Senior Parent Consultations

You will realise that under normal circumstances, Senior Phase Parent Consultation Evenings would be taking place this month.

According to our 2020-21 School Calendar we had initially planned (hoped for) the following dates:

S5/6 Thursday 5th November
S4 Thursday 19th November

Unfortunately, these events will not be able to take place with reference to all current guidelines. NLC are continuing to work with appropriate representative groups before issuing further guidance to schools.

As always, if you feel you would like to discuss any school matter then please contact us in the usual way through your child’s Principal Teacher of Pupil Support.

S4 Mrs. Carragher
S5 Mrs. Harvey
S6 Mrs. Henderson

We look forward to communicating further with you in due course.


Face Coverings Update from Scottish Government

The Scottish Government has announced that from Monday November 2nd all S4-S6 pupils are required to wear face coverings in classrooms as well as corridors and communal areas. Please ensure your child has a face covering when coming to school and please discuss with them that these must now be worn in classes for S4-S6 young people. Your co-operation with this latest Scottish Government guidance for schools is appreciated.

Family Calendar 2020-2021

We are delighted to be able to share with you our eagerly anticipated Parent/Family Calendar for session 2020-21. Thank you for your patience and understanding. This is usually published in June each year for the following session so that we can help you plan and prepare for the year ahead, however, I’m sure you’ll be aware that current circumstances have had an impact on our ability to confirm things before now.

You will notice that a great number of traditional events/activities are TBC (to be confirmed) such as Parents Evenings. We are awaiting confirmation of arrangements from NLC and we will update you on that at the earliest opportunity. Some other traditional school events may be offered digitally this session – information will be communicated accordingly throughout the session. This is likely to include our Annual School Awards Ceremony – date and arrangements to be confirmed asap.

Family Calendar V1 22.9.20

September Weekend – School Closed to Pupils

This just a reminder that the school will be closed for pupils from Thursday 24th September to Monday 28th September.  The slightly longer long weekend is down to the rescheduled INSET day on Thursday that should’ve taken place before the pupils returned in August.  Pupils should returns to school on Tuesday 29th September at 8.55am.