Getting ready for ‘A Day for Change’ on the 6th of February!

The RRS team are going to organising a fund raiser for UNICEF on the 6th of February! 

It is called  ‘A Day for Change’ 

Our challenge is simply to collect as much loose change as possible. Taking part is this fundraiser is an  opportunity to teach our children about nutrition and raise vital funds to help keep hungry children around the world safe and healthy.

The children only need to come in  dressed in blue and bring in £1.00!

During the day, children will be finding out more about nutrition and UNICEF as a charity. 

Where will the donations go ….

  • Just £3.50 could provide a class of 30 children with vitamin A supplements to stop blindness, and deworming tablets to help them absorb nutrients
  • £5 could provide life-saving therapeutic milk to treat a severely malnourished child for five days
  • £8 can supply high-energy food for a malnourished child for one week
  • Just £16 could provide critical vitamin and micro nutrient supplements for two toddlers for a whole year
  • Raising £50 could provide education on nutrition and child feeding for 250 mothers or care givers of children under two
  • £150 could provide training for one county health worker on how to provide life-saving treatment for children with acute malnutrition.

Article 24
You have the right to the best health care possible,
safe water to drink, nutritious food, a
clean and safe environment, and information
to help you stay well.

Please help Bankton to raise as much money as possible !!!

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