Stress Management and Mindfulness – session for parents/carers

A session for parents/carers of children or adults with social communication difficulties/ autism spectrum disorder

Click here for more information

With Dr Michael McCreadie & Linda Woodcock of AT Autism

For more information: 01595 745588

6 June 2017

5.30pm to 7.30pm

Anderson High School
(staff room)

Shetland Islands Council
Children’s Services
Psychological Service

Classes visit the Circus!

Today the Primary 5, 6 and 7 classes were lucky to get to visit The Magpie Big Top to take part in circus workshops.  It was a beautiful day for the classes to walk to the playing park and learn new skills with the performers who are visiting Shetland.

The pupils all had a fantastic time.  Ellis and Callum from P5S said it was their first time at a circus and they had really enjoyed using the flower sticks to try out tricks.

Alfie from P5s had found it very satisfying when he had been able to master a skill using the sticks.

The photos below show how much fun the children had!

Learning at Home

We have added a new page to the parent’s section of our school website to support learning at home.

This page titled ‘Learning at Home’ will provide parents/carers with fun ideas and suggestions to support their children and enhance their learning experience.

A lot of parents/carers are doing these things already but might enjoy looking through some of the ideas.

New playground shelter

You may recall that back in December Bell’s Brae was successful in securing £12,000 from Tesco through their Bags for Life initiative.  The majority of our grant will go towards building a shelter in the patio area with the remainder being used for other playground improvements.

The shelter is due to be erected this year and plans are being finalised at the moment.

Please find below a draft plan of what we hope the finished shelter will look like. It will provide a great area for the children to play at breaktimes and will also provide an outdoor classroom for all classes to use.

BB Shelter


P7s assembly

On Friday the P7s class entertained pupils from P4-7 with their climate change assembly.

This was presented in a fun and interesting way with the pupils deciding themselves how to present key  information.

They shared interesting facts in the form of a ‘Who wants to be a millionaire’ quiz and made suggestions for how the audience can make a difference.

All of the spoke with confidence and in nice clear voices.

The dancing at the end was not to be missed 🙂

P4s Poetry Writing

Primary 4 pupils visited me today to share some of their super poems. They had been listening to “A few of my favourite things!” from the Sound of Music for inspiration.

They then wrote their own version thinking about their very own favourite things.

Riley felt he had found this easy to do and he’d enjoyed it.

Katie said, “It was easy to think of my favourite things but trickier to put that into words that would fit in the poem.”

Keira and Anya had both enjoyed listening to the song and had created super poems.  The girls told me how when anyone was finding it tricky then they had helped one another and shared ideas.

The pupils had clearly loved creating and sharing their poems and they were buzzing with excitement to tell me all about it and to share their fantastic poems – which I really enjoyed!  Mrs Wadley heard the excitement in my office and popped in to read them too.  She was really impressed with their work!              Mrs Simpson


Trip To Burradale

Today we went to Burradale and saw some windmills. I found some of the facts interesting it was really good fun!

I learnt the ladder inside the turbine was 45metres high and it was so tall you needed a harness to get up there but unfortunately we couldn’t go up!awwww!

There was 5 turbines and Mrs Moore, Mrs Byrll, Mrs Stuart and Miss Anderson came to help!  We also played games on the Bus!

By David Williamson   P7S


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