Category Archives: School Events

MacMillan Coffee Morning

We are Macmillan. Cancer support. World's Biggest Coffee Morning. Friday 29th September.

Our annual MacMillan Coffee morning will take place on

Friday 29th September at 9.30am to 11.00am

Mrs Lawson and Primary 7 pupils will be selling tickets from Wednesday 20th September, priced £2 each. Toddlers will be admitted free. Ticket includes tea / coffee and a selection of cakes and scones, with water or juice for young children. Donations of baking, tea, coffee, sugar etc. would be gratefully received from Wednesday 27th September – take care to clearly label any tubs or tins with your name. (Please remember we can not sell any products containing nuts – many thanks)

We shall look forward to seeing you there for a blether and a bun!



Rights Respecting Schools Group Thank you

Mrs. McLaughland, Miss Meechan and all the members of last session’s Rights Respecting Schools group would like to say a HUGE thank you to everyone in the school and ECC who donated shoes to our collection for the Sal’s shoes charity on the last day of term in June. Once the shoes were boxed up, they were transported for a reduced fee by a courier to the Sal’s Shoes depot in England before being shipped, we believe, to Nigeria. It is a lovely thought that Nigerian school children who have very little, will now be going to school wearing shoes donated by Gargieston pupils. A massive thank you to Mrs. Lee (Freya and Pippa’s mum) for  coordinating the collection and transport and her band of helpers, including Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Gear, Mrs King and others. We should all be very proud of ourselves.

Base 3 Meet The Teacher

Base 3 invite parents to meet the teacher. Wednesday 30th August from 3:00pm – 3:15pm. We hope you can join us.

Miss Meechan, Mrs Marshall and Mrs Beveridge.


All pupils are reminded that the Bug Club lunchtime clubs begin again on Tuesday lunchtimes from next Tuesday, 29th August and the after school homework clubs also begin again from 3.15-4.15 on Wednesdays, beginning on Wednesday, 30th August.                                                                           Mrs. McLaughland

The Class of 2017…

Mrs Mackie and I were so proud of the Primary 7s today. We hope you enjoyed your final service in church – especially your special time at the end with The Leavers’ Song.

You played your recorders so well and looked great all standing together at the end.

Leavers’ Assembly tomorrow…6.30pm!!


Global Citizenship – Sal’s Shoes

To all children and parents,
In two days time, school will close and we will mark the end of this school year. Before you run for the doors to enjoy your long summer holiday, we want you to change another child’s life on the way out . . . 
We ask that on Thursday, you take your school shoes off and place them on your desk and leave school barefoot. A group of teachers, parents and pupils will gather the donated shoes up and they will be sent to a child in Africa via the wonderful work of Sal’s Shoes, a charity we would like to support.
So those shoes, which are unlikely to be used again because your feet will grow over the summer, won’t just sit in the shoe cupboard getting in the way, but will have a second life. A whole school leaving barefoot would be a powerful message that we want to help those fellow school children who have no choice but to leave school barefoot every day.
Please help us to help others who are less fortunate than ourselves.
There is no obligation to take part but we would love to support this charity and the work they carry out in finding new feet for pre-loved children’s shoes. To find out more about Sal’s Shoes you can visit their website.
P.S. We would appreciate one pair of shoes per pupil only. Of course you can bring in another pair of shoes to change into after walking out of school for your journey home; and if you have only recently purchased school shoes perhaps you would have another pair of outgrown shoes you may wish to bring in and leave behind. We’d love for you to take part.
We would as that pupils bring a £1 coin to school on Thursday. This money will help to pay for the transporting of the shoes all the way to their new owner.
Thank you, the Rights Respecting Schools Group

Better late than never!

Here are a selection of pictures from our fabulous day trip to Pollok Country Park the other week. We had such fun in the play park, before heading on a nature walk where we created our very own Art Attack of an elephant. Lastly, we were lucky enough to meet Mrs Mac in the beautiful house. She was the house keeper and took us on a Victorian adventure. We all had a brilliant day and the sun shined for us too.!

To all Primary 7 Parents…

Mrs Mackie and I would like to say a massive congratulations as well as a big thank you to all the Primary 7 parents involved in making the YouTube-themed party the success that it was. The attention to detail and the amount of work put in was amazing! From the posters and balloons to the Domino’s Pizza and chocolate fountains – a great night was had by all.

The donations of water and crisps etc. for everyone from Morrisons and Tesco were much appreciated, as were the flowers and fizz the children gave us..

A night full of memories for the children. The days are running out Primary 7…!!!!


Dunlop Cup Final

The boys played very well in last nights

final of the Dunlop Cup.


They were beaten 8-3

by an outstanding team from

Onthank Primary School.


Well done to all the boys and to Mr Smith

for coaching the team this year,

We are all proud of your achievements,

reaching 2 cup finals this year!!