Lots of Fun in P1b

Well done to all the boys and girls in P1b.  You have settled into school life really well and are all working so hard.

On Monday we practised our listening skills in the small hall and enjoyed moving around the hall in different ways.

In literacy this week we have learned about the sounds p, a and t.  We have been learning how to form the sounds correctly and have been thinking of some words that begin with these sounds.  Connor enjoyed writing the ‘t’ sound using our reminder ‘down the tower, out the tower then across the tower!’

In writing, we read the story ‘Six Dinner Sid’ and thought about our favourite dinner.  The children drew detailed pictures and wrote about their best dinners.  Patrycja enjoyed using her sounds to write her story about her favourite dinner-  pizza.

In maths, we practised ordering numbers, forming our numbers correctly and even had a go at reading the number names from 0-5.  Everyone enjoyed playing the splat the number name game at the teach table!

On Thursday afternoon we enjoyed lots of different activities in the structured play area.  We were being creative at the art table, sorting pictures showing different emotions,  (joy, sadness, disgust, anger and fear) reading in the library corner, completing number jigsaws, building with the construction, playing with the dolls houses and dressing up in the role-play area.  It was great fun!

We also had fun in the school library and can’t wait until the computer is fixed so that we can scan a book out and take it home!

Keep up the good work boys and girls. Looking forward to next week!

Nursery Welcome

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome our new children and returning children to our nursery. We have had a busy few weeks in the nursery and the children have settled in well. We will have regular updates on this blog on what the children have been learning about.


A fun week in P4

This week in Maths we were learning to learning to add 1,10, 100 and even a thousand to numbers up to 10.000.

561 + 10 = 571

5601 + 100 = 5701


In writing, we were learning to write the beginning of a story and we were focusing on capital letters and full stops.

During topic time, we started to learn about John Logie Baird and he invented the Television. We used the computers to research facts about him!

Well done to Arran McSporran for getting Star of the Week for all his hard work!