Our Friendship Assembly

Today we are writing this blog about Primary 7a’s class assembly. Since we are focusing on Article 15 – you have the right to be with friends and join or set up clubs, unless this breaks the rights of others, our assembly was all about friendship. In the last few weeks we have been learning about being a good friend and how to help our buddies in P1 make friends. In the assembly we thought would make it funny and put the Great British Bake Off (The TV show) but instead we called it the Great Whinhill Bake Off. The hosts for the Great Whinhill Bake Off were Jamie Hollywood and Ellie Berry with their glamorous, fabulous and totally exotic assistant…Joanna Jelly (aka Scott Orr)! They were really funny! They told us all about the qualities of a good friend for s recipe for friendship.

An important part of our assembly was the story called ‘The Crayon Box that Talked’. Some pupils dressed up as a colour and acted like a crayon. In the beginning they all hated each other but then at the end of the story they became friends. Things we had to focus on were having a loud, clear voice, thinking about our body language and responding to the audience. We found it difficult at first but we all were delighted with our performance! At the end we sang a song called Count on me by Bruno Mars. The video was animated and it had the lyrics so everyone could sing along!
