Category Archives: Literacy and English



Nursery rhyme of the week

Image result for baa baa black sheep

We will be reciting different rhymes every week with the children. To help them with this skill,  could you please go over these rhymes with your  child at home highlighting the rhyming words and ensuring that they are saying the words in the correct order.

Have fun and thank you for supporting us.

P7 Spelling

Today in class we were doing active spelling. We had a mixture of different choices. Some of the choices we had were: Write a paragraph or a short story, Rainbow Writing, Write six sentences, Draw a picture of eight of your words, Create a word search/crossword  or Write a poem using several of your words. Everybody did two activities each.

By Alistair Johnston.

Bug Club

It was lovely to meet some of our new families at a Bug Club workshop recently. It was aimed at new children in the school from P2 upwards and we hope that they are enjoying learning new reading skills with this super online resource.

Children familiar with this should all be back into the swing of Bug Club and aiming high with challenging texts from their teachers. As always please lets us know if you are experiencing any difficulties with your account.

Soon we shall look forward to meeting all our new P1 families at one of the future workshops. More details to follow.

Makaton signs of the week are…

Our signs of the week are: Hello and Toilet.

Makaton is a language program using signs and symbols to help people communicate. It supports spoken language and eliminates the frustration for those who find it difficult to communicate effectively with the use of signs and symbols. Here at Gargieston we use Makaton on a daily basis to promote a communication rich environment through various songs and routines. We will be focusing on two signs of the week in the ECC and will share these with you on our communication board within the cloakroom. Please feel free to use these signs at home. Miss Clark, Mrs Cotton, Mrs Johnston, Miss Bryden and Miss Reid are all Makaton trained should you need any assistance on how to do these signs.

ECC Communication Corner

This week you will notice in our cloakroom area we have updated our communication corner for parents. Within the establishment we aim to work in partnership to offer a communication rich environment. This board offers information on aiding your child’s communication and literacy development. Each month we aim to offer a top tip of the month and provide weekly Makaton signs. Please feel free to take any information leaflets or speak to a staff member if you have any concerns regarding your child’s language development. Miss Clark and Mrs Johnston are our communication champions here at Gargieston Early Childhood Centre and are currently working in partnership with the SALT team(Speech and Language Therapists). We will be collecting feedback in the near future on how effective you are finding our communication corner or if you wish for any other information to be added.



All pupils are reminded that the Bug Club lunchtime clubs begin again on Tuesday lunchtimes from next Tuesday, 29th August and the after school homework clubs also begin again from 3.15-4.15 on Wednesdays, beginning on Wednesday, 30th August.                                                                           Mrs. McLaughland

A Warm Welcome To All Our New Pupils!

With the teachers all prepared and ready to go, we are looking forward to welcoming lots of new pupils to Gargieston tomorrow morning. Not only do we have all our Primary 1s, we also have 10 new pupils to various classes further up the school! We hope you are all excited and looking forward to making lots of new friends.

As all current pupils and parents know, our main reading materials are from the online resource Bug Club. It is a relatively new scheme and one which is showing great results in our children’s learning.

With this in mind, we would like to invite the 10 new families, along with families who started at Gargieston mid-way through session 16-17, to an informal workshop on how Bug Club works and how to get the best out of the books.

Tuesday 22nd August at 3.20pm in the ICT suite

N.B. LATER IN TERM 1 THERE WILL BE A SEPARATE WORKSHOP FOR ALL NEW P1 PARENTS – this will coincide with P1 children receiving their first reading books.