good afternoon everyone and happy Friday!

For a short week, it has been a busy one. Primary 3 have been working so hard on our mini Health topic. We discussed all of our buddies jobs in our community and even mapped out our community and all of the ways it helps people. We then created models of our dream communities from craft materials and even learned how to fold paper to make it 3D. Our dream communities involved lots of ways of keeping active with arenas, kick boxing studios, horse riding, roller blading ramps, play parks and pools. We talked about and made our dream housing to ensure we are safe, healthy and nurtured.

We created imaginative collaborative stories about our buddies and their work in the community. We took turns to write one sentence each and the stories twisted and changed depending on what that person’s idea was at the time of writing. They turned out very well and are up on display!

We used our ICT skills to type them up and then used ‘Audacity’ to record our stories by reading our parts of the story aloud.

Next week, on Monday, homework folders will be sent home. Homework will take the same format as last year, minus the share-it jotters. The homework activities will be put on a sheet and into the children’s folder. There will be no share-it jotter, however should you wish to hand tasks in, they can be written on the back of the sheet. Primary 3 will be given a little more responsibility every Monday, in writing up our little homework diary to remind us of our tasks.

We would appreciate it if the folders can be in the children’s bags each day at school in order for them to access their reading books. We use these in our lessons and Primary 3 reading work will be based on their reading books that week. Usually the reading books are completed over 2 weeks with some exceptions. If your child is the exception, further instruction will be given in their yellow homework diaries.

Thank you again for your continued support,

Miss Smith and Mr Williamson

P4 25 9 20

Even though it has been a short week this week we have managed to pack a lot in and the pupils have come back raring to go and putting in so much effort. We have continued to look at developing resilience strategies and this week used ‘Inside Out’ as our inspiration to create our very own ‘Brain Boards’. The creativity and enthusiasm on display was great to see and they have created some spectacular pieces of work! We have also continued to look at the work of artist John Pule in connection with our topic and have created artwork based on his art style to celebrate our achievements. We have a very achieving group and they are fabulous at celebrating not only their successes but the successes of each other!

We will begin handing out homework starting from next week and the majority of this will be through Teams assignments with hand in dates and more detailed instructions posted there. Your child’s log in for Glow has been stuck into the front cover of their Homework Diary. If you are unsure as to how to access Teams please watch this short instruction video which will show you how to get onto Teams as well as navigate to find the assignments:

We have continued in PE to learn about skipping and develop our co-ordination skills. Pupils have been very full of energy for this topic and have been showing off all kinds of skipping techniques. It has also been lovely to see pupils helping and encouraging each other and teaching each other skipping skills!

Please remember we have PE outdoors Mondays and Fridays. As the weather is getting colder and potentially wetter please ensure your child comes dressed appropriately for the weather that day.

Thank you for your continued hard work and support,

Miss Clark and Mr Woodward

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