
Macaroni Mayhem

Transition boys were exploring healthy alternatives in cooking this week. They were Effective Contributors when they made macaroni and cheese as a group. The healthy twist was pureed cauliflower as the base for the cheese sauce. Yum Yum!




Musical Talents

SQA Music group today had a busy afternoon! We had a mini talent show with two very different performances. Gemma and Oliver were confident individuals to stand up in front of their peers and perform.  We had a singing performance of ‘Never Enough’ and a dance performance to ‘Grease Lightening’. I will let you work who did which performance.

We all played instruments to be effective contributors to work as a group and produce music to the song ”Happy’.

We also explored sound through the sound beam and switches.  Jacob, Jessica and Lyle were Gemma’s backing group.  They explored and created the sound effects whilst Gemma sang her song.


Fair Fa’ Yer Honest, Sonsie Face

It was a braw day on Friday when all the boys attended our schools Burns’ Supper. All boys in the Transition class were Effective Contributors and Confident Individuals on the build up to and during the Burns’ Supper.

As you can see a lot of happy faces and full tummies. And by the end of the ceilidh the boys were all puggled and had to have a seat.



Scottish Activities in the Stars Class

As it was Robert Burn’s birthday we enjoyed a morning of Scottish activities. We dressed up in kilts and tartan sashes and enjoyed shortbread at snack time followed by Scottish country dancing. We danced to the St Bernard’s Waltz and Canadian Barn Dance before doing the Hokey Cokey in Scots. We played tattie boccia  then finished by doing ‘turns’. We did ‘Buy Me a Banana’, ‘Wee Willie Winkie, ‘My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean’, ‘Three Craws’ and ‘Coulter’s Candy’. Lunch was haggis, neeps and tatties. We all had a grand time.



FAOL- Enterprise

For our term two Enterprise project, we enjoyed making crafts to sell at the Christmas Fair.

We were confident individuals when following visual instructions to create Sock Snowmen and Reindeer Hot Chocolate.


In the Words of Van Halen – Jump!

Today the Transition boys listened to a story called ‘Jump!’ for the start of their LGBT topic. They were Effective Contributors when answering questions afterwards.


FAOL – Outdoor Learning

The Stars class made bird feeders to feed to hungry birds in our sensory garden during the cold weather. We mixed together lard and bird seed then filled yogurt pots we’d saved from snack time. The pots were tied up high around the garden for the birds to access.





Happy New Year!

This week the Stars class have, amongst other things, explored big and small, started music therapy sessions and made star shaped shortbread at HE. A busy start to 2019.



New Year – Healthy Food

The Transition Boys were Effective Contributors when they all worked together on a class task sorting different foods into Healthy and Unhealthy. The boys identified each food and could correctly share with the class if it was healthy or not (even if they didn’t like it!)


Musical MOVE

Melanie, Adam and Lyle all had fun this afternoon whilst working hard on their movement skills.  They were effective contributors when using the sound beam and Melanie was a confident individual when playing the piano.

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