A super PATPAL morning

Miss Rodford would like to thank all the parents and families who came to our icount PATPAL morning. Primary One were able to show off all our super learning in maths. We were doing lots of adding and counting!

In week in maths, we have been concentrating using money to buy different items and looked at how we could make different values to !

We have also been thinking about what makes a good learner …

We try hard – Sarah

We listen to our teacher – Hannah

We never give up – Rosie

On Thursday, we planted some magic beans … I wonder how big they will grow !!!

Super work this week Primary One!

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Chinese New Year

This week we have been learning about Chinese New Year. Firstly the children listened to the story of how the Chinese years were named. At music the participated in the Dragon dance  and played musical instruments to Chinese music. They also had a lovely snack with some Prawn Crackers to go along with it.

Fizzy Juice Experiment

P6/7 have been learning about how media affects food sales. Xander commented that some fizzy juices can clean coins. From this we decided to set up a class experiment. We put a couple of dirty coppers into a bottle of fizzy juice in the morning and when they took them out at the end of the day they were sparkling!! Look at the results….

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PAT PALS in P6/7

We loved our parents and families coming in to see how we learn in Maths today for our PAT PAL event. We taught them all about Number Talks, Suduko, Play Live on the laptops and games that we play in class to help our mental maths such as I Am Who Is.

“I found it interesting to see how the parents worked out Number Talks!”   Ben

“It was good that parents got to see how we learn and develop our skills.”    Niomi

“I liked how that parents were all joining in and showing us how they used to work out sums.”   Laurie-Anne

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Our Week in P2/3

We have had a busy week in P2/3 this week.  In maths we have been continuing our work on using arrays and groups of to create repeated addition and multiplication sums.  We have been working out all the sums in the 2 times table.  Next week we look forward to continuing this work and developing our skills to help us share equally.

We have used our numeracy skills to help us complete a Roman timeline for our Romans topic.  We even learned that Rome was being built nearly 3000 years ago!

We are all very proud of our performers who said their poems in front of the whole school (having only had a short time to rehearse!)

Well done girls!

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We look forward to hearing everyone perform in class next week.

Our Week in P6/7

P6/7 enjoyed watching Andy and Wendy tell us all about Robert Burns.

“We particularly liked acting out Tam O Shanter.”   Andrew 

Two people from each class were selected this week to recite a Scots poem at Burns Day Assembly. Xander and Jonathon did us proud!

“It was nerve racking but we did well!” Xander

We have a new class novel linked to our World War Two topic. It’s called Billy the Kid by Michael Morpurgo. We used our class voting station to vote for this book.

“It was sad at the beginning but it’s really good.” Gary

We learned how to do sudoku this week in Maths.

“I struggled at first but then I got the hang of it.” Calan

We have also been multiplying and dividing decimals in Maths.

“It was confusing at the start but now I get it.” Emma.P

We created a timeline of the events leading up to the start of WW2. We are also keeping a floorbook of our journey through the topic.

“It took us a while to make notes about all the facts but once we had them all it was easy to sort out the order.” Findlay



Number Story Naturals in P1/2!!

This week, P1/2 have been showing off their addition skills! The boys and girls have been working hard finding all the different number stories of 4 and 5.  We have used lots of different strategies to help us do this like using our fingers, cubes and magnets!  We have spotted a pattern with the number stories!  Can you spot it too?  There are 3 number stories of 2, 4 number stories of 3, 5 number stories of 4 and 6 number stories of 5!  We have also been practising our money skills and have been using different coins to pay for items.  Lots of fantastic independent work has been carried out this week and Mrs Lloyd is very proud of everyone!

Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend our bitesize reading sessions this week.  It was great to have you there and the children really enjoyed showing off their skills!

Well done to all the boys and girls who stood up in front of the class and managed to say their Scottish poem this week.  Mrs Lloyd had trouble narrowing it down to four finalists – well done to Chloe, Brooklyn, Olivia and Tobi.  It was a hard decision choosing the final two people who stood up in front of the whole school at assembly to recite their poems – well done to Olivia and Tobi – you represented P1/2 really well and made us all proud.

On Thursday, we listened to the story called ‘The Disgusting Sandwich’ and used this to help us make some disgusted faces in our art work.

Finally, Mr Wedlock and Mr Evans made an appearance during maths this week when they decided to have their own number talk during independent maths work time.  Great job boys!


It’s been another fun and very busy week.  Keep up the good work!

Marvellous Maths in Primary One

This week, Primary One have been impressing Miss Rodford with their adding skills! We have been working hard finding different ways to make 4 and 5.  We have been using our fingers, cubes and singing number stories songs!

Did you know that there are 6 ways to make 5?

We have also been working using different coins to pay for items.

Well done to Hannah and Jamie Wilkie who were very brave a stood up in front of the whole school to recite the Scottish poems that we have been learning.

On Thursday, we listened to the story called ‘The disgusting Sandwich’ and thought about when we have felt the emotion disgusted!

‘I feel disgusting when I eat Mayo’ Kayla

We also made super disgusted faces out of paper!

Super work Primary One!!!!

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Getting ready for ‘A Day for Change’ on the 6th of February!

The RRS team are going to organising a fund raiser for UNICEF on the 6th of February! 

It is called  ‘A Day for Change’ 

Our challenge is simply to collect as much loose change as possible. Taking part is this fundraiser is an  opportunity to teach our children about nutrition and raise vital funds to help keep hungry children around the world safe and healthy.

The children only need to come in  dressed in blue and bring in £1.00!

During the day, children will be finding out more about nutrition and UNICEF as a charity. 

Where will the donations go ….

  • Just £3.50 could provide a class of 30 children with vitamin A supplements to stop blindness, and deworming tablets to help them absorb nutrients
  • £5 could provide life-saving therapeutic milk to treat a severely malnourished child for five days
  • £8 can supply high-energy food for a malnourished child for one week
  • Just £16 could provide critical vitamin and micro nutrient supplements for two toddlers for a whole year
  • Raising £50 could provide education on nutrition and child feeding for 250 mothers or care givers of children under two
  • £150 could provide training for one county health worker on how to provide life-saving treatment for children with acute malnutrition.

Article 24
You have the right to the best health care possible,
safe water to drink, nutritious food, a
clean and safe environment, and information
to help you stay well.

Please help Bankton to raise as much money as possible !!!

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