Our art inspired by Henri Matisse

This week we did some funky art. We looked at art by Henri Matisse, he is famous for his paper Cut-Outs and the dancer.  We learned about making a paper collage using big blocks of colours and cutting them into shapes. Next we had to cut out a person from black so it would stand out. To make his body we had to cut oval and rectangular shapes and position him so it looked like he was dancing. Mrs Hunter taught us how to cut a circle from a square by keeping cutting the corners until its a circle. I found that difficult at first, I need more practice! We then added colour to give him crazy clothes and facial features.

I was really happy when I finished my Henri Matisse dancer because I found it really hard to do. It was especially difficult doing the  head, arms and legs because they were an oval shape as I am used to cutting straight lines. I asked Arianna for help, when I needed it. I will upload the pictures underneath.
