Category Archives: Science

High Flying Luss

Luss High Flyer 1Luss Primary is this year’s Scottish champions In the Total Green Awards, sponsored by the Total Oil Co. and the Young People’s Trust for the Environment.
34,000 children took part in the competition. Over the past five years Luss has won the Totally Clued-up Category three times and on a fourth occasion we were awarded a Total Special Award created especially for them because the work submitted was of such a high standard.

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Salen PS Gardening Diary

Salen update 1 on gardening diaryDay three and we had to do lots of watering. Unfortunately, our water butts have run out of water now. Need some rain! Our Borlotti beans, peas and barley are coming on well. We planted more seeds: purple sprouting broccoli and cabbage, and a sage plant. We tied in the peas and cleared some of our big pots ready for flowers. And, we mounded up the tatties again …

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Rocket Science in Cardross Primary’

Cardross Tim Peak Rocket SciencePrimary 5 recently applied to the Royal Horticultural Society to take part in a very special experiment. British astronaut Tim Peake sent down a bag of seeds from outer space in April and asked the boys and girls to grow the seeds to see if being in an area of zero gravity affected the way that the seeds grow! After many weeks of watering, measuring and following Tim’s journey, Mr Henry sent the collected data to be entered into the ‘Rocket Science Database’, with some very interesting results! There certainly could be life on Mars in the very near future!

Solar Ovens for use on the Moon!

Kilcreggan Solar 1 OvensPrimary 5/4 pupils at Kilcreggan Primary have been creating Solar Ovens from everyday materials. Pupils had been looking at how technology has developed over the past 90 years and thinking about designing some technology for the future. Their discussions led them to think about how people might cook in the future.

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Port Ellen Junior Saltire WinnersLast week Joe, Bronagh, Kaya and Murray traveled with Mrs Clark and Mrs Leask to Glasgow and Edinburgh to take part in the Celebration of Science and Engineering run by @scdiYESC at the Glasgow Science Centre. They were finalists in the Junior Saltire Awards with their Wave Islay design, made with help from Bronagh’s dad Gus, an excellent boat builder. They tested their devices at the Flowave facility in Edinburgh along with 6 other primary schools and 5 secondary schools, before attending the event and presenting to the judges.


Keeping healthy at Kirn Primary School

Kirn PS Keeping Healthy 1One of the last whole school events held in the ‘old’ building of Kirn PS was our annual Health Week. Fun and informative health promoting events were organised for the whole week involving all ten classes and our Early Learning Childcare Centre. We were so lucky that lots of the health professionals in our community offered their time and expertise to lead sessions.

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Strachur’s New Polytunnel

Strachur Pollytunnel 1 Mr Burke VisitWe are delighted that Mr Burke (local Strachur retiree) has come into our school to transform our polytunnel from an overgrown jungle to something fit for Beechgrove Garden! We are now growing tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, peppers, radishes and lettuce. Mr Burke has been involving groups of children in the process and pupils have taken responsibility for watering the plants everyday.

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Kilcreggan Heartstart1 June 2016Kilcreggan Primary P6 and p7 pupils recently received “Heartstart “ training. This training gives pupils guidance about what to do if they find someone suffering a cardiac arrest attack. They learned about
• how to correctly put someone into the recovery position and assess their condition
• what to in an emergency situation,
• how to recall the procedures using the “DRS ABC” acronym.
They used the “Little Annie” dummies to learn how to perform CPR.


Toward and Innellan pupils go to the Capital.

Toward and Innellan Holyrood Park June 2016Pupils travelled through to Edinburgh to Holyrood Park where with the help of Rangers from Historic Scotland they travelled back in time to study the nature and type of volcanic activity was involved in shaping Arthurs Seat. They learnt the names for all the different parts of a volcano and were able to identify the different features in the surrounding landscape. They discussed and studied the best place to be if a volcano was about to erupt and decided to be as far away as possible especially as one of the Rangers mixed some vinegar and Bicarbonate of Soda to make a chemical reaction.
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Outdoor Learning Twilight

OWLS at Stramash May 31The first gathering of Oban and Lorn Little Owls met at sunny Ganavan on Monday 30th May at 4pm. OWLS (Outdoor and Woodland Learning Scotland) is a national group, formed from the Forest Education Initiative and promotes outdoor learning. At our gathering we shared ideas, tried out some new maths and talking and listening activities and of course had a brew on the Kelly kettle.

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Health Week Partnership at St Joseph’s

St Josephs 1 Health Week A1Last week saw the whole school and Pre-5 unit get involved in Health Week here at St. Joseph’s. Fantastic Physical Health activities were delivered, particularly in conjunction with Active Schools.

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Swimming with Dolphins and other Mammals at Salen PS

Salen HWDT 1The children and staff had a lovely treat when the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust brought some of their friends to school. P1-5 learned lots of interesting facts about the types of mammals in our waters and enjoyed listening to recordings of the mammal conversations. It was fascinating to hear about the research and monitoring carried out by the HWDT.

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Science with Skipness, Clachan and Tarbert

Science with Skipness, Clachan and TarbertDay 1: In space base we looked at all the planets. We found out about what people thought the solar system looked like before telescopes. Then when telescopes were invented we were able to see the solar system like it is today.

In fizz bang boom we had to make a fizzy, cool, colourful chemical reaction. We also created a huge party popper which made a ball of fire (but only a quick one) and we made a very messy experiment which was basically a volcano.
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Rhu P4 Healthy Sandwich – Food Technology

Rhu PS Food tech 1 May 2016Rhu P4 recently took part in a Food Technology project where they designed their own healthy sandwich. The children found out more about sandwich fillings, identified different food groups, found out about food hygiene and tasted a range of breads before making their healthy sandwich and eating it for lunch! The children brought their own ingredients and equipment on the day and successfully combined healthy ingredients to make some delicious looking sandwiches!

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Achahoish Seed Science 1This term we have planted some very special seeds as part of our science space topic. We received two packs of rocket seeds from the Royal Horticultural Society, one of which has been taken up to space to the ISS by the British astronaut, Tim Peake. We have planted both packs of seeds and we want to find out what effect being in space has had on the seeds. As we don’t know which of our packs went to space we will have to record their growth pattern and send off the information to RHS.