Update on P6 learning this Week…

We were learning flags from countries around the world. We had had to answer a fun quiz.  Amy

We made a 3D hand in our Science Pupil Voice group.  Ellie

We were making characters for animations in our Pupil Voice group.  Jaime

We had a visit from the West Lothian Council tobacco team. We learned a song, played games and learnt facts like there are 4000-5000 chemicals in a cigarette.   Jamie.G and Amy

We are translating the Twits into Scots words.  Daryl

Family Learning at Bankton

Thank you very much to all of our families who came along and enjoyed a session with their child/children in school to look at how and what we learn in Support for Learning Groups.  The sessions have been a great success and most importantly the children have really loved them!  Keep the feedback forms coming in so we can make them even better next time!

Many thanks,

Mrs Sinclair

SfL Teacher

Happy New Year from P1a

P1a have had a short but busy week!

We enjoyed having a chat about our Christmas and what presents we got!

We have been busy revising our sounds and tricky words that we learnt last year!

P1a loved playing the fly swatter tricky words game.

The aim of the game is to find the word and swot it if we can read it!!!

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Happy New Year!

This has been a short week to start the New Year but we have had a very positive start!  We have been learning about the origins of New Year’s celebrations and we have also been writing  our New Year’s resolutions for 2016! We hope we will be successful with them.


Busy start to 2016

P2 had a very relaxing Christmas holiday and are glad to be back at school.

  • We wrote our New Year’s resolutions and made sure we all had the capital letters and full stops in the right place.
  • In maths, we learnt how to take away small numbers from bigger numbers using cubes and sweets.
  • Sachin and Jack learnt how to draw facial features by carefully considering the proportions.
  • Ryan learnt that one type of dinosaur had a head that was the size of a modern car!
  • Daniel learnt to spell ‘beavers’ when writing about his beavers club.


The Busiest 3 Days Ever!

Peer mediators (PMs) carried out some training on how to listen and solve problems in the playground. We will be starting up soon.    Euan

This week we worked on identifying different types of maps. An ordinance map is used by cyclists and people who like to walk.    Amy

Today we were learning about the Eatwell Plate. We made a power point about it.   Jaime

We have been learning about the countries in Europe. Our new topic is Europe!    Daryl

Happy 2016

This week was a very short but busy week back. We are all glad  to be back.  We have started out new topic on castles and we are very excited about all the fun activities we can do.  out new science topic is electricity and we have had a lot of success lighting up bulbs and making buzzer sound.  We are continuing our work on bench ball and look forward to playing a mini tournament in class.  In maths we worked through some problem solving activities which some people found quite challenging.  Congratulations to Emma R. on her work becoming a rookie lifeguard.

Happy New Year

It was lovely to see all the children back after the Christmas holidays.  P1b were very keen to share all of their holiday news and have been working very hard already this week.  They have impressed me with brilliant sounding out in their writing work, greating adding when playing games in maths and have been trying hard to form their letters correctly in our new lined handwriting jotters.  The boys and girls had great fun in the structured play area where they worked round a variety of different activities including jigsaw building, listening to stories on the new listening centre, building models with the construction materials and role-playing in the ‘toy shop’.  What a busy first few days back!

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