Please contact the school office if you have lost any money!
Can all infant parents
please check their child’s
school blazer.
A pupil has lost a blazer
*The pupil had their name on it *
Please click on the link below to complete the survey.
Please click on the link below to complete the survey.
Well done to all our school pupils and nursery children who demonstrated our values on the first day back at Gargieston –
On the in service day, staff discussed our values and agreed it was time to review our school vision and aims. We also wondered if we should add anything to our shared values? We would be delighted to hear your views.
It was great to be back and see so many happy faces. The Kilmarnock Standard is looking for first day P1 pictures. We thought we would also ask for first day pictures from all our primary stages and nursery. Below is my family photo to get us started.
Pictures can be emailed to –
With the teachers all prepared and ready to go, we are looking forward to welcoming lots of new pupils to Gargieston tomorrow morning. Not only do we have all our Primary 1s, we also have 10 new pupils to various classes further up the school! We hope you are all excited and looking forward to making lots of new friends.
As all current pupils and parents know, our main reading materials are from the online resource Bug Club. It is a relatively new scheme and one which is showing great results in our children’s learning.
With this in mind, we would like to invite the 10 new families, along with families who started at Gargieston mid-way through session 16-17, to an informal workshop on how Bug Club works and how to get the best out of the books.
Tuesday 22nd August at 3.20pm in the ICT suite
N.B. LATER IN TERM 1 THERE WILL BE A SEPARATE WORKSHOP FOR ALL NEW P1 PARENTS – this will coincide with P1 children receiving their first reading books.