Hi Biggies,
As usual I hope you are all well. It was great to hear some of you in the video conference last week.
Please take your time reading this. Go over it with an adult if you can. Listen to the audio version if that helps. Take your time there is a lot to take in.
I would like you to post two or three things to your e-portfolio each week. This will help you build up a record of your learning over time. There are suggestions of things to post below. You can post about anything else too. I’ve really enjoyed reading all the posts so far.
You can contact me by e-mail, I’ll be in Teams every day. You can get Help with Glow
Jump to Literacy, Maths, Art, ICT, IDL, Health & Wellbeing
Video conference in Teams
- Monday 2:00pm
- Tuesday: 11:00
- Wednesday: 2:00
- Thursday: 11:00
- Friday: 2:00
Logon to Glow and click the Teams tile
Daily Tasks
Read a book, Explore a word, ReadTheory Spelling
If you need a book you can go to Free eBook library | Oxford Owl I have emailed you and your parents the class password.
This week
Make a Visualiser about a character in the book you are reading. You can decide the best layout, here are a couple of ways you could do it: Visualiser
Yellow & Blue Groups: Write a beginning middle & end for a chapter or short book
Green & Red: Write the main ideas for a chapter of your book then write a summary. Write a summary of one of the chapters you are reading.
Film Literacy
Detective Pikachu | Film Class
Watch the clip and answer the questions.
Write at least three (more for p 6 & 7) of your answers to the questions out fully, eg:
I think Pikachu feels ___________ when Tim calls him ‘partner’ because _________
Add those to your e-Portfolio.
Bonus points if you embed the youtube video on your post. (Hint, copy the url to the video on YouTube and paste it in).
Using your Visualiser, Narrative Writing: Continue a book. You will need to read the instructions at the link.
Daily Maths
Measuring Perimeter, Area & Volume
Octagons, Hexagons & Pentagons Area in square centimetres
Area is the size of a surface.
Two Worksheets: Using a Ruler, Measure Area
Triangles & Squares
Area & Perimeter
Find some rectangles around your home. Measure their widths and heights
Work out the Area, remember Area = width x height
Work out the Permiter
You could add to your e-Portfolio, label clearly.
Two worksheets: Calculating Area Drawing Shapes using area
Extra Challenge: Activity: Garden Area
More Information: Metric Area
Some help woth measure: Issue 1 – Measurements – (Maths) — Dekko Comics

Land Art, if you can get outside, even in your garden make some Land Art.
Land Art for Kids has some great ideas.
Collage, if you can’t collect natural bits and pieces why not try and make a collage. Either from pictures from magazines of a digital one.
There is a great set of instructions on Create a Collagasaurus
I used keynote with a lot of instant alpha to make mine:
Add your Art or a photo of it to your e-Portfolio, add it to the Art Gallery too (remember to set the project type to Art)
If you did not make a scratch joke you should try that. You can also see how to add your scratch project to your e-Portfolio.
This week you can Hack Your Window
Here is mine:
Can you make a factsheet, movie, presentation or something else to explain what the Scottish Parliament is. Who goes there, what it is for. Talk to people in your family. Here are some links to get you started.
- Scottish Parliament Facts for Kids
- Games – Visit & Learn : Scottish Parliament
- About Inside Scottish Parliament – Fun Kids – the UK’s children’s radio station
- Scottish Parliament Facts for Kids | KidzSearch.com
- Scottish Parliament: What is Democracy? – Fun Kids – the UK’s children’s radio station
Health & Well Being
Hopefully you have found a good way to keep fit, it might be Joe Wicks, going for a walk or something else. Keep a record of what you do for exercise this week. At the end of the week look back and see how much you have done. What did you enjoy most, what do you think was most effective.