Category Archives: Parents

Parking issues

Unfortunately today we had a complaint from a Dundonald Road resident who said he was unable to get into his runway as two cars were parked across the entrance to it.  Also, parking on the pavement across the road from the school makes manoeuvring in and out the school entrance much more hazardous.

We also had cars parked on the roundabout this afternoon – one with no driver in the car.

We would like to ask all parents to be courteous drivers and park in allocated car park bays or allow an extra few minutes to park slightly further away and walk in. This would greatly help the congestion on these darker, wet days and help keep the children safe.

Many thanks for your cooperation.

Nursery Rhyme of the week and Makaton signs

Our Nursery Rhyme of the week is Incy Wincy spider along with this weeks Makaton signs which link to our rhyme – Spider, up and down. Our top tip is still about adding on a word to your child’s sentence.  Please find each of these displayed in our ECC Cloakroom on our communication board. This board is changed weekly ( on a Wed).  We would appreciate if you could sing this rhyme with your child at home and point out the rhyming words throughout. Thank you.

Anti-Bullying and Dyslexia Awareness Day


To show support for Dyslexia Awareness Week and Anti-Bullying Week, we will be having a ‘wear something blue’ day on Friday 10th November. The whole school are invited to wear a blue accessory such as a wig, hat, socks, ribbons along with their normal school uniform.


This will be the focus of the assembly and pupils will be invited to complete a survey about anti-bullying. Also, pupils will learn more about dyslexia and anti-bullying in class.


If anyone has the use of a van and would be able to help us pick up a large blackboard from The Dick Institute on Wednesday 8th November, returning it on Friday 10th November, could you please speak to Mrs Lawson?

We would love it for our school play on the Thursday.

Many thanks!

Base 1 and 2 STEM Trip – Science Centre



Children from Base 1 & 2 will visit the

Science Centre as part of STEM week.

Thursday 16th November 2017.

Leaving school at 9.15 am, travelling by coach and returning for 3pm.

School uniform.

Packed lunches.

Closing date for orders – Thursday 9 November.

The trip will cost £7.70 and has been added to ParentPay.

If you are available to help on the day, please leave feedback below.



Please note…

Due to unforeseen circumstances there will be no dance sessions on a Tue within the ECC. Staff will be facilitating different activity sessions for your child within the gym hall instead.

Star of the Week

★ Well done to all of last weeks winners for being kind friends! ★

Makaton taster session

Some parents have shown an interest in learning Makaton.

Information is available from the Makaton Ayrshire Facebook page.

The session for East Ayrshire is on Thursday 30th November 6.30pm – 8.30pm at the Alexander Fleming Education Centre within Crosshouse Hospital.

You should contact them to secure a place.

Happy Halloween from P5!

A great day in P5 celebrating Halloween!

ECC communication board survey results

Communication board survey results

A big thank you to the 49 participants who completed the communication board survey this is very informative and useful for our progression. A few people have commented on improvements for our communication board which included display of a weekly snack menu this is put up on a  weekly basis in the cloakroom please find this menu on the board next to the ECC playroom door. Other feedback left was in regards to pictures of the children being displayed this will be taken on board and I look forward to adding some pictures of the children in the near future maybe interlinking to our top tip of the month.  Thank you very much for your support. Miss Clark.