P3 Weekly Update

It has been another fantastic week in Primary 3 with lots of amazing learning.

In Science, we have been learning about our senses and in particular ‘sight’.  We have been using magnifying glasses to look at different objects and we’ve discovered that they make objects bigger.

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In topic we’ve started our new topic ‘Hot and Cold’ lands and we’ve looked at different animals that live in the Arctic.

Arran – we’ve been looking at doubles and near doubles in Number Talks

Joseph- I’ve enjoyed playing on the tyres

Katie – I’ve enjoyed everything in school this week

Ayla – we used magnifying glasses in science and I discovered they make objects bigger

Star of the Week


Dojo Champions


Another Funfilled Week in P1/2

Where to start!

This week we enjoyed some good weather and went outside for our daily mile.  The children walked well and showed good stamina.

In maths we have learned lots of different things.  We have been working on recognising and sorting the coins to £2.

We have been revising 2D shapes and have been thinking about their properties.

We have also been working hard on forming our numbers correctly and on sequencing the numbers in the right order.  We are getting better at this!

We are also working on reading and writing the number names and are beginning to be able to sound out some of the words.

As well as all this maths we were also working on our sounds.  We have begun using the colourful consonants mouth parts to spell out words and are continuing to practise forming our sounds correctly.

Keep up the good work Primary 1/2 and keep up the good growth mindset – keep thinking I can’t do it …….yet!!

Harvesting in P1/2

This week in our topic work we were learning all about harvest.  We learned about the sequence of events that farmers go through to harvest their crops and even had a go at harvesting and digging up some vegetables from the vegetable patch in school.  It was great fun and we managed to harvest some very small carrots and some huge potatoes!  Miss Cambell helped us and she has offered to work with us next week to make some tasty vegetable soup.  We are really looking forward to this.  Thank you Miss Campbell.


Could you be a RRS champion

Today, Miss Rodford asked for some volunteers to apply to be RRS champions. These champions will be the ambassadors for our rights at Bankton Primary School.

The RRS champions will help to

  • think of ways to promote the rights
  • feed back about progress in assembles
  • help with fundraising
  • Have regular meetings once every two weeks
  • Help with displays

If you child has come home with an application form please chat to them about why they want to represent the school.

All applications need to be in by Thursday the 13th of Ocober and Miss Rodford will announce the results in assembly next Friday!

It could be you …

Article 12
You have the right to give your opinion, and for
adults to listen and take it seriously.

Going batty in Primary One

Primary one have been learning the sounds e, f and b in phonics.

b is a red sound because we make it with our lips – Kayla

e is black sound because we make a tunnel with our mouths – Jamie

We made some super bats which look very cute and  have also been working very hard to improve our handwriting!

In maths, we have been learning about different dot patterns and how to count carefully and slowly.  We also learnt about 2D shapes such as triangle, rectangle, square and circles. We have fun making super shape tractors and had to think about shapes we could use to build the picture.

Circles are round and they look like a wheel! – Jamie Watters

We loved it when the parents came in to see us at the PATPAL morning, we enjoyed showing the mums and dads around the class and having ago at different activities based on money.

Mrs Stewart also came to visit us and read us a super story !

Well done Primary One

Please feel free to leave a comment about our super work below!

Article 29
Your education should help you use and develop
your talents and abilities.

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This week for our topic we have looked at different styles of houses in the ares. Some houses don’t have stairs. We took a walk around the area and saw bungalows and attached houses. Some people have neighbours underneath them or above them.
We have continued our number talks looking at both adding and take away this week. We continue to use our friendly number strategies. We were lucky to have parents and grandparents in to visit us on our PATPAL morning. This was a chance for us (this kids) to teach adults how to add and subtract money.
Our emotion work cog this week looked at the triggers that start our emotions. We found out that for a few of us peas triggered the disgust emotion.
Please remember that parent’s evening is next week, on Wednesday and Thursday!

Emotion Works @ Bankton


The children loved Showing off the work they have been doing on emotions with Claire Murray from Emotion Works today.  The whole school has been working on the Emotion Works cog system to help the children to understand their emotions.  They have been developing their vocabulary of emotion words, looking at how different emotions feel in their bodies, how they behave when they feel these emotions emotions and what triggers them to feel different things.  Next week we will be looking at how we can regulate our responses to our emotions!  Look our for our showcase in November where parents will get a chance to come in and find out more about what we have been doing!

PAT PALS in P6/7

Written by Findlay and Ben, P6/7 

Today we had a PATPAL session in p6/7. There were lots of different activities such as bank statements, a shop and an interior designer task. We invited parents to see what we have been learning about money. We also had a comment board to see what parents thought of our learning. We all greatly appreciate you coming to see us. We all think that we all did very well.

“Thank you all very much for coming to our PAT PAL morning. Everybody in P6/7 says thank you for coming and hope you had fun.”     Andrew Hunter

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“I would like to greatly thank everybody who showed up our PATPAL morning in p6/7. Everybody is extremely grateful and thankful for everything because you really encouraged us to do maths. Ben Torres


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