Tag Archives: Morning Circle Time

Group 5 Circle Time Friday 3rd April

Hello Everyone,

Today I feel like Mr Happy. It is Friday, the Easter Holidays start tomorrow and it is going to be sunny today. I am feeling happy!

Mr. Bounce Jumping Animation by Percyfan94 on DeviantArt

How are you feeling today? Remember to ask someone in your house too.

The weather today is forecast to be sunny. Might you go outside today? Perhaps into your garden? Maybe you could spot some birds>

Garden GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

For Movement today I am going to do some yoga with Adrienne. Why not try it too?


Friday is cleaning day in my house. What could you do to help clean your house today?

For Literacy today check out the recent posts in the Language Skills section.

There should be some updated activities in the Social Studies / RME section.

Remember to have a break. Perhaps outside?

After break it is story time. The story today will be Percy the Park Keeper – After the Storm chosen by Leah. Check the Blog at 10.30 to hear and see this story.

After the Storm (Percy the Park Keeper) - book, teaching resources ...

Look out for the Sign of the Day posted by Lorna and then check out Hazel’s tasty ideas in Food Technology.

After lunch it is time for ICT and Music so check out Steve’s posts for ICT and Connie’s for Music.

Remember to let me know how you are getting on. Have great days.


Orange Class – Wednesday 1st April

Good morning everyone!

Don’t forget it’s the first of April and you can April fool your family today.

Circle Time 

(search for Morning Circle Time on the right.)

Sign of the Day 

Check Lorna’s post! (search Sign of the day).

Keep your pictures coming in.



Time for a listen to David reading “Augustus and his SMILE”.

Watch out for a special visitor near the end.

If you like me reading stories for you let me know and I will record some more!


On Wednesdays we have music with Gordon.

Search for  Music Monday with Gordon: Primary

Phew!   Wasn’t that great.
Time for some Maths

Try counting the spots

Helicopter fun!

Now time to get active and make a tactile road.  The orange class love a tactile road!

Here is a challenge for you. Can you find lots of things that feel different. You can then lay them on the floor to create your very own tactile road.

Next put on one your your favourite songs and get your socks off.  What are you waiting for??

Finally, time to relax:  One of our all time favourites.

Have a super day!

Group 4 – Wed 1st April

Good Morning everyone.

Today I’m feeling

How are you feeling today?

We started a new month. What is the month today?

You’re right. It’s April.

What is the day today?

It’s April Fool’s Day. Wednesday.

Life Skills

Once you have completed your morning circle it’s time to get the day started choosing your job to help around the house today.


Read your favourite book or choose a book from the website below.



Check the blog for ideas from Gerry. If you want, you can join in with Joe Wicks live at 9am.


Today we are going to listen to a story about a monkey that wakes up in a grumpy mood. Grumpy monkey is a cute book about great friends and a lesson on emotions.

Are you feeling grumpy today?

Sign of the day

Check Lorna’s sign of the day video.


Have a look at the art section to see what Steve wants you to do.


Check out in the Science section to find out what is your challenge for today.


In the story the other animals try to convince the monkey to do different things to feel better. Talk to an adult about things you can do to feel better when you are sad or angry.

Choose your 8 favourite activities from the list below. Select ones that make you feel good, that bring a smile to your face, or relaxes you.

  Deep breaths   Tell a joke
  Make a snack   Give a hug
  Pet an animal   Dance
  Count to 10   Share a toy
  Sing a song   Play outside
  Read a story   Exercise
  Play a game   Quiet time

Have a lovely day!


Group 10 – Tuesday 31st March

Good morning. Did you all sleep well?

Another busy day –

Morning routine – you have the routine symbols from yesterday and the calendar etc. are in your learning pack. What day is it today?

ICT – Check out what Kirsty has in the ICT section. There’s lots of activities for you to do.

Dance – Rachel’s keeping everyone moving, choose the dance you’d like to do.

Story – Our weekly story was posted yesterday and the activities are in our ‘Challenges for Group 10’.

Fiddly fingers – Try helping in the kitchen by chopping some fruits or vegetables.

Fresh Fruit Platter — Wolfits

Gardening – You can look at all the activities in our gardening section that Scott has posted or go out into your garden and hunt for beasts!


Health and Wellbeing – This weeks activities are in ‘Challenges for Group 10’. You can also find a quiet corner and chill  and listen to music.


Have a great day!

Group 5 – Circle Time Monday 30th March

Hello Everyone,

Today I am feeling like Mr Happy because the sun was shining this weekend and because it is supposed to be sunny today too. Check outside, is it sunny yet?

Mr. Happy and Miss Sunshine Waving Animation by Percyfan94 ...

How are you feeling today? Remember to ask people at home how they feel too.

Today’s suggested timetable is PSD, Maths and PE, break, story, sign of the day and Art, lunch and then Outdoor Learning and Health and Wellbeing.

During PSD time have a think about what you did over the weekend. This weekend I did lots of work in my garden and my husband planted some seeds. I will post a photo later and we can follow them as they grow.

Please share your weekend news with us by replying to this blog. I can then let everyone know what you have been up to.

For Maths, PE, Art and Outdoor Learning please visit those sections of the Blog to find your activities.

Music Notes Sticker by Diskover Co. for iOS & Android | GIPHY

In preparation for Music on Thursday, Connie would really like to know how you got on with the first task – John William and his film music. Please could you let Connie know how you got on by replying to her post?

I will post today’s story just after break. The choice for today is

In this book we meet What-a-Mess, a small Afghan hound. He does have a proper name but he has forgotten it because everyone who sees him always says ‘What a Mess!’


In this story Mrs Thomas looks after a baby for a day and finds that it is not as easy as she thought!

Remember to let me know which you would prefer.

Also remember our photo challenge, you still have time to think about this photo before I post the answer later on today.

What is this? Reply to this post to let me know what you think it is.

Have great days everyone. I’ll be back soon.




Orange Class – Monday 30th March

Hello to the Orange Class!

We’re really glad that you are all well and hope that you have had a super weekend.                   Did anyone watch the animals at Chester Zoo?

If you send in photos of your activities we’ll pop them up on the blog.

Timetable for Monday

Morning Time Routine

Morning Tasks


Days of the week

What’s the weather?

Fischy Music  Pinewood loves Fischy Music and they have kindly allowed us to share our Fischy log in details with everyone.                                                User name: graeme.spence
Password: pinewood123

Click here for Fisch Music Online and use the log in details above

Click here for Fischy Tunes, our music website.


Remember to try Lorna’s sign of the day.

The theme for today’s signs is COLOURS! How many colours can you see and sign?


Circle time is finished!

Now time for some movement!  Try to do three songs!


Outdoor Challenge

Let’s get outside into the garden if you can.  What about an outdoor shelter?  You could use washing poles and a sheet or rug.  Good luck.  Take your teddy.  You could make a shelter inside if you can’t get out.

Outdoor Shelter

File here Outdoor Shelter

At 11 O’clock what about trying the Fischy Music Assembly!

See you tomorrow morning at 11am on YouTube for our Fischy Music Assembly! We’ll help you get the week off to a great start by singing and moving from our own homes. www.youtube.com/fischymusic

Click here for Fischy’s you tube channel, where every Monday at 11am there will be a live assembly.

Dance with Rachel

Dance – Sensory Lights and Chill Music

Hello everyone,

Anyone in need of some chill time? turn the lights off and make the room as dark as possible, pop this video on and relax…

Reading Time:
username: david.stewart@westlothian.org.ukPassword: OrangeClick on the ebooks links
or you could choose your own book!

Can you see me?

Why not try an Indoor Treasure Hunt, you could even have a small reward once you are finished?

Finally what about ending the day with some standing yoga?
Please find below a link to the full programme document with notes.                                       CAMHS Standing Yoga Programme Level 1Alternatively, here are easy to follow pictures for you to try!MountainStand still, feet slightly apart and arms by your sides.  Slowly stretch arms out to the side, then raise them above your head.                                                                                                                      Hold the stretch for count of 5. Slowly lower arms back by your side. Mountain


Stand still with feet spread apart, arms by your sides and point toes to the front for a few moments.  Take a deep breath and raise arms out by your side.  Palms facing forward.          Hold for the count of 5-10.



Stand still at the top of the mat with feet side by side.  Place your hands on the mat, on either side of your feet.  Take a step back with your left foot and place it sideways on the mat, toes pointing to the side of the mat.  Keeping your right knee bent and lift your chest and the rest of your body upwards.  Straighten your arms and raise them arms overhead.                               Hold for the count of 5-10.  Repeat with other side.



Stand with your feet spread far apart.  Turn your left foot sideways and turn your right foot forward.  Raise your arms.  Turn your head to the right and bend you right knee.                    Hold for the count of 5-10.  Repeat on the other side.



I hope you really enjoyed standing yoga and had lots of fun!

Thanks to CAMHS Claire Wakefield, Alexia Mitchell & Sarah MacFarlane .

CAMHS LD Occupational Therapy Standing Yoga Programme                                                              Adapted from Yoga Ed.’s Resource:   Gruber, T. and Kalish, L., 2005. Yoga Pretzels. London: Barefoot Books Ltd.

I’m looking for signs of shoots in our runner beans.  There might be something happening.  We’ll know more in a couple of days.

Can you send me pictures of spring flowers in your gardens or from a walk for the blog?

Have a super day.




Circle Time – Group 5 Thursday 26th March

Hello everyone,

Today I am feeling like Little Miss Neat. I think I am going to do some tidying and cleaning today.

Image result for little miss neat

Which Mr Man or Little Miss are you today? Remember to ask other people in your house how they are feeling too.

Image result for little miss sleepy

The weather here is cloudy again and I think it might rain a bit.


Your suggested timetable for the day is PSD, Maths, Fiddly Fingers, break, story, sign of the day and music, lunch and then dance and sensory time.

For PSD time why not make a list of jobs that you could help with round the house. Here are some suggestions:

How will you help around the house today?

Or perhaps you could help with the cooking. Maureen made some lovely looking scones:

Maureen made carrot and corriander scones. What flavour scones could you make?

Or you could have a go at this challenge. This is a photo of something in my house. I have made it a bit blurry but can you guess what it is? Let me know your ideas by replying to this post.

Can you guess what this is a picture of?

Have a good morning. I will be back later with the story of the day. Remember to let me know if you would like to hear Mog’s Bad Thing or Hairy Macclary’s Rumpus at the Vets.

See you soon, Sarah