I’m an Engineer, I can help here!

Four primary sevens went to an engineering competition called ‘I am an Engineer, I can help here!’ There were lots of different things  to do like  raft building. In raft building you had lots of different materials. There was a ruler, pencil, rubber, scissors and some cardboard, it was a pizza box. In the challenge we named our raft ‘The Whinhill Raft’ we came 1st in the raft building!

The second challenge was the circuit challenge was where you had to set off a circuit by adding the wires together and make a beeping noise. This was very hard and we had to work together to decide what to do but we managed to complete it in the end.

Challenge three was the pumping water challenge. You had to build a tube to pump the water through and then you had to go down to the bottom of the hall and pump the water from one bucket to a another. This was a lot of problem solving but we managed 117ml!

Challenge four was building a boat to float on water. We managed to build it and it had to survive between two tables with a bottle of sand on top of it. We only had wool sticks and zip ties. We managed it and it survived the table balancing between them, it was so fun.

I am interested in building and making things so I think this is linked to Children’s Rights Article 29, Every child’s education should help them use and develop their talents and abilities.

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