P2/3’s learning


Amy: In Number talks, we’ve been learning about the missing number. We had to work out how many beads are hiding under the box.

Ruaridh: we’ve been practising our bunny ears to show fast facts to 10.

Caleb: we painted our fingers and had to print it on the piano. We were making a pattern and had to match the numbers to the right colour.

Social studies:

Logan and Connor H: We were learning to sort dinosaurs into carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.

Roxanne: We’ve been learning that a T-Rex eats meat and that is called a carnivore.



Sarah: I enjoy the monsters inc warm up in P.E.

Tobi: we have been practising our basketball skills in P.E.

Olivia: we had to bend our knees to put the basketball in the net. You have to look at the hoop so you can aim.

Michael: you need to aim for the box on the backboard.

This week in P3

We learnt about the different bones of the body, like your spine (back) your tibia and fibula (shin bones) and your femur (thigh bone). Also, we researched the organs of the body like the lungs, the kidneys, the bladder and the heart. We also practiced our number bonds using number bond bingo. We are getting really good at knowing what numbers go together to make 10. We used these to add past the friendly number
