

Mr Downie

Ms Paton

Mr Elder

Mrs Crudden

Miss Patterson

Mrs Robertson

Mrs Khan

Mrs Sabir

Ms Rodger (PTPC)

Mr Alexander (PTPC)

Miss Wilson

Levels offered: National 4, National 5, Higher, Advanced Higher

Biology — the study of living organisms — plays a crucial role in our everyday existence, and is an increasingly important subject in the modern world. Advances in technologies have made this varied subject more exciting and relevant than ever. Biology affects everyone and aims to find solutions to many of the world’s problems. It explores the use of genetic modification to produce new plants and drugs, devising fertility treatments, curing genetic diseases, and developing new sources of food. The course will be of interest and value to learners wishing to develop Problem Solving skills and knowledge and understanding of biology.

Who might choose this subject?

Pupils who have a keen interest in the natural world and how the body works will enjoy this subject. As a biologist, you could use your skills in a variety of ways, such as in agriculture, to improve productivity in livestock or crops, to tackle environmental issues, such as ways of cleaning polluted rivers so that fish can thrive, and in conservation, supporting a variety of plants and animals in their natural environment. Biologists are also sought after in careers like medicine, developing new methods to diagnose, monitor and treat illness or disease, in industry, preventing food contamination or creating ways to dispose of waste safely, and in teaching, lecturing and academic research.