We Need Your Help!

Look at our new shed!

We have purchased this shed with money we got from the ‘Food for Thought’ Grant.

We’re looking for some help!

We are going to be storing gardening tools etc and we’re looking for a parent or family member of our school community to offer their expertise to fit some shelving inside the shed.

If you are available please leave your details below.


Date for Parents Afternoon/Evening Reminder- 28th March

As previously intimated, for our Parents Afternoon/Evening at the end of March we intend to arrange afternoon and evening appointments for parents all on the one day, Wednesday 28th March. Appointments for the Parents Afternoon/Evening, which will be advertised and arranged nearer the time in early March, will be between 3.30 – 5.00 and then from 6pm-9pm. Please put this date in your diary. Please inform the school if this date is  unsuitable for you and we will make alternative arrangements.                                                                                             Mrs. McLaughland

Rotary Quiz

Last week Hannah Paterson, Freya Staddon, Alistair Johnston and Aritra Acharya all represented Gargieston at the annual East Ayrshire Schools Quiz organised by the Rotary Club of Kilmarnock.

Although they didn’t manage to win, they managed a very high score in front of a large audience. We are all very proud of you, as you represented the school so well!

Why not try some of the questions they were asked…?

What letter falls between E and T on a keyboard?

What year did the Queen and Prince Phillip marry?

How many degrees are there in a 1/3 of a circle?

How many time zones are there in the USA?


Burns Supper

Thank you so much to all the Primary 7 pupils who came along to our Burns Supper on Thursday night. We had a wonderful mixture of poetry and music, with lots of mums, dads and grandparents there to watch. It was a great celebration of all things Scottish.

The evening was rounded off with the children being presented with Heritage Hero certificates from Archaeology Scotland. This was in recognition of their work in local history. Not just their Burns work, but their local study of Kilmarnock during World War II; their community links with Kilmarnock District History Group, and using the Kilmarnock Town Trail to photograph some of the architecture in and around the town.

Weel done, weans!

P3 Scottish Tasting

Both P3 classes had a super afternoon tasting Scottish products. We voted and our favourite food was unsurprisingly the Tunnocks caramel wafers!

Watch a video of us enjoying our feast here!


Fabulous Scottish Assembly

Our pupils entertained the whole school and parents with their talents at our annual Scottish Assembly.

A massive well done to all the class winners who recited their poems with great confidence today.

P1C – Alex Lambert (The Snaw Man)

P1B – Libby Ewart (Crocodile)

P1/2 – Charley Allan (Twa Legged Mice)

P2B – Tyler Strang (The Sair Finger)

P2C – Freya Ahrens (Feart)

P3A – Aaron McKinnon (A Dug a Dug)

P3B – Lyvia Kelly (My Hoggie)

P4A – Freya Lee (Wee Freenly Dug)

P4B – Louie Lindsay (To a Louse)

P5 – Isla Crawford (The Slave’s Lament)

P5/6 – Lucy McInally (Address to the Toothache)

P6 – Beth Henderson (Address to the Haggis)

P7 – Emma Dickson (Willie Wastle)

A extra well done to Louie Lindsay who was voted as our whole school winner.

A big thank you to Alistair Johnston, Aritra Acharya and Kiaran King, our P7 chanter players for adding a little Scottish touch to the entertainment.

We’d also like to thanks our comperes, Marcus Ahrens and Alistair for keeping the assembly flowing nicely.

Last but not least, thank you to our P4B pupils who performed the Virginia Reel beautifully.


P6 Visit Robert Burns Birthplace Experience.

On 6th February Primary 6 enjoyed a visit to Robert Burns Birthplace experience. We looked at memorabilia in the museum, stood on Brig o Doon, visited Alloway Kirk and got to dress just like men and women would have back then, while experiencing what life would have been like living in the cottage.  We also enjoyed spending time in the new playpark.



P5 Learn About our Right of the Month!

We have been studying our Article of the Month through our work on Rights Respecting Schools ;

“Article 7 (Registration, name, nationality, care): All children have the right to a legally registered name, officially recognised by the government”.

In class we discussed the importance of our names and how it is personal to each and every individual. Unfortunately, we know that in many places in the world some children are not given this right and we spoke about how this might make us feel.

Together, we spoke about the stories of how we got our names and designed a name badge that was personal to us.

The children have been set the task to ask at home if there was a particular reason they were given their name. We are also going to try and find out when our birth’s were officially registered.

I’m excited to see what you discover!

“Our name’s make us unique” – Harry W


Burns Supper

Hopefully all the children have delivered their messages accurately, however just to confirm everyone can arrive for a 7 o’clock start. No tickets necessary, but we ask for no more than two adults per child.

All the children will be wearing school uniform, but some tartan would be very appropriate!

Look forward to seeing you all tonight.

Parking Issues

Unfortunately this afternoon, once again, we had an issue with inconsiderate parking drawn to our attention.

An upset, elderly resident of Woodside Avenue came into the school to report an incident. Four cars were parked right on the bend of the corner approaching Woodside from Moorfield Avenue direction. This meant she had to blindly use the wrong side of the road and she met an oncoming vehicle whose driver kept coming forward, as he was on the correct side. The lady had to reverse and was very aware that children were walking on and around the pavements as she did so. She was very concerned about the safety of the children, hoping they would not attempt to cross the road behind her.

Can we please take this opportunity to ask for drivers to be considerate to our local residents? This lady was genuinely worried about the safety of our children too.

Particularly with the brighter days now coming, could we suggest parking slightly further away and allowing our hard-working lollipop man and lady to help you safely across the road? We are aware that some of our older children now do this, which does ease a little bit of the congestion.

Many thanks for your assistance and co-operation in this important matter, and ask you to pass this on to any other adult who may be collecting your child.