Bankton Bingo Thursday 6-8pm

On Thursday the 10th of December from 6-8pm, P4 and P4/5 will be hosting a bingo night in the Great Hall.  Bingo sheets cost £1.  As well as the bingo games we will also be selling arts and crafts in the Small hall.   Below are some of the crafts we will be selling.  Sweet cones will cost 50p, glitter jars will cost £1.50 and the ornaments cost 50p.  So we hope to see  you there!

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Class Talks

A big well done to P1b as last week they presented their class talks about their favourite toys which they worked on at home as part of their homework.  The class were a super audience for each other and I was very impressed with all the confident individuals who were able to use a loud and clear voice.  Lots of good questions were thought up by the audience and some detailed and well thought out answers were provided by the presenters.  Impressive work – I better watch out!!

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Christmas is coming !

P1a have been busy writing letters to Santa ! We had to think about why we had been good this year!.

We had to make sure our writing was neat and tidy so that Santa could read it.

Have a look at our super Santa letters!

We also had great fun finding out about each other’s favourite toys. The children did a great job standing up infront of the class to speak about their toys.

We have also been learning about how to sort information on a arrow diagram.

Well done P1a

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This week in P6….

P6 had great fun at their St Andrews Day Ceilidh on Monday night. Many thanks to all those who attended.

“We got revenge on our parents for making us tidy our room and making us eat shepherds pie by making them join in ceilidh dances!!”  Alex P6

“It was fun singing on the stage.”  Kalanah P6

“My Mum almost threw me into the crowd when we were dancing!” Euan P6

We started writing a Christmas book for children in the nursery. Watch our blog next week for an update on this.

We learnt all about the Learning Pit with Mrs Hocknull on Friday. It helps us learn and gives us strategies when we don’t know what to do.

Shopping for Santa!

The nursery went for a walk to The Centre to buy a present for Santa.  We saw lots of different decorations and stopped at the big Christmas tree to have our photo taken.

We were so proud of all of the children as lots of people stopped us to comment on how well behaved they were.

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St Andrew’s Day Ceilidh Event

What a busy week for P6! Monday evening saw us present our annual ceilidh event. The children presented their learning about who St Andrew was, how he became a saint and what we can be proud about Scotland for. We sang ‘Caeledonia’, ‘Half the World Away’ and a firm favourite ‘500 miles’. Witnesses did see Mrs Stewart reach for he hankies but this is still to be confirmed!

After our presentation we showcased our highland dancing – then invited our parents and carers to join in. It was really good fun and we received lots of positive feedback from everyone!

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Competition Winners!

Congratulations to our anti-bullying / kindness week competition winners! Everyone worked hard to create high quality posters to celebrate our positive attitudes towards kindness. Mrs Stewart had a VERY difficult job but decide she did…

Well done to Beth Kinroy P6, Amy McMillan P6, Eilidh Gray P7a & Emese Gupcsi P7a!

Your posters will soon be on their way to the printers to become banners which will hang proudly @ Bankton.



