Confident Individuals in P1/2

P1/2 have had a very busy week and have been working very hard.  In literacy, we have been learning some new sounds.  We learned that ‘t’ is a quiet light blue sound made using your tongue tip and that ‘a’ and ‘i’ are black vowel sounds made by opening your mouth wide like a big tunnel.

We have also been working on holding our pencils properly and forming our sounds correctly in handwriting.  Before we worked in our jotters, we practised writing the sounds on our partner’s backs and the whiteboard.

In maths, we have been working on counting accurately and on reading the number names to 10.  We have been doing lots of work using ten frames and during number talks we have been explaining how we got our answer and have been challenging and defending others answers.

As part of our health work we have been discussing emotions and have been looking at the Inside Out characters and thinking about times when we felt a certain emotion.

Finally, in topic work this week we have been discussing the four seasons and brainstormed some of the things that happen in each season.  We went for a walk around the playground with our buddies and had a chat about some of the signs of autumn that we can look out for.  We have been singing this catchy seasons song – take a peek!

P3: Weekly Update

Star of the Week

Andre: for making super progress in reading.

Dojo Champions so far

term-2016-2017-431 arran-dojo

We have also been learning about Growth Mindset and that it is okay to make a mistake as mistakes help us to improve and learn.

Roald Dahl Day (picture to follow)

We drew our own ‘dream jars’ and then wrote a description of it.

We have also started ‘Our Wall of Fame’.  Josh and Arran’s photos are displayed for being ‘Dojo’ Champions.  Cameron and Baillie for a super description of their dream jar as well as Andre for being ‘Star of the Week’.  (photos to follow)


Super Sounds in P1

Primary one have been busy this week learning the sounds a, t and i. We produced some super handwriting and some crazy crafts ! In maths, we have been learning to read, write and order the numbers to 10. We used ten frames, lego bricks, magnetic letters etc to help us with our learning!

We have also been learning about our emotions and have been acting the emotions out! img_23491 img_23581 img_23671 img_24881 img_25551 img_25321 img_25341 img_25331 img_24961 img_25061 img_25472

Kyle – t is a blue sound because we make it with the tip of our tongue

Jack – I enjoyed learning about the number 10

Kayla – i and a are black sound because we make a tunnel with our mouths!

Jenna – I enjoyed writing the number 10

Harry – I enjoyed ordering the numbers to 10 with lego bricks

Primary one were also excited to use the structured play area …

Hannah – I enjoyed playing with the babies

Mason – I liked playing cooking


Article 28
You have the right to a good quality education.


P6/7 Achievements

This week the star of the week was Eric McLeod. Andrew also got Vice Captain for the house. Dojo champion was Emma Passmore.
Written by Rory and Craig


Well done P6/7. You have been fantastic learners this week.

Mrs Hocknull and Mrs Murdoch