P3 Homework Week Beginning 5th September

A big thank-you to Arran and Katie for their kind words  on our class blog. I really like to hear what you have to say about the suggested websites. To show myappreciation I’ve awarded you both with a Dojo point.


Try out this interactive resource.

Either blog back a reply or write an evaluation statement in your jotter.


Maths Challenge


Spelling Homework

Spelling Homework – Term 1

Directions: Please choose a different activity to complete each week. After you complete the activity, ask a parent/guardian to initial the box.   All written work is expected to be turned in neat and complete.

1. Write your words 3 times each. 2. Put your words in alphabetical order. 3. Use each word in a sentence. 4. Rainbow words: write your words in 1 colour, then trace over with different colours.
5. Use all of your words in a story. 6. Use all of your spelling words in a friendly letter. 7. Write the definition for each of your words. 8. Write your words. Circle vowels with blue and consonants with red.
9. Visit spelling city.com. Enter your words and choose a game to play. 10. Type your words 3x’s each on a computer. Print them out. 11. Find or draw pictures of your words. Glue them on paper and label the pictures. 12. Make newspaper

headlines or a poem with your spelling words.


Mrs Sinclair

P4/5’s second week back!

In maths we were doing number talks. We were using different strategies to help us improve our mental maths. This week we have been working on partitioning numbers and adding them up.

We have learned that a prefix is two or three letters that are added to the start of a word that make things mean the opposite of the word. P4s have been enjoying learning new words and thinking hard about how we break words into sounds.

We have learned a bit about how our brains work and that we can have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset. Everyone enjoyed the Ormie video. We will all be working hard to learn new things with a positive attitude.

What are children’s rights?


Just a reminder to anyone who hasnt heard of the ‘Rights of the Child’

Bankton Primary School is currently a Level One rights respecting school and we are looking to go forward to gain our Level 2 (hopefully sometime this year).  Over the year, all children will be learning more about their rights through lessons, eco week, language week etc.   The idea is that we want to create a respectful, fun, happy and safe place for children to learn in!

                                                                     Where did the ‘Rights of the Child’ come from ?

UNICEF is the world’s leading organisation for children and their rights

In 1989, governments across the world promised all children the same rights by adopting the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

Here is a link to the poster which explains all the rights …


We also have copies of the rights down at the office for you to take away with you!

Here is a wee video clip which explains a little about the rights of the child.

Article 42

You have the right to know your rights!

Adults should know about these rights and

help you learn about them, too.

A super week in P1

P1 have had a super week and having been working hard to learn the routines of the classroom and going out to play with your P7 buddies.

In phonics, we have started to learn the sounds m and c. We have been practising how to say and write these sounds.

We found out that ‘m’ is a red sound as we make it with our lips. The ‘c’ sound is a yellow sound because we make this sound with our tongue touching the back of our mouths!

In maths, we have been learning to count and write our numbers to 4.

Well done P1 !!!

Article 29
Your education should help you use and develop
your talents and abilities.



P6/7 Week of Fun Learning

This week’s blog below is written by Niomi and Laurie-Anne (P6/7). Each week we will have a ‘Class Blogger of the Week’ and two pupils will write the blog. It is the responsibility of the whole class to record our learning during the course of the week by taking photos on the class ipads and making notes on what they would like to be put on the class blog for the ‘Bloggers’ to upload each Friday. 

This week we have been working on Learning Pits and our growth mindset as well as mistakes.

We have also been working on Number Talks where we don’t put our hands up instead we used hand signals that we have been taught.We had to think of as many strategies as we can to solve Maths problems.

Our topic this term is Human Rights and Democracy and our class novel is the Hunger Games.

It is very fun learning in P6/7. We are having a great time. We all are adapting to our new classroom and teachers.

One more thing we have to say is our new whole school Health topic is called Emotion Works. We can’t wait!

P1/2 News!

Well done to the new P1’s who have all settled in well to school life.  They have been working very hard and are becoming familiar with the rules and routines within the class and playground.  The P2’s in our class have been super role models and have been helping the new boys and girls to find their way around the school. This week we have been learning how to form the numbers to 4 correctly and have been looking at matching the numerals with their number names too which is quite tricky!  In phonics we have been learning about ‘m’ and ‘c’ and have been learning how to form the letters correctly, identifying the colour of these sounds and learning about where in the mouth they are made.  We have completed lots of other work too including talking about our senses, discussing our emotions, exploring our playground and drawing pictures of it, playing getting to know you games, writing about a favourite part of a story we heard and playing percussion instruments to make loud and quiet sounds.  What a busy week!

The First Medals Have Been Handed Out!!!

Well done to all the children who have returned their Summer Family Learning Challenge!

There is still time to hand them in or a note to say that you have completed some if you have lost the sheet!  Remember the children only needed to do a few of the activities!

Please return sheets or notes to me ASAP to receive your medal!!!

Many thanks,

Mrs Sinclair

SfL Teacher

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