Tag Archives: primary 4

One from the Sea, Three from the Land

This term pupils in P4n and P4s  have been learning all about Fishing. They have been lucky enough to tour a pelagic fishing boat the ‘Antarctic ll’ and had a visit from Frankie’s Fish and Chip shop to help them understand the journey of fish from the sea to their plate and making them aware of the richness around our island.

With excellent support from Izzy Swanson the pupils brought their topic to life with a special play, which they performed to their parents/carers last week.

‘One from the Sea, Three from the Land’ was written especially for the class by Izzy Swanson and brings together stories of old folklore and dialect singing.

One from the Sea, Three from the Land


Primary 4s Assembly

On Friday at Assembly the pupils from Primary 4s shared their learning with the pupils from Primary 4-7.  They did an excellent presentation about Living Things sharing all the facts they had learned.  They involved the audience too!

They finished the Assembly with a wonderful song sung entirely in French!  It was lovely to see them all enjoying their learning and having the confidence to share it with their peers!

P4s Poetry Writing

Primary 4 pupils visited me today to share some of their super poems. They had been listening to “A few of my favourite things!” from the Sound of Music for inspiration.

They then wrote their own version thinking about their very own favourite things.

Riley felt he had found this easy to do and he’d enjoyed it.

Katie said, “It was easy to think of my favourite things but trickier to put that into words that would fit in the poem.”

Keira and Anya had both enjoyed listening to the song and had created super poems.  The girls told me how when anyone was finding it tricky then they had helped one another and shared ideas.

The pupils had clearly loved creating and sharing their poems and they were buzzing with excitement to tell me all about it and to share their fantastic poems – which I really enjoyed!  Mrs Wadley heard the excitement in my office and popped in to read them too.  She was really impressed with their work!              Mrs Simpson