Home Learning 27 Apr 2020

Hi Biggies,
As usual I  hope you are all well. It was great to hear some of you in the video conference last week.

Please take your time reading this. Go over it with an adult if you can. Listen to the audio version if that helps. Take your time there is a lot to take in.

I would like you to post two or three things to your e-portfolio each week. This will help you build up a record of your learning over time. There are suggestions of things to post below. You can post about anything else too. I’ve really enjoyed reading all the posts so far.

You can contact me by e-mail, I’ll be in Teams every day. You can get Help with Glow

Jump to Literacy, Maths, Art, ICT, IDL, Health & Wellbeing

Video conference in Teams

  • Monday 2:00pm
  • Tuesday: 11:00
  • Wednesday: 2:00
  • Thursday: 11:00
  • Friday: 2:00

Logon to Glow and click the Teams tile


Daily Tasks

Read a book, Explore a word, ReadTheory Spelling

If you need a book you can go to Free eBook library | Oxford Owl I have emailed you and your parents the class password.

This week

Make a Visualiser about a character in the book you are reading. You can decide the best layout, here are a couple of ways you could do it: Visualiser

Yellow & Blue Groups: Write a beginning middle & end for a chapter or short book
Green & Red: Write the main ideas for a chapter of your book then write a summary. Write a summary of one of the chapters you  are reading.

Film Literacy

Detective Pikachu | Film Class

Watch the clip and answer the questions.

Write at least three (more for p 6 & 7) of your answers to the questions out fully, eg:

I think Pikachu feels ___________ when Tim calls him ‘partner’ because _________

Add those to your e-Portfolio.

Bonus points if you embed the youtube video on your post. (Hint, copy the url to the video on YouTube and paste it in).


Using your Visualiser, Narrative Writing: Continue a book. You will need to read the instructions at the link.


Daily Maths


Measuring Perimeter, Area & Volume

Octagons, Hexagons & Pentagons Area in square centimetres
Area is the size of a surface.
Two Worksheets: Using a Ruler, Measure Area

Triangles & Squares

Area & Perimeter
Find some rectangles around your home. Measure their widths and heights
Work out the Area, remember Area = width x height
Work out the Permiter

You could add to your e-Portfolio, label clearly.

Two worksheets: Calculating Area Drawing Shapes using area

Extra Challenge: Activity: Garden Area

More Information: Metric Area

Some help woth measure: Issue 1 – Measurements – (Maths) — Dekko Comics


Aaliyah & Emily’s Land Art a huge nest!

Land Art, if you can get outside, even in your garden make some Land Art.
Land Art for Kids has some great ideas.

Collage, if you can’t collect natural bits and pieces why not try and make a collage. Either from pictures from magazines of a digital one.

There is a great set of instructions on Create a Collagasaurus

I used keynote with a lot of instant alpha to make mine:

Add your Art or a photo of it to your e-Portfolio, add it to the Art Gallery too (remember to set the project type to Art)

Other Art Ideas


If you did not make a scratch joke you should try that. You can also see how to add your scratch project to your e-Portfolio.

This week you can Hack Your Window

Here is mine:


Can you make a factsheet, movie, presentation or something else to explain what the Scottish Parliament is. Who goes there, what it is for. Talk to people in your family. Here are some links to get you started.

Health & Well Being

Hopefully you have found a good way to keep fit, it might be Joe Wicks, going for a walk or something else. Keep a record of what you do for exercise this week. At the end of the week look back and see how much you have done. What did you enjoy most, what do you think was most effective.

Home Learning Week Beginning 20 Apr 2020

Hi Biggies,
I hope you are all well.

Please take your time reading this. Go over it with an adult if you can. Listen to the audio version if that helps. Take your time there is a lot to take in.

We have been away from school for four weeks now. I am going to try and give you ideas for about two hours learning every day.

This week the focus should be getting into a routine. Discuss with your parents and carers how you are going to fit in some learning every day.

I would like you to post two or three things to your e-portfolio each week. This will help you build up a record of your learning over time. There are suggestions of things to post below. You can post about anything else too. I’ve really enjoyed reading all the posts so far.

You can contact me by e-mail, I’ll be in Teams every day. You can get Help with Glow

Jump to: Maths, ArtICT, IDL or PE


Everyone: Read and write every day.


Make a reading record for the week. Each day spend some time reading, note the book and pages you read. Try to read a book rather than the internet if you can.
Each day choose one interesting word from your reading. Do one of the following:

  • Write a sentence using the word in a completely different way from the book.
  • Make a mind map about the word.
  • Write the meaning of the word as if you were making a dictionary, remember to explain what kind of word it is, noun, verb, adjective, adverb, etc.
  • Write an acrostic poem using the word.

If you can get online do a ReadTheory quiz every day.

You can read Epic! as well. Let me know if you have forgotten your login details. We may be using Epic so make sure your logon works.


This week we are going to complete two pieces of writing. Work on them for a couple of days each.

On Friday choose the one you like best, check it over, and put it on your e-Portfolio.

  1. Write a diary of how you spent one day.
  2. Look out of your window write about what you see, hear, feel and think. This could be a poem if you like.


Each group has a list of the week, you can use the games on Spelling City for the list, or do some fun spelling tasks, diacritical marking for phonics, or think up strategies for common words. Do something with your list word every day and try and get someone to test you on Friday.



On Monday choose a table. Time how long it takes to say it out loud. The whole table, not just stations. Everyday practise, chant it, write it out, get someone to pass you random questions or use  the different pages on ibanton.surge.sh if you like. On Friday time yourself again. We will do this for a different table every week. You can post your best time to Teams on Fridays.

Chilli challenge

Number Talks Chilli Challenge this week subtraction. Do the three questions everyday. One day write down an explanation of how you did it in the same way we do in class.  You can put that explanation on your e-Portfolio.


Practise, adding, subtraction, multiplication and division every day. Just do a little. 10 minutes. Use Gimme some sums or get someone to make some random numbers up for you. Use the formal method for addition and subtraction don’t use your mental skills, keep them for the chilli challenge.


find 10 things in your house less than a metre long. measure them to the nearest centimetre. Arrange them in order of size. Either take a photo of them with labels beside them with the sizes marked or write a list of the sizes. Remember to put in the units of measurement, cm
You could put this on your e-Portfolio.

Maths Group Work: BBC Bitesized

Here are some great learning resources on BBC Bitesized, I suggest you look at these ones this week:


Create a picture of a butterfly either draw an imaginary symmetrical one or draw a realistic one.
You can add this to your e-portfolio.
How To Draw a Butterfly – YouTube might help.


Check your scratch logon works.

Can you use scratch to tell a joke. Here is my example:

You can look inside to see how it was done.

The trick is have all the code run from the start (the green flag) and use waits to make the different sprites talks at different times.

You can add your finished project to your e-portfolio. Here is how.


This week I’d like to you think about the word Democracy. Find out what it means, write some notes, brainstorm or make a mind-map. We will be doing some topic work on democracy in Scotland this term.

 You could add your notes or mind-map to your e-Portfolio.


Joe Wicks’ Daily PE Lesson – YouTube

Or anything else. It might be good to keep a record of what you are doing to keep fit. Jonah said he was managing 30 press ups! Do you think you can catch him up? This might be a good time to try and improve a particular exercise.

Holiday Homework 😉

I don’t expect you to do any homework over the next two weeks, but you might get bored;-)

If you create anything share a photo on your e-portfolio or in Teams if you like. If you find any fun things to do you can share with your classmates.

Get in touch with me if you think I can help with anything. Email is probably best but I’ll pop into Teams most days and check comments on the blog and your e-Portfolios.

Some ideas…

Do some Art

for example
Art For Kids Hub – Art Lessons – How To Draw For Kids

or search: drawing tutorial – YouTube

Or draw your family. It might cheer them up.

Take some Pictures

Get a photo challange

or make up your own, I tried to make a rainbow in the park.

Go on a Virtual Trip

for example: Kenai Fjords National Park, Alaska
maybe look at some animals:

EarthCam – Animal Cams

My favourite is the Jelly Cam.

Make something

I am missing my cardboard pile, some ideas here:
31 Things You Can Make With A Cardboard Box That Will Blow Your Kids’ Minds

Or make an indoor or garden den. look out the lego, knex or whatever you have, have fun.

Keep safe and I hope to see you virtually at least after the holidays.

Home Learning Week Beginning 30 March

Hi Biggies,
I hope you and yours are all well.

Please take you time reading this. Listen to the audio if it helps. Ask someone else to read it with you if that helps too.

I’ve seen most of you online this week either in Teams or your e-Portfolio posts. If you can please do one of the following:

  • Post to your e-Portfolio
  • Leave a message in teams
  • Leave a comment on this blog post
  • e-Mail me at gw09johnstonjohn4@glowmail.org.uk

Even if it is just to let us know how you are and that you are getting this.

I can also see that some of you have been doing a little sumdog and Readtheory, let’s try and do a bit more this week.

If you have had a problem with anything let me know.

This week I hope that you try a wee bit more work.


Everyone Every Day: Read & Write.

If you have not finished your reading book now is the time.

There are lots of things to read online but try to read books. When you have read something tell us about it in Teams or by posting a short review to your ePortfolio.

If you need reminded of the class code for Epic, email me.


Choose 2 or three things from the Writing List to do this week as well as the weekly task below:

This week make an advert. Think of the persuasive genre.

  • An interesting headline.
  • Information and claims about the product.
  • Great words and phrases.
  • Catchy slogans (that may use alliteration).
  • Facts.
  • Opinions (that may be exaggerated).
  • Exciting pictures.

You could write this, make a poster or even a movie. Post it to your ePortfolio, use the Language & Literacy profile tag.



Everyone everyday you can do one of these at least

  • Sumdog we all could do more. Not much activity last week. There are 2 Challenges for Each Group, give them a go.
  • Number Talks Chilli Challenge is still addition this week.
  • Gimmie Some Sums, do a few addition, subtraction and multiplication at a level that will challenge you. Do a few division if you know the repeated subtraction or formal method.

Triangles & Squares

Practise your Fractions of

2D Shape. Draw some circles with a compass, no compass:

Draw some, on one label radius, circumference & diameter

Circle Information and help

Make some patterns with circles, you could draw round things, use scratch. Some could be Concentric Circles.

Post to your e-Portfolio.


Read about Quadrilaterals

Draw and label some Quadrilaterals, you can use paper, an app or put them in a wall in minecraft. Label them if you do that.

minecraft screenshot
Minecraft parallelogram. Can you do better, I bet you can.

Post to your e-Portfolio.

Hexagons & Octogons

How many 2D shapes can you draw? , you can use paper, an app or put them in a wall in minecraft. Label them if you do that.
Post to your e-Portfolio.


Wars of Independence
Watch some of these videos, can you explain one of them. Don’t pick the one you did for our News programs. Think about the best way to do it, writing, drawing, video or a combination.


5 Ways to Draw 3D Shapes – wikiHow
Post a drawing to your ePortfolio

Super Simple Draw! – How To Draw for Kids – YouTube


Daily emoji Movie Quiz, answers in comments please.
Movie Emoji Quiz – Banton Biggies

31 Days of Spring LEGO Calendar – That Brick Life

The Featured image was one that Heather, one of the talented Biggies, posted to Teams.

Home Learning Week 1 Make a timetable.

Hi Biggies,
I hope you are all settling into a routine, keeping safe and having some fun.

Please read this over with your parents, grandparents or whoever is looking after you in the day. Take your time read it carefully.

This week I would like you to do one thing. Make a timetable add it to your e-Portfolio.

Plan how you are going to spend your days. The picture with this post is just one idea, you may organise your day quite differently. You could also make your look nicer than mine😉

I do think you need to have some Literacy, spelling, reading and writing, some maths, some creative activity and some exercise. Please work with your parents or whoever is looking after you on this.

Of course you don’t need to keep to your timetable every day but it is a good idea to have one.

Your Learning Intention is: I can create timetables for different purposes, e.g. parties, school trips and events

Success Criteria:

  • Create a timetable
  • Have slots for literacy, maths, exercise and fun.

Once you have your timetable post it to your e-Portfolio. Take a picture if you can or just write it out.

If you have trouble getting onto your e-Portfolio let me know and I’ll try and help.

You can email me or let us know in Teams if you like, some people are chatting there already.
We have also had a few e-Portfolio posts, well done to those people. I’ve put links in the Team chat.

I am also putting some nice, I think, photos in Teams, Jess added a drawing in progress and Aaron has just posted a bird photo. Please do the same. It doesn’t need to be to do with School work.

Please talk to your parents or whoever is caring for you  about what you are doing, they will be able to help.

I hope to see you soon, and you are keeping safe and having fun.


Mr Johnston

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