Tag Archives: ECC news

Nursery rhyme of the week

Image result for baa baa black sheep

We will be reciting different rhymes every week with the children. To help them with this skill,  could you please go over these rhymes with your  child at home highlighting the rhyming words and ensuring that they are saying the words in the correct order.

Have fun and thank you for supporting us.

New School Crossing Patrol


 A new crossing is being  installed at Dundonald Rd / Mount Village.    

EAC is hoping to have the civils aspect completed during the October week.

The signals will be installed by a specialist contractor shortly after

which will have minimal disruption. 

We encourage parents to use their new facility when it is up and running.  

The crossing will be slightly to the right of the old site,

this  is due to the proximity of the bus stop.


Makaton – Signs of the week!

This week on display in our cloakroom are our Makaton signs of the week which are to Sit and Friends. Please feel free to do these with your child at home as these aid communication and language skills.

ECC Snack Money

Autumn term snack money is now due.

Thank you to all those parents that have paid so far this term !

This year it will be 40p per day.

(August – October holidays  –  £16.00)

This money goes towards a health snack every day, for parties , trips and other little extras throughout the year.

Many thanks

Communication Corner

Please have a look at our communication corner in the cloakroom. This board provides information in aiding your child’s communication and language skills. This board will be updated weekly with two Makaton signs.  Makaton is fun and aids communication and language development. This weeks signs of the week are Milk and Please, we will be doing these signs with your child on a daily basis within the ECC but feel free to try these out at home. The ECC will also be providing a top tip of the month: Getting face to face with your child please take a look on our communication board for more information.

School Photos – Primary 1 , Primary 7 and ECC

Primary 1 , Primary 7

and the ECC will have

individual photos taken


Wednesday 13th September.

There will be full class photos taken later in the year for the whole school .

Makaton signs of the week are…

Our signs of the week are: Hello and Toilet.

Makaton is a language program using signs and symbols to help people communicate. It supports spoken language and eliminates the frustration for those who find it difficult to communicate effectively with the use of signs and symbols. Here at Gargieston we use Makaton on a daily basis to promote a communication rich environment through various songs and routines. We will be focusing on two signs of the week in the ECC and will share these with you on our communication board within the cloakroom. Please feel free to use these signs at home. Miss Clark, Mrs Cotton, Mrs Johnston, Miss Bryden and Miss Reid are all Makaton trained should you need any assistance on how to do these signs.

ECC Communication Corner

This week you will notice in our cloakroom area we have updated our communication corner for parents. Within the establishment we aim to work in partnership to offer a communication rich environment. This board offers information on aiding your child’s communication and literacy development. Each month we aim to offer a top tip of the month and provide weekly Makaton signs. Please feel free to take any information leaflets or speak to a staff member if you have any concerns regarding your child’s language development. Miss Clark and Mrs Johnston are our communication champions here at Gargieston Early Childhood Centre and are currently working in partnership with the SALT team(Speech and Language Therapists). We will be collecting feedback in the near future on how effective you are finding our communication corner or if you wish for any other information to be added.


ECC Snack

Autumn term snack money is now due.

This year it will be 40p per day.

(August – October holidays  –  £16.00)

This money goes towards a health snack every day, for parties , trips and other little extras throughout the year.

Many thanks


Lost Property !

All our lost property is now  available

in the parents room for parents / carers to have a look through.


Please feel free to come in and take

what you want!


We will be sending all lost property

to the Salvation Army

in Bellfield TOMORROW .

Many thanks


Remember  how important it is for your child’s

clothing to be labelled !

We must have sent nearly 100 sweatshirts

to the Salvation Army ( Bellfield )

this year.