Category Archives: Projects

Small Isles Primary nominated for Community Archives Award

In Spring 2012, Small Isles children became involved in the Crofting Connections Project. During the summer term they invited the community to be involved too by hosting four Crofting Community Cafes in school. Each cafe had a crofting theme (Crofting the land, Life as a child, Crofting Culture and Crofting at Home) and a panel of ‘experts’ from the community were invited to come and share their memories and experiences of the theme by answering questions from the children, leading discussions and having drinks and home-cooked treats.

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Lochgilphead Primary 1 pupils invade S4 classroom.

Pupils of Lochgilphead High School Princes Trust 4xl group held a ‘show and tell ‘day for 40 pupils of primary 1 as part of their WW 1 project. The group spent months researching into their specific topic and as much time perfecting their timings and the best activity to entertain the children. Ashley spoke all about the airplanes of WW1 and had three Lego models on show and lots of colouring sheets for the children to show off their artistic talents. Continue reading Lochgilphead Primary 1 pupils invade S4 classroom.

Sandbank’s Great Exhibition

Gaelic unit P6/7 from Sandbank Primary (Bunsgoil Thaigh a’Chladaich) were learning about the history of the Holy Loch area over the past two hundred years. The work was organised by Fiona Lochhead from Kilmun Mausoleum who arranged for a weaver called Fiona MacDougall and a heritage worker called Robin Patel to come in and work with us.
We got a lot of information from the gravestones at Kilmun, including occupations, infant mortality and the gristly work of resurrectionists. Continue reading Sandbank’s Great Exhibition

‘Tasty Tuck Team’ Hit Dalintober PS

On Friday, the ‘Tasty Tuck Team’, aka Dalintober Primary’s Pupil Council members, launched a new initiative to encourage pupils to bring in healthy snacks for playtimes. They sold some tasty morsels – fruit, pitta breads and crackers – as suggestions and these ‘tasters’ went down a treat with their fellow pupils. Following the current project’s run, they hope that parents and pupils will continue to promote the healthy eating message.

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Kilchrenan Wins Rolls Royce Award

Kilchrenan Primary has been selected as a Special Merit Award Winner in the Rolls Royce Science Prize. This award, and a prize of £1000 for science teaching and learning, comes as the result of the school’s focus on science in it’s improvement plan and follows the submission of an action plan after a summer school in the National Science Learning Centre in York. Continue reading Kilchrenan Wins Rolls Royce Award

Dunoon Grammar School – Modern Studies Trip to Westminster

At 11.45pm on the 16th of December, Dunoon Grammar School’s Modern Studies Trip commenced. Those involved (Mrs Hunter, Mr Clark, Mr McNeilage, and 26 pupils from DGS) embarked that evening upon an exciting adventure. During the trip the group would get to visit the Houses of Parliament and experience London during Christmas time, but first they had to endure on an 8 hour bus ride to get there.

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Achaleven Goes Green for the 5th Time

Achaleven Primary School pupils and staff were very proud to receive their 5th Green Flag from Eco-Schools Scotland last week. This follows an assessment at the end of January where Eco-Schools assessor Paula Love commended them on their collaborative approach by working with local environmental organisations including The Grab Trust and AliEnergy, and for the work done in the community by involvement in recycling, village litter picks, charity fundraising and promotion of Fairtrade.

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The pupils of Clachan and Skipness Primary participated in the ‘Cloth Uncut’ project offered by CAST. Pupils from P1-P7 practised their block printing technique to create a unique cloth design based on traditional scottish images. Our photograph shows the proud artists with some of their designs, which include an irn bru can and some lovely tartan prints. All pupils loved the element of personalisation and choice which the workshop offered. Pupils and staff would like to thank Alison McAlpine for such an inspiring morning and to CAST for funding such an excellent learning opportunity.

Chinese Week – Lismore Primary School and Pre5s

The last week in January was China Week at Lismore Primary School. The children had suggested this themed week earlier in the year as they were keen to learn more about the country and compare it with their own. They had a brainstorm planning session where they decided what they wanted to find out about and the week was developed from these ideas. Continue reading Chinese Week – Lismore Primary School and Pre5s

Rockfield’s Drovers Monday 27 January 2014

In Rockfield School two classes, P5/4 mainstream and P7/6/5 Gaelic, have worked together to learn about the life of the ancient Drovers in Argyll.
They have worked in partnership with Joyce Gilbert from the Royal Scottish Geographical Society and Sally Harkness, Storyline Scotland, with both classes following Sally’s world renowned Storyline Approach. It has been a wonderful example of Curriculum for Excellence at its best and a thematic approach to Social Studies.
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Fruitshare at Sandbank

After the Christmas holidays, Sandbank Primary Pupils got back to work and planted their fruit trees which arrived in January. The eco-committee had applied for the trees through the fruitshare scheme which was advertised on a cookery programme on TV. We were very fortunate in being one of the first schools to apply and we were successful in receiving 4 well-grown fruit trees for free.

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The Education Minister Outdoors

Stramash was delighted to welcome Michael Russell MSP , to view the projects and work of the organisation. He began the day by visiting the children at the outdoor nursery site to explore the site and discover more about the learning taking place within the early years setting outdoors. The children were very inquisitive to meet their special visitor!

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Oban Burns Committee

P7 Pupil council members from 3 schools in the Oban area have formed committee and are now in the process of organising a day of Burns for children in the local area.
Children from Barcaldine, Rockfield and Kilninver have followed the same basic format as last year. They have been involved in the practical tasks that setting up an event for 200 children involves including booking a theatre group, hiring the venue, ordering medals, designing certificates and making rosettes for the event.

Our St Kilda Museum at Achahoish Primary

We transformed one of our classrooms into a Black house and opened a museum up for 3 days to our local community all about St Kilda. We found out just how hard life was for the St Kildans and how extreme the conditions were to survive on the Island which was evacuated in 1930. We had to take what we learned and present it in a way that would make our visitors to feel like they were actually on the Island and for it to be interactive.

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School students “Experience Christmas” at Dunoon Grammar School.

Just before the end of last term the first year pupils at DGS had the opportunity to encounter the Christmas story from the bible through a series of interactive stations. The stations were presented by volunteers from local Dunoon churches, and covered stories such as the shepherds near Bethlehem being greeted by an angel, the journey of Mary and Joseph for a Roman census and the wisdom and gifts of the wise men.

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Dalintober PS Allotment wins ACHA ‘Garden In Boom 2013’ Competition

Dalintober Primary School pupils and staff were delighted to hear that they had been awarded first prize in Argyll Community Housing Association’s ‘Garden In Bloom 2013’ competition. Members of the Mid Argyll & Kintyre Area Committee scored allotments independently and Dalintober’s allotment was judged the best. Members of the Eco-Group, staff and parent and partners have all helped to maintain the allotment, growing a wide range of fruit and vegetables which has been used in school meals and for ‘Green Days’.

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Nativity Hoe Down at St. Mun’s

Wednesday and Thursday of last week saw the children of St. Mun’s Primary School perform their annual Christmas whole school show to two full houses and their new Acting Head Teacher Mrs. L. Fisher.

The School’s choir took to the stage first with a carol concert, which included festive readings and monologues as well as soloists and festive favourites, which had the audiences joining in.
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Dunoon Grammar School – Learning Support Festive Fun Raises Funds for Children and Communities all Over the World

Every year in Dunoon Grammar School, The Learning Support Department hosts a Christmas Fayre to raise money for their chosen charity, ‘World Vision.’ ‘World Vision’ is a charity that helps children and their community to achieve success in far less privileged parts of the world than ours. This year’s event was similar to previous years but unlike previous years, when teachers have organised everything, this year S6 pupil Rebecca Westwood played the coordinating role.
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The Drovers

Mrs. Watson’s P5/4 and Mrs.Kersel’s P5/6/7Gaelic classes have been learning about the Drovers in the 1700s. Using a new storyline being piloted for Storyline Scotland and the Royal Scottish Geographical Society the classes have followed the journey of two young teenage boys, Rob and Angus, on their first Drove. Engagement with the characters has brought the story to life for the pupils as they learned about sheiling life, hardships on the drove and the joys of the Tryst.
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