Stress Management and Mindfulness – A session for parents/carers (amended date)


A session for parents/carers of children or adults with social communication difficulties/ autism spectrum disorder


With Dr Michael McCreadie & Linda Woodcock of AT Autism


For more information: 01595 745588


14 June 2017



5.30pm to 7.30pm


Anderson High School

(staff room)




Visit from Morrison’s Construction

On Wednesday 10th May, we had a visit from Morrison’s construction, who are building the new AHS. They provided a really interesting workshop for P7S, with 3 different activities. One involved creating a solid construction using cocktail sticks and midget gems. The second activity was a word search containing different words associated with the construction industry. The third activity involved pupils looking at a diagram of the new AHS and considering which roles each members on the site had. The session ended with a visit from their ‘mascots’!

Primary 4s Assembly

On Friday at Assembly the pupils from Primary 4s shared their learning with the pupils from Primary 4-7.  They did an excellent presentation about Living Things sharing all the facts they had learned.  They involved the audience too!

They finished the Assembly with a wonderful song sung entirely in French!  It was lovely to see them all enjoying their learning and having the confidence to share it with their peers!

Stress Management and Mindfulness – session for parents/carers

A session for parents/carers of children or adults with social communication difficulties/ autism spectrum disorder

Click here for more information

With Dr Michael McCreadie & Linda Woodcock of AT Autism

For more information: 01595 745588

6 June 2017

5.30pm to 7.30pm

Anderson High School
(staff room)

Shetland Islands Council
Children’s Services
Psychological Service

Classes visit the Circus!

Today the Primary 5, 6 and 7 classes were lucky to get to visit The Magpie Big Top to take part in circus workshops.  It was a beautiful day for the classes to walk to the playing park and learn new skills with the performers who are visiting Shetland.

The pupils all had a fantastic time.  Ellis and Callum from P5S said it was their first time at a circus and they had really enjoyed using the flower sticks to try out tricks.

Alfie from P5s had found it very satisfying when he had been able to master a skill using the sticks.

The photos below show how much fun the children had!

Learning at Home

We have added a new page to the parent’s section of our school website to support learning at home.

This page titled ‘Learning at Home’ will provide parents/carers with fun ideas and suggestions to support their children and enhance their learning experience.

A lot of parents/carers are doing these things already but might enjoy looking through some of the ideas.