Update 08.09.20

Please see the link below for an update on staffing and continued measures in  place at Shawlands Academy.

Letter 08 09 2020

Update 19.08.20

Please see letter below for updates to break times, lunch times and the end of the school day.

Letter 19 08 2020

PTC Meeting Monday 7 September

 Monday 7th September at 6.30pm

Any person that wants to attend needs to email shawlandsacademyptc2016@gmail.com with their child’s name and year group. Zoom Login details will be sent out on the day.


Many thanks PTC


Home Learning Frequently Asked Questions

We have put together a short video answering some of the questions we are asked about home learning, to see this please click on the link below. If you have any more questions or problems please get in touch.



Home Learning Tips