
Responsible Citizen – Eco Captain

Our Eco captain was hard at work in his post. He was a Responsible Citizen wheeling the recycling boxes round and ensuring that each item went into the correct bin.


Responsible Citizens – Climate Change Conference

The Transition class had a wonderful Climate Change Conference day on Thursday. We joined with Oak class online to discover what Climate Change is. We then shared some tasks to do throughout the day to help prevent Climate change. Transition class were responsible for issuing an Energy Audit using our literacy and numeracy skills. We also discovered the food miles involved in our lunches using our numeracy skills.  Our last task was to prompt upcycling where we made some templates for a forthcoming whole school project. We met again in the afternoon to share our progress with Oak class. What a fun and busy day.

Delivering our Energy Audit

Online with our Oak friends

Placing food miles on our number line

Creating our Energy Audit

Starting our Upcycling project

Discovering food miles using Google Maps


More Google Maps



*Responsible Citizens* *Effective Contributors*

As part of our school Eco targets this year, we learned that people around the world suffer from hunger and we are lucky to have access to food in our school. We looked at how we can make small changes so that we are not wasting food. We used some old bananas that were almost binned to make Banana Muffins!


50 Things – Bug Hotel

Responsible Citizen/Confident Individual

To make our bug hotel, we recycled our plastic bottles and cut a space in the side. We had to use good looking skills to find different natural materials such as sticks, stones and fir cones, to stack inside our bottles to provide shelter for the bugs.
After finishing our bug hotels, we placed them in the garden to see if any bugs would be attracted to our hotels. We visited a few weeks later and found a few creepy crawlies in our hotels so we were very pleased to have helped the wildlife  in our school grounds. Good job, Asteroids!


FAOL – Whole School Projects – Harvest

*Responsible Citizens       *Effective Contributors

We have enjoyed many Harvest activities this week. We collected groceries for the Food Bank, enjoyed a Harvest Assembly with Rev. Cameron, ground wheat to show how flour is made and baked bread. At art we created scarecrows, harvest wreaths and printed apple patterns. We played the glockenspiel, following patterns, to play autumn songs. We also make tasty apple punch.



*Responsible Citizens* *Successful Learners*

The Sungazers have been learning about Harvest this week and how it is celebrated. We collected leaves and natural objects outdoors to make our own Harvest wreaths:


We went on a Harvest food hunt around the class. The pupils really enjoyed this and we had lots of great reading, talking, and image recognition:

As part of our Farm to Fork theme, as well as Harvest, we looked at the difference between foods that come from plants and animals:

To finish off our week of learning, we followed a simple recipe to make Oaty biscuits:

Have a wonderful holiday from everyone in the Sungazers!!


Harvest Festival Fun

We have enjoyed our time learning about harvest time, different foods produced, helping others and being thankful for the food we eat.
We went on a food hunt round our classroom and used a checklist to make sure we had found all the items, we made a scarecrow and chose which materials to use for the scarecrow’s hair. We also collected food for the local food bank and took it to the collection point in the school. This afternoon we made our own classroom harvest wreath and made a harvest shaker to shake while we sang harvest songs at the end of the day.
Well done, Asteroids!


Responsible Citizens – Health and Wellbeing

The Transition class were Responsible Citizens this week when they worked on their own individual targets. Targets ranged from helping with school chores, washing face and hands, working in groups and choosing self regulation items. Everyone was very focused.



*Responsible Citizens* & *Effective Contributors*

As part of our class Enterprise, we grew & made our own snacks to enjoy at our MacMillan Coffee Morning. We started off by planting and growing water cress to make Egg Cress sandwiches. We then made our own Soda-bread and butter – which took a lot of shaking! We made the sandwiches fresh this morning with all of our ingredients.


Some pupils enjoyed the taste of the lemon we used for Soda bread!

We then enjoyed our sandwiches, some treats and tea/coffee this morning!                

Class photos from the Percy Pig display:



Pine Class – Successful Learners in Art


This week we were successful learners learning a new paint technique in Art – pulling the paint across the paper using a ruler, very effective BUT we cannot tell you what we are doing with it – it is a Christmas secret!!!



I am a happy happy boy!!!

Ready for some Animal Boogie??

Making masks for next weeks’ MacMillan – responsible citizens.

Great friends in the Pine Room.

Sensory Cookery involves lots of skills numeracy – counting the cases, identifying the different objects and colours, working on our motor skills  and our MOVE  when we exercising our hands.

Oh no – they just jumped out of the tray!!!!

Literacy and Art – working on the letter ‘A’ – all will be revealed next week!!!

This successful learner working on her I-gaze skills!!

Confident individuals working on their matching skills.

Our fantastic 50 Things Art from last week.

More Literacy work – matching the ‘A’ pictures and  we love the Alphabet songs…

…..successful story sequencing.

Sun is out – so lets go bowling – STRIKE!!!!

Have a great weekend everyone!!!


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