Chryston High School – Important Information, Beginning of Term, Mon 11th January 2021

Dear Parent/Carer,

First and foremost, on behalf of everyone at Chryston High School, we wish you and your family a very happy and healthy new year – all the very best for 2021.

Please click the links below to access two important documents, they have also been sent out to parents/carers via email.  The first being a letter about arrangements for the beginning of term from Monday 11th January and plans for digital learning. Almost all young people will learn from home. The second being our CHS Digital Learning (Version 1) document full of initial help and tips to support young people and families during these times.

Thanks as always for your ongoing support, understanding and patience as we work together to navigate through current circumstances.

Take care and stay safe – we will continue to communicate with you in due course.

CHS Digital Learning v1 2021.pptx [Autosaved] 1

January 2021 – New Term Arrangments Digital Learning 8.1.21

Letter to all Young People in our Senior Phase (S4-S6) and Parents/Families

Unfortunately our Senior Phase (S4 – S6) Assessment Fortnight/January Assessments can no longer take place due to current circumstances.  An important letter has been emailed today to all parents/families of all young people in the senior phase of their learning (S4 – S6).


Please click the link below to access the letter.


S4- 6 Letter – January Assessments 7.1.21

Christmas Update 2020

As we approach the Christmas break, we thank you for all of your patience, support and understanding throughout the term.  Please find a link below to access the latest version of our school newsletter, December 2020 edition.  You will be able to read about a number of achievements and successes, proving how well our young people are doing amidst a number of ongoing challenges due to current circumstances.

Please also find a link to a letter from Mr. Derek Brown (NLC Executive Director, Education & Families) which includes important information regarding arrangements for January 2021 following recent Scottish Government announcements.  You should have received this letter already but it is attached again just to make sure that everyone has received it.  We will be in communication with all families again from the 6th January onwards.

The final link is the latest version of our family calendar for your information.

We realise that there will be many questions regards January 2021 and we look forward to communicating further with you following the holidays.

From all of us at Chryston High School, have a very healthy and happy Christmas, best wishes for 2021.

FINAL Parent-carer letter – January 21 return 21.12.20

Family News Ed 2 Christmas-Dec 2020.

CHS Family Calendar V4 22.12.2020