All posts by Mrs Hunter

Principal Teacher and P7 Class Teacher at Whinhill Primary School.

Le Francais

This week we were learning how to ask and answer basic questions in French. We learned how to speak French by practising phrases, talking to one another and asking each other questions. We were successful because we managed to respond to questions used to us by different people e.g. our teachers, a French lady and each other. This will be useful in high school because we will learn more difficult vocabulary. If we visit France, we could use some of our language there too. It was difficult at first to put on the French accent and to work out what we were being asked to do. We had to really think about the questions before we answered. We also have been learning Gaelic so sometimes we nearly answered in that language by mistake! That shows that we are learning to be bilingual. We are really proud because we managed by to sing two French songs for our visitor Je suis une Pizza and Quelle le date de ton anniversaire! Some of us need to work on our confidence but practise makes perfect!

By Primary 7a

Photoblitz #DLW03

P7’s homework his week was to take part in Digital Learning Week’s Photoblitz task #dlw03  Here are some photos that have been tweeted to me! Well done everyone!

Christmas Market 2015

Recently our class have been organising an Enterprise by making crafts for a Christmas Market. First we had to plan and organise what we were going to sell and ask other classes to help out and make stuff.  We decided to design/paint Christmas tree baubles, Little treasure box’s and even make snowflakes! We all know we did a good job because they looked beautiful! We learned how to paint the Christmas baubles because you have to use different paint and it was hard but I got it. I found the baubles really challenging with the paint but I found away to overcome it by just keeping patient. It was difficult at first planning helpers to be on each staff along with a couple of pupils from that class. We had to go over money skills and we learned about profit and loss. It was important to practice giving change. Parents came for tea and coffee and bought some home baking as well as crafts. It was great success because we raised over £800! It was definitely a team effort from P7 and the rest of the school.


By Primary 7

Inverclyde Academy Transition Day

On Thursday we went to Inverclyde Academy for our first induction day. When we were driving there our bus broke down but we got there eventually! We all got off the bus and went around to the dance studio where Mr Brown was waiting for us to tell us what to do. I felt better when I saw Mr Brown because I had met him before when he came to our school to talk about high school.

Everybody went to their first class and I had Home Ec. I really enjoyed it because I made rice crispie cakes. I felt a bit nervous going in to class but confident when I was cooking because it wasn’t the first time I had cooked. I was really excited for my next class which was P.E. We played rounders and I was glad that I was prepared and had brought my P.E kit! We got to meet the head girl who did a quiz with us, it was quite difficult but fun. Another subject we enjoyed was science. Our science teacher set her hands on fire, I couldn’t believe it! Mr Rodgers and Mrs Hunter had a turn and they both set their hands on fire too. The teacher also tried to burn a £20 but luckily it didn’t burn. She taught us about the things we needed to make combustion; the fire triangle is oxygen, heat and fuel.

After science we had to go back and pick up our rice crispie cakes – they tasted delicious! I was tired at the end of the day and was glad to get back to school. I really enjoyed my day at Inverclyde Academy and am looking forward to going to high school next year.

By Luci in P7

How to Knit using a Loom

HereToday Ellie taught us how to knit using a special loom. Ellie has been busy making lots of knitted hats for babies and we were all really interested in how she made them.  Ellie plans to hand them in to a baby unit in our local hospital – how thoughtful! What a wonderful Whinhill girl! Here is a ‘how to’ video so you can learn to knit too!

Here is what Ellie had to say: It was so fun creating my hat ‘how to’ video for you. I love to knit. As I said in the tutorial, I am making the little baby hats for the babies in the hospital. This great idea came to my mind and I thought, why not? You can get all different sizes of looms. It is so handy to have this equipment because if it’s a cold wintery day you never have to go out and buy a hat why not knit one? Thank you so much for watching and if you did watch I hope this tutorial helped you. Please leave a comment below! By Ellie

Whinhill Primary

Meeting our Buddies!

This is our first post on our new class blog! On the first day of school we got to meet our P1 buddies. We were a wee bit nervous because we were not sure what it would be like to be responsible for someone new in the school. It has been lots of fun with our buddies so far and we been involved in lots of activities to help them settle into school. Some of the P1s are really shy and some are really energetic and excited about school! Outside in the playground we drew with chalk and a lot of the Primary 7s got chalk all over them! We had to help them write their name and draw a picture beside it. It was good to get a chance to talk and get to know our buddies better.  In class, we talked about asking them open questions to start a conversation and it really worked! Look at our photos at the bottom of the page.

Each morning we go down to Primary 1 and make sure that they are safe in the playground and help them get changed into their sandshoes for class. If we see our buddies crying in the morning about missing Mums and Dads we calm them by reading them a book or trying to make them happy and take their mind off it. We would like to say thank you to Mrs Hunter and Mrs Reid  for helping us with our buddies that we love so much.

By Chloe and Cerys P7