Successful Learners in P1/2

Well done to all the boys and girls in P1/2 this week for trying your best and working hard.  You are all in the swing of school now and are showing that you can get organised quickly and are ready to learn.

door pic


This week we have been learning two new sounds ‘s’ and ‘p’.  We have been talking about where in the mouth these sounds are made and have been working hard to hold our pencils properly so that we can form our letters correctly.  Try asking your child to show you the action that goes with the sound and to explain why the sounds are particular colours.  You can check that they are correct by checking the Colourful Consonants document in the useful documents section of the blog.  We have been making the sounds with playdough, writing them in the sand, making crafts that begin with the initial sound and writing these sounds on nexus boards and big paper.  Have a look at us in action!

In maths we have been working on counting backwards and forwards from different numbers, counting out objects accurately, matching and reading number names and  we have learned some rhymes to help us form our numerals to 7 correctly.  We are starting to get really good at it!

We have also started our number talks this week and have been practising the different  hand signals to show when we are thinking of an answer, when we have thought of one or more strategy and when we agree with someone.  We are using these number talks to help us to get better at thinking of and explaining the best way to solve a problem/answer a maths question.

Great job P1/2, keep up the good work!  Try leaving us a comment – we’d love to hear what you think!