Grange Education Group Christmas Concert

Well done to all the upper school children who took part in the Grange Christmas Concert. Representing Gargieston was our Strings Group, children in the Kick Start band and Primary 7s in  the Transition Group choir. We were extremely proud of all of you and so impressed with all the talent on show!

Base 4 Christmas Party

Everyone had a great time at the Base 4 Christmas party. Merry Christmas everyone!!

Officially Amazing!

A Huge Thank you!

On my last day I would like to thank all the children, staff and parents for their generosity and kindness.  This final week as Gargieston Head teacher  has been both memorable and emotional.  The wonderful songs, poems,  kind words and gifts have left me quite overwhelmed.  As I said in my speech,  Gargieston will always be  very special to me, number one.  I have made friends that I will never lose touch with and my gift to the children is a friendship bench.

  I know in the New Year  Mrs McLaughland will have your full support and the staff team and children will go from strength to strength.  It is very much our intention that the links between Onthank, my new school and Gargieston will be strong.

Gargieston you are Offically Amazing!


Raffle Winners


Here are the three winners of the scooter raffles this year. Congratulations to Isla Clark from the ECC afternoon group, Calum Healy from P2  and Cameron McLardy from P6. The giant food hamper was won by Hannah Paterson in P7.The Grand raffle prize was drawn today and the winners of the 62 prizes will hear the good news very soon. The winner of the Guess the Reindeer’s birthday wll be drawn at tomorrow’s assembly. Congratulations and thank you once again.The final sum raised from our Christmas Fayre this year has been £4,411.68 – an outstanding amount of money. We cannot thank you enough!!           Everyone at Gargieston Pr. and ECC

Last Day !

Tomorrow , for Mrs Wrights last day,

we are having a dress down day!

There will be a fun assembly before playtime.

After play time there will be a disco for the red and green house !

The red and green  house earned the most points over the last two terms!

School closes at 2.30pm!

Early Closure – Christmas Holidays !

**Just a reminder **

We will close early

at 2.30 pm


Friday 22 December 2017

for the  Christmas holidays.


The Gatehead bus will come

at 2.00pm

to collect children.


**We will re open on Monday 8 January 2018**

Base 3 Christmas Party

We all had a fantastic time playing games and dancing our feet off at our Christmas party today!

★ Star of the week ★

Chippy the Elf decided that last week all the ECC boys and girls deserved Star of the Week for doing so well at the Nativity on Wednesday. Well done everyone! 😀 😀 😀

Christmas Church Service



 Christmas  Church Service


St Andrews and St Marnocks Church.

*Thursday 21st December 2017*

Leaving school at 9.10 am and travelling by coach.

All families are invited to join us in church between 10 – 11 am.

We would like ask for £1 towards transport costs.

Please visit ParentPay to give permission for your child to attend.


Wider Achievements in P4B

Fantastic news for Lewis as he achieved the most improved player award for his football team, Bonnyton Thistle!

Well done to Dominic for his award for swimming 400 metres!

This relates to Article 15 of the UNCRC:-
You have the right to be with friends and join clubs— unless this breaks the rights of others.