We were delighted to see lots of families enjoying a range of fun activities after school on 14th November as part of Thumbs up Thursday.
We were delighted to see lots of families enjoying a range of fun activities after school on 14th November as part of Thumbs up Thursday.
At Bell’s Brae we are introducing a weekly Signalong sign. As we have just returned to school, we will have the ‘good morning’ sign this week and next week.
We would like to encourage you to sign with us and to share the weekly sign at home.
Signalong classes started at Bell’s Brae this week with Mrs Fox. Everyone enjoyed this family learning opportunity with staff from other schools too.
It was wonderful to see some of the P5 pupils and their parents/carers and family members at the Chinese Family Night last night.
Three workshops were provided to give everyone the opportunity to try mask painting, calligraphy and using chopsticks.
Everyone was then entertained with a martial arts display, some Mandarin songs and a traditional Chinese dance. It was lovely to see how much the children have learned from their Mandarin lessons and how much enjoyment they have had.
Special thanks to Mrs Ying Zhang who has worked with the pupils in P5, P6 and P7. She is returning to China in July and we wish her all the very best.
We have added a new page to the parent’s section of our school website to support learning at home.
This page titled ‘Learning at Home’ will provide parents/carers with fun ideas and suggestions to support their children and enhance their learning experience.
A lot of parents/carers are doing these things already but might enjoy looking through some of the ideas.