Sustrans Outside In – Fun activities for students learning at home

Sustrans Outside In provides fun ideas and inspiration for parents to bring education, health and wellbeing activities into their home.

Parents can access resources by registering for our free parent newsletter. Over four weeks, they’ll receive weekly videos, themed activities, games and challenges designed by our experienced school officers.

Standards and Quality Report 2019-2020

Each year, we are required to compile and publish our Standards and Quality Report, summarising the progress we have made with our School Improvement Plan the preceding year and quantifying our performance against the Quality Indicators of the self-evaluation Document HGIOS 4 (How Good is Our School 4).  To acces the Standards and Quality Report, please click on the link below.

2019-2020 S&Q

If you would like to comment on the report, please leave a comment on this post.

Parent/Teacher Interviews

Each parent/carer who signed up for a parent/teacher interview via Skype for Business should now have received a Groupcall containing the link to that meeting. As this is the first time we have tried anything like this on such a scale, there is the chance everything will not go according to plan. In that scenario, we would ask for your patience and understanding.

If you wil be using this system for an interview, please bear the following in mind:

Please log in to the meeting via the link you have been sent no earlier than 5 minutes before your appointment start time.

When asked to input your name, please input the name of your child for easy identification by the teacher.

If you are accessing the meeting using a phone or a tablet, please downlowd the ‘Skype’ app from your app store beforehand.

We are on a tight schedule, so please do not be offended if your meeting is terminated 10 minutes after your appointment start time.

Hopefully, we will have enough bandwidth in school for 15 simultaneous meetings and the interviews will proceed without a hitch. In that case, thank you for your cooperation.  If not … we may have to think again.

Numeracy and Mathematics Learning Together Sessions

The National Parent Forum of Scotland has been running ‘Learning Together’ sessions on Numeracy and Mathematics concepts to help with parents and children learning at home.  If you have missed these sessions and are interested in seeing what they are about, each session has been posted to the Forum’s YouTube channel, which is here:

Why not check it out?

Back to Work Monday

It’s Back to Work Monday afer the Easter Break and back to online and home learning for the next three weeks at least. Hopefully, everyone will now be familiar with where to find the activities set by teachers appropriate to their age and stage (the BLOG for P1-3 and Teams for P4-7) and are raring to get going once more.

If you are looking for further learning activities and challenges to augment what is being provided by your teacher/s, BBC Bitesize Daily lessons start on Monday, 20 April. The timetable for the first week for Primary Schools is here: BBC Bitesize Daily Timetable.

Please remember if you need GLOW passwords reset (P4-7), send an email to the school office ( with the words Glow Password in the subject line. These requests will be dealt with once each day.

We hope everyone is keeping well and safe at home during the current crisis and doing their bit to keep everyone else safe by following Government guidance on social distancing.

See you online!

PE weekly update

PE Kit

It’s been a fantastic week in PE with  P7A  winning the first Most Prepared for PE Certificate of the year when all of the class brought PE kit for their basketball lesson. Please help your child to remember their PE kit on PE days as it is much easier, more comfortable and usually safer to take part in PE with shorts/leggings, t-shirt and gym shoes than while wearing school uniform.  They are all desperate to get a certificate 3 weeks in a row because that wins their class a choice of activity for PE.


Class activities

At the moment the classes that come to me are learning/developing the following activities:

P7  Basketball

P6 Cross Country

P5 Gymnmastics- Partnerwork

P4 Gymnastics- Rolling

P3A  Benchball

P3B  Gymnastics- shape

How can you help

Please ask them what they have been doing and ( if safe to do so) show you what they have been learning.

See how active you can be over the holiday weekend.  The sun is to shine so can you get out on your bike, go for a walk/run, take a ball to the park to play football/rugby/netball.

Mrs Ferguson


All Stars Cricket

Primary 2 welcomed Mark from Livingston Cricket Club this week for a taster session about the All Stars Cricket Programme that is starting at the club very soon.  They had great fun and learned new words and skills associated with the game of cricket.  Many took home a flyer with information for signing up for the All Stars Programme however it’s not just for P2’s – anyone aged 5 -8 years old is able to take part so for further information please check out

When signing up to the sessions participants will also receive a goodie bag with a bag, cricket bat, ball, baseball cap and tshirt.


Primary 1 Update 6.2.19

Hello All,

This week in Primary 1 we have been continuing our learning about Dinosaurs and this weeks focus has been on volcanoes and the Diplodocus. All the classes were very excited to make their own volcano erupt!

Tuesday (5th) was Safer Internet Day and the children discussed what this might mean in basic terms and watched a short video. Also in ICT this week children will be developing their skills in typing with the help of some their P7 buddies.

In Phonics, children are continuing to develop their skills in blending short words and we have also begun to introduce consonant digraphs – this week’s is ‘sh’.

In Health this week the children have been discussing things that are safe to go on their body and as part of this we also discussed trusted adults. We will continue this in future weeks with things that are safe to go in our body.

The focus in Maths this week has been on a variety of types of measurement including length, weight and capacity. The children have enjoyed using non-standard units to measure everyday classroom items as well as dinosaurs!


Parents Night is next Wednesday and Thursday – we look forward to seeing you if you can make it along.

Tempest Photography – in school tomorrow( 7.2.19) for P1 and P7 only class photos.

Shared Finish – 2.50pm Monday 4 March – Primary 1

Shared Start – 9.05am Monday 1 April – Primary

Thank you for your continuing support,

Primary 1 Teachers



Scots Afternoon

Yesterday, every Carmondean PS pupil performed to an invited audience in our annual Scots Afternoon. The event was opened by our Primary 7 drummers and our piper, Leo Brown, who piped in a haggis, which was addressed by Jamie Scott and Bendi Toth. Our guests were treated to song and poetry from all stages in the school and served up a Scottish lunch by our Primary 7 pupils. The whole prestigious event was organised and run by the Senior Challenge Group, who also put together a unique 2019 Calendar which our guests received as a gift. The comments received from guests as they were leaving told us that Carmondean is well respected in our local community and that our children are all stars.  Well done Senior Challenge Group and everyone else involved in making the event a great success.

PE Kit reminder

Just a wee reminder of what pupils need to bring on PE days.

Indoor – navy shorts, white t-shirt and indoor shoes/trainers

Outdoor – joggers, t-shirt, sweatshirt/hoody and outdoor trainers

Each class will have PE twice each week. Check out their class blog for up to date information on when PE Kit is needed.

A big shout out to P7 who are setting a great example already with the whole class remembering to bring PE kit each week.  Well done!

Thanks for your help in supporting this.

Mrs Ferguson


Primary 6 13.10.17

Entrepreneurial juices were flowing this week at our Invention Showcase! The event was a great success due to the hard work of Primary Six. We had many original product ideas, which demonstrated ingenuity, creativity and problem solving skills.

Equally impressive was the quality of the presentations given by the pupils and their enthusiasm for the event has to be admired. Well done Primary Six! Thank you to all our visitors, we are sure you will agree that we have some future Dragons’ Den candidates.

We have completed our first Parents Evening sessions of the year and would like to thank you all for your continued support.

PE – outdoor Kit on Mondays / Indoor kit on Wednesdays

Spelling due on Friday. Please note that spelling homework jotters should NOT be handed in before Friday as the children should be using them to practice their spelling words daily.

Maths Homework – we would like to remind all pupils that they have maths homework EVERY WEEK. If we do not give out maths homework in the form of worksheet we still expect the pupils to be practising Times Tables, Fact Families and Number Bonds. We have shown the pupils’ games and activities they can do to practice.

We wish everyone a happy October holiday,
Mrs Gilmour, Mrs Wylie, Mrs Tully and Mr Shanks

Primary 6 Inventors’ Showcase

Primary 6 children had the opportunity to show off their work to their parents, friends and some visitors from other classes yesterday and today at a display of learning about their Interdisciplinary Learning Topic, ‘The Industrial Revolution. There were many ingenious inventions on show and the children incorporated many other curricular areas into their presentations and ‘pitches’. A big ‘Well Done’ to everyone.

Parents’ Evening Online Booking

By tomorrow, you will have received a letter or email giving information on how to make an appointment for Parent/Teacher Interviews on Wednesday, 11 October (5.00-7.30 p.m.) and Thursday 12 October (4.00-6.30 p.m.). You can access the system for booking appointments by clicking on this link:

Parents’ Evening Online Booking

Please refer to the letter or email received to see the correct class names for your child’s class.

If you do not have access to the Internet, or would prefer to book through the school office, please contact us on 01506 432492 or drop in and our office staff will be happy to add appointments on your behalf.

Parent Staff Association/ Parent Council Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Parent Staff Association/Parent Council will take place in Carmondean Primary School on Monday, 25 September @ 6.00 p.m.  All parents/carers (particularly those who are new to the school) are welcome to attend this event. We are keen to encourage greater parental engagement within the school and this is an ideal opportunity to get involved in your child/ren’s education.  You can see the agenda by clicking the link below:

2017_09_18PSA – PC AGM

We hope to see you then.

Playground Appeal @Tesco Bags of Help

As you will be aware, this year the staff and children at Carmondean Primary have been working on our Building a Perfect Playground project.  We have already transformed parts of our playground, the children are loving the changes made so far and are benefiting so much more from their time outdoors, but we still have lots of ideas for improvement on our wishlist!

After many attempts, we have just received word from the Tesco’s Bags of Help Scheme to say that our application for funding has been successful! Our school is eligible for an award of either £5,000, £2,000 or £1,000 – the actual amount we are awarded will be determined by a public vote in local Tesco stores from the 2nd -28th of January.

If you are going shopping, please consider making a trip to Tesco  to vote for Carmondean’s Building a Perfect Playground project as the highest number of votes will secure the highest award.

You will be able to vote in the following Tesco branches –





PENICUIK        EH26 8NP



Can’t wait to hear the results!  Thank you in advance for your support.

Pupil Winter Ready Survey


If our school is closed due to extreme weather conditions, learning and teaching will still carry on through our School BLOG.

To find instructions for using the BLOG for this purpose, click the link below:


Please fill in the online form by clicking the link below to let us know if you are ‘Winter Ready’:


Report a Glow concern
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