
Pudsey Fun

Everyone enjoyed a fun Friday taking part in some Pudsey fun games.  We worked together as a team to complete some movement challenges and piece together our broken Pudsey. We were effective contributors and worked together to complete the challenge.



Diwali Activities

We were successful learners as we explored Diwali this week. We made diya lamps and rangoli patterns.



50 Things – Making a Scarecrow

The Sungazers have had great fun designing and making a scarecrow for our sensory garden.  We stuffed clothing with shredded paper, helped to draw and colour in a face and used wool to make his hair.


Effective Contributors – Music, Changing Tempo

In our music class this week the boys looked at changing tempo. The were Effective Contributors  when they all worked together, tapping out the  beat of Nellie the Elephant. The boys used their numeracy skills to recognise and  say when the song was fast or slow. We also compared different songs and discussed which was faster or slower. The boys were so good that they didn’t fall for the trick where two different songs of the same tempo were played with paced dancers. The class tapped out the same tempo each time.


50 Things in the Outdoors – Making a Scarecrow

This Transition class were Effective Contributors when they all worked together to make a scarecrow for our raised bed. The boys helped spread out the plastic sheet to hold the hay and then took turns stuffing the scarecrow. Unfortunately the pumpkin head was just too heavy so a decorated hay stuffed bag had to be the replacement.



Firework Picture Fun

We have all had a great week in the Sungazers Class.  We have been learning about firework safety and enjoyed reading a story called ‘Sparks in the Sky’.    We even made our own firework pictures in class using different painting skills.  Plastic forks, flicking paint from a brush and glitter helped us to create wonderful pictures.  We all had good messy fun!



IDL – Over the Hedge – Music

The Stars class were effective contributors acting out the parts of the Animal Boogie book. We had a good time making the animal moves and singing the songs.



Hallowe’en Week Activities

The Stars class enjoyed a fantastic Hallowe’en week. We did Hallowe’en hard work, iced biscuits and did art and craft. On Friday we dressed up and enjoyed party activities, a sociable snack and a virtual parade. We had a blast!



50 Things – 12 – Picnic

The Stars class were effective contributors by making invitations and planning a picnic in the garden.


Initial letter of name – IDL

The Stars class were successful learners as we collected sticks and stones in the garden in order to write the initial letter of our forenames.


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