This week in P2/1 we’ve been learning about sunflowers – we planted our own, drew very detailed black pen pictures and wrote a descriptive piece about their life cycle. We also did a sunflower collage in art that we’ve put up in the corridor.
This morning we planted some lettuce in the school garden and are keeping a close eye on the radish that we’ve already planted. Our mangetout seeds have germinated in the windows and the runner beans will shortly be coming home for the children to continue growing there.
This week we’ve also learned the ‘ie’ sound, as in tie, pie and fries. In numeracy we’re coming to the end of our work on money, this week focusing on subtraction. We’re continuing our problem solving, this week using our communication skills to decide how to sort shapes.
In health and wellbeing we’ve been talking a lot about how things are constantly changing and while some change is expected, like moving house, some isn’t, like the coronavirus. We used the seasons as a starting point and then in circle time thought about what else is changing – we realised how much we are all changing – from height to hair to wobbly teeth to our intelligence!