Keeping healthy at Kirn Primary School

Kirn PS Keeping Healthy 1One of the last whole school events held in the ‘old’ building of Kirn PS was our annual Health Week. Fun and informative health promoting events were organised for the whole week involving all ten classes and our Early Learning Childcare Centre. We were so lucky that lots of the health professionals in our community offered their time and expertise to lead sessions.

Pupils had opportunities to learn golf with our Janitor Doreen Ferguson; P7 pupils went on a sponsored walk to Bishops Glen; Elaine Graham offered Pilates sessions; Cameron and Alastair gave karate demonstrations; one of our classroom assistants Claire Turnbull taught pupils basic first aid;

Kirn PS Keeping Healthy 2 Carole McLean talked to pupils about hand hygiene; Fiona Duncan brought ‘Cheeky Monkey’ to demonstrate good dental hygiene;

Kirn PS Keeping Healthy 3Lynn Stirling from our catering team organised free fruit from Morrison’s and treated pupils to sumptuous fruit platters;

Lorraine Robinson led fitness sessions and Roz Wilson from UHI brought students to lead games and fitness session, including a whole school aerobic workout in assembly.

We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who helped to contribute to this fantastic week.

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