This week in P1b we have been learning some new sounds – o, e and f. We’ve been making the shape of the sounds with plasticine, writing the sounds, spelling words using our mouthpart boards and making things that begin with the sound.
In maths, we have been learning to recognise the number names to 10 and have been matching these with their numerals. We have also been learning about all the coins up to £2 and have been counting out money as well as ordering numbers in different ways.
In art ,we used different techniques to begin making fabulous seasons pictures. We are looking forward to finishing these off next week.
Finally, we enjoyed our time out in the structured play area. We practised our literacy and numeracy skills by writing some of our sounds in the right colours and spelling out some simple words using our magnetic letters. We also played some fun games on the iPads to reinforce our maths skills and we drew pictures of living things at the art table.