Category Archives: Professional Development

Outdoor Learning Twilight

The first gathering of Oban and Lorn Little Owls met at sunny Ganavan on Monday 30th May at 4pm. OWLS (Outdoor and Woodland Learning Scotland) is a national group, formed from the Forest Education Initiative and promotes outdoor learning. At our gathering we shared ideas, tried out some new maths and talking and listening activities and of course had a brew on the Kelly kettle.
The next gathering will be at Dunstaffnage on Wednesday 7th September. Anyone with an interest in outdoor learning is welcome. We will discuss what people would like to get from the group, whether it is funding, resources, training opportunities or sharing good practice. The next meeting will also have a theme of science outdoors. If you have any ideas to share then please bring them along. Sign up for the next meeting with or to have your name put on our mailing list.

University of Edinburgh Post Graduate Opportunities

Dear Colleagues,

Please find below information about postgraduate opportunities at the University of Edinburgh. Further information can be gained by contacting – Dr Ailsa Niven and Dr Sam Fawkner, Programme Directors, MSc Physical Activity for Health, Tel: +44 (0)131 651 6679, Email:

Continue reading University of Edinburgh Post Graduate Opportunities


T3128164-bluish-gymnastics-icon[1]he final version of the PE progression framework which has now been completed, as yet it is not on the Education Scotland website as it is being upgraded. Any questions, queries or comments round the framework please get in touch with Rona Young, PE Co-ordinator – Rona.Young2@argyll-Bute
Please note there are some alterations in the Cognitive Skills section.


Consultation on Highly Able Pupils Framework

You may be aware that a working party was set up last session to review and re-write education policy and practice guidance on Highly Able Pupils. As the next step in the consultation process, we would like to get feedback on the framework from parents/carers and children and young people.
Please find the framework and feedback form here:

Draft V2 Highly Able pupils framework
HAP consultation

Please provide your feedback by March 31st 2016.
Lena Carter
Education Support Officer, ASN (Seconded)

Argyll and Bute Headteachers: Focus on Leadership

Leadership development is one of our key service priorities and on the 3rd September Headteacher meeting, we heard from four visiting contributors as well as Cleland Sneddon on the importance of leadership. We also heard some key messages about leadership and encountered many ‘conversation provocations’. This is very much part of an on-going focus on leadership in education in Argyll and Bute.

Below are copies of the slides which made up part of the presentations from Clive Dimmock (Qualities associated with High Performing School Leadership), John Daffurn (The Scottish College for Educational Leadership – Learning for Leadership, Leadership for Learning) and Iain White (Principal at Newlands Junior College).

Clive Dimmock InverarayqualitiesofhighperformanceleadersSept2014[1]

Iain White Leadership Argyll and Bute- 03.09.15

Leadership Slides – John Daffurn

Curriculum Design Days resources: Day 3, 4 and 5

See below to download materials from the recent Curriculum Design Days held during 2014/15.

Day 3 resources:

A Paterson pres Design Day 3
D McAllister pres Design Day 3
QI 5.1 illustration

Day 4 resources:

D McAllister pres Design Day 4
G Dickie Assessment_Moderation
Education Scotland website materials

Day 5 resources:

D McAllister pres Day 5
Port Ellen IDL presentation
Alison Drever documents:
Alison Drever change and impact presentation
Primary Resource Round-up and e-bulletin info and links
Inspection advice note grids and card sort activities:
5 9 primary and ey only overview grid updated 07.04.15
5.1 primary and ey only overview grid updated 07.04.15
2015 CARDS National expectations for 5.1 card sort activity UPDATED
2015 CARDS National expectations for 5.9 primary only
Primary toolkit question grids pdfs:
Curriculum Rationale questions grid
Interdisiplinary Learning questions grid
Monitoring and Tracking questions grid
Personalisation and Choice questions grid
Progression questions grid
Self-evaluation questions grid
Toolkt all questions grid
Small and large cards of toolkit questions:
IDL questions large
Monitoring and tracking questions large
personalisation and choice questions large
Progression questions large
Self evaluation questions large
IDL question cards
Monitoring and tracking question cards
Personalisation and choice question cards
Progression question cards
Self evaluation question cards
Wider Achievement Accreditation certificates:
Award All – Back
Award All – Front
Wider Achievement Accreditation for each year group:
Wider Achievement Accreditation Scheme P1 June 2014 – Copy
Wider Achievement Accreditation Scheme P2 June 2014 – Copy – Copy
Wider Achievement Accreditation Scheme P3 June 2014 – Copy – Copy
Wider Achievement Accreditation Scheme P4 June 2014 – Copy – Copy
Wider Achievement Accreditation Scheme P5 June 2014 – Copy – Copy
Wider Achievement Accreditation Scheme P6 June 2014 – Copy – Copy
Wider Achievement Accreditation Scheme P7 June 2014
Wider Achievement Accreditation general:
Kindness and Caring Wider Achievement Accreditation Scheme P7 June 2014
Leadership and Learning Wider Achievement Accreditation Scheme P7 June 2014
LfS Wider Achievement Accreditation Scheme P7 June 2014 – Copy
St Michael’s primary – Tracking Pupils Wider Achievement
Staying Healthy, Staying Safe Wider Achievement Accreditation Scheme P7 June 2014