A super trip!!

Primary One have had an exciting week learning about how to help save the environment. One Monday, we learnt all about worms! We found out that worms are good at recycling and they make compost.  On Monday afternoon, we worked in groups to create the life cycle of a caterpillar in preparation for our trip to see ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’. Miss Rodford thought that we did a great job!

We also learnt about the 3Rs – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

On Thursday, we went to see the performance of ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’ and it was amazing! We loved the puppets and we sat so well to watch it!

On Friday, we performed our P1 assembly to our families and we showed off all our super learning that we have done this year!

Eco Week in the Nursery

As part of Eco Week the nursery children have been learning about recycling from Joanne. She brought her large wormery in to the nursery and the children had the opportunity to hold a worm if they wanted to or just look at them. She spoke to them about how the worms helped to make compost which helps our plants to grow. A child even tried to keep a worm as Joanne left.