Delightful Den Building with P1 and P1/2

P1/2 and P1 enjoyed some time out in the playground together this afternoon and worked on their sharing and co-operation skills to work together in small groups to build a den.  This was our first time using the den building equipment and the children all worked together to problem solve and build dens that they could sit inside.  Take a look at us in action!

P1/2 Weekly News!

Last week P1/2 enjoyed an exciting eco week.  On Monday, we learned all about worms! We had Joanne visit us with her wormery.  We found out that worms are good at recycling and they even make compost.  We enjoyed working in groups to create the life cycle of a caterpillar before our trip to see ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’ later in the week.

We also learnt about the 3Rs – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and even designed some new bag ideas for ASDA!

On Thursday, we went to see the performance of ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’ and it was amazing!  Mrs Lloyd was very impressed and we all thoroughly enjoyed our trip and represented Bankton Primary really well!

On Friday, we performed our P1 assembly to our families and spoke with confidence and with our big loud, clear voices.  We shared lots of our learning that we have done this year and look forward to telling the nursery children and their parents about this on Wednesday!

Nature Play

This afternoon the nursery children had lots of fun playing in the Mid Calder woods where they had lots of opportunities to explore and investigate the natural texture found in the woods.

Max “I like jumping in the leaves, it felt squishy.”

Ava J “We were building fires.”

Maddison “I liked playing with the sticks.”

Freya “I liked playing with the leaves. “