Monthly Archives: April 2020

Wednesday 1st of April – Pink Class

Good morning,

A brand new month starts today.

Calendar – 

Do you have a calendar in your house? Explore the calendar. What do you see? Do you see the days of the week? Do you see the months of the year? Today is the first day of April. Can you find April on the calendar?

Movement – 

Check out the movement section or join in with ‘Shake your sillies out’

Life Skills –

I have washing to do today. Can you help sort the washing out?

Literacy – 

Sound work

If you don’t have magnetic or wooden letters you can write these sounds out on pieces of paper. Say the sounds. What words can you make?

Make these words – it, on, am, mum, dad, dog, cat, mat, pig, hen, mud – read them to a family member.

s a t p i n
m d g o c k
ck e u r h b
f ff  l ll ss


P.E. – 

See the P.E. section for some good ideas from Gerry and Pedro.

Story –

Today’s story is inspired by a little creature I spotted in my garden yesterday. What do you think I spotted?

Signs of the Day –

What signs will you learn from Lorna today? I learned the signs for colours yesterday.

Art –

David has posted a good idea about Picasso yesterday – check out the art page to have some fun or have a go at the colour wheel I posted yesterday.

Science – 

I found an interesting little creature in my garden today. I’ll post the pictures when I can. It was a caterpillar!

Let’s learn about it’s life cycle. What does a caterpillar grow/turn into?


What a busy day. Let’s take a breathe for a minute.

Challenge of the Day – 

Build the best living room fort.

Have fun Pink Class!

Group 8 Tasks

Good morning group 8

Here are some tasks you can enjoy today

Why not start by looking around the house for lots of different objects, you can then sort them into different colours. Count them and decide which is the highest number.

Next after all that hard work, relax and sing along to Gigglebellies. Click on the picture below.

It is now time for a snack. I think you have earned it.

Here is a challenge for you. Can you find lots of things that feel different. You can then lay them on the floor to create your very own tactile road.

Make sure to look out the window and check on the weather.

After some lunch it is time to help out around the house. There might be some jobs in the kitchen to do.

Lets finish the day with a spot of gardening. There might be a job you can do like some tidying up or digging up some weeds.

Lets end the day with a song

Have a great day everyone.



Good morning. Wednesday already.

Lots to do today –

Morning routine – you have the routine symbols from yesterday and the calendar etc. are in your learning pack. What day is it today?

Literacy – Check out our Challenges for Group 10

PE – see what Gerry has for us to do in the PE section

Story – Our weekly story was posted yesterday and the activities are in our ‘Challenges for Group 10’.

ART – Steve has lots to do in the ART section

Science – Find out what we are exploring and learning about in the science section with Sarah

Health and Wellbeing – This weeks activities are in ‘Challenges for Group 10’. You can also find a quiet corner and chill  and listen to music.


Have a great day!

Wednesday 1 April

A new Month already!

Let’s learn how to sign ‘April’.

Make the letter hand shape for ‘a’ followed by letter hand shape for ‘p’

This month it is time to start the timetable of fun.  Below is a 30 day grid with a different activity to do each day (click on to make bigger).  Have a go

Morning Circle

Remember the morning circle can songs and routine can be found here

Morning Circle Time

Today we can continue to practice our French.  Lets learn the number and colours today.

Hello – “Bonjour”


Life Skills

For the rest of the week I am setting you a challenge to see how many of these activities you can complete throughout the week.  Let me know how you get on.



Today we will be listening to the story of Dr Seuss’s Green Eggs and Ham

There are lots of different ideas you can do with this story.

  • Upper and lower case letter matching –  Can you make some green eggs from paper and on the back write the letters of the alphabet. The write one letter on a paper plate or a piece of paper and place in a bowl or on the ground spaced apart until you have all the letters you want.  Decide for this game what letters you are focusing on – all the letters of the alphabet or just the SATPIN letters and maybe add in the letters of your name.  Have the egg facing up (letters hidden). Use a fish slice or your hands to turn them over one at a time and match the to the same letter on the paper plates/bowls/tubs/paper by placing on top/in the tub/bowl.  example found here
  • Letter sound and picture matching –  an alternative to the above can be found here (printer required).  Matching the picture to the sound.
  • Food Tasting –   We all know our kids can be quite fussy eaters.  Why not try the fun activity to get them to taste new foods and rate them i sent to you by email (would not let me upload to the blog).
  • Green eggs and ham cookies  You could try baking some green egg and ham inspired cookies.  They look super yummy an easy to  make.  Maybe you can link this to the above food tasting activity. Get the recipe here.



I think after all that work you deserve a movement break.


Have a look at what Pedro and Gerry have posted in the P.E part of the blog or try Joe Wicks P.E sessions



Choose a book to read together or have a look at the story below from vooks about an Easter unicorn. (remember it is free to sing up)


Sign of the Day

Remember to go and see what Lorna has planed for sign of the day.  Can’t wait to see all of your signing.



Wendy from the Pink class had this great idea and I thought I would share it with you.  Can you make a colour wheel? Send me your pictures on here so we can share our learning with everyone at Pinewood.

examples below



Your science for today is to try and make some slime.  Find some good recipes online and let me know how you get on.



Here is a reminder of your weekly STEM challenge (this also counts as science)

or if you are (also) doing the lego challenge see below



Have a feelings check in

The finish the day with some yoga


Singing with Connie

Happy Wednesday everyone.

I hope you enjoy the songs today. I’m hoping to get a lot of songs onto the blog so you can sing along. Let me know in the comments box your favourite songs to sing in school. Oh, and look out for Thursday’s singalong with lots of Easter and Spring time songs.

Sing along with some of our Health and well-being songs.

Let’s finish off with Friends in Pinewood!


Yellow Class – WEDNESDAY 1st March

Hello Yellow Class!

Hope you are all well and everyone is keep safe.


Here is a guide to Wednesday! Please take it at your own child’s pace. If they don’t complete all the tasks, that is completely fine, it will take some time for everyone to adapt to learning at home.


Circle Time – We start our circle time singing “hello – super simple songs”

This is also the time we started to learn some Spanish. Leave you here some Spanish translations.

Good morning – “Buenos Dias”

Hello – “Hola”

How are you? – “como estas?”

We then talk about how we are feeling today (happy, sad, tired, and excited). We find how does the weather look like and what day it is – You can do your calendar book.

And we finish our circle time sharing the last day news – Feel free to share your news, by email, posting here on blog some videos, photos or comments. J


MovementHere some of our favourite movement songs. You can use this ones or any other of your preference

Life skills – challenge of the week: make your own bed. Help mum or dad to make your bed.

Literacy – “E” is for Egg Try to find other things that start with “E”.  You can now use your imagination to decorate the letter “E” “e” or an Egg. Choose the one you like most. Find below some inspirational ideas

P.E. – go on the PE section of the blog and choose one of the activities your PE teacher posted for you.

Story – “E” is also for Elephant – Watch the story “Elmer, the Elephant”. Can you name the colours of Elmer

Sign of the day – Don’t forget to practise the sign of the day (sign of the day section)

Art – Create your Elmer, use your imagination! You can make a 3D creation or 2D

Science – Today for science we are going to learn a little bit more about elephants. Do you know why elephants have a trunk and tusks and what is it for? Watch the video below to find out.

HWB – Have you heard about “We are going on a Bear hunt” initiative? West Lothian citizens were encourage to show a Teddy Bear on theirs windows. This way, every time a child goes for a walk could see the Teddy cheers up for them. It’s now expanded to rainbows, jokes…

You can find more about it on the Health and Well Being section.

To be part of it join the Facebook page below:




Purple class 1.4.20

Good Morning Purple Class!
It is Wednesday 1st April, April Fool’s Day! Are you going to play a joke on anyone in your family today??
Let me know what you get up to 😉
Here is a guide to Wednesday!
Wednesday Activities 
Hello song – Sing a hello song to your family. “Hello -super simple songs” YouTube
Calendar – What day is it today? Can you write out the date? Can you name the months of the year? Sing ” How’s the weather- super simple songs” on Youtube.
Movement – Get moving this morning with Just Dance or Jack Hartmann  on YouTube.
Life skills- Help with preparing lunch or dinner. Can you set the table and get the cups ready?
Literacy- It’s nearly Easter so lets learn the Easter rhyme Hot Cross Buns (see email).  Can you copy any of the words from the rhyme sheet? Use the bunny hop sheet to practice controlling your pencil. If you don’t have a printer, use crayons and pens to draw big scribbles and then colour them in! Write your name on your work.
PE- Go outside in the fresh air to do some exercises- jumping, skipping, can you hop like the Easter Bunny? Do you have a trampoline or balls to play with?

Buster Bear loves jumping on the trampoline!

Story-Listen to ‘The story of the Easter Bunny’ by Katherine Tegen on Youtube. Discuss what happens in the story and ask you child to rate the book out of five. What is your favourite part?
Signs of the day – check through the Blog – Lorna has made another video.
Art-Easter craftsdesign your own Easter egg, paint an Easter chick or Easter bunny. We would love to see some of your art work! What do you think of Buster’s Easter egg design?
Science-Life Cycles- Remember the the life cycle of a frog from last week. Can you describe the different parts of the life cycle?
Move onto learning about the life cycle of  a hen. In the email,  I’ve attached life cycle sequencing cards for you to cut and sequence. For an extension there are other life cycles to complete too! If you don’t have a printer, google life cycle of a hen and talk about what you can see. Encourage your child to label the different parts.
 Health and Wellbeing – How are you all feeling today? Sing “The feelings song” on YouTube! Give each other a big hug, you are all doing great!
Have a super day! I look forward to seeing all your Easter crafts.

Red class – Wednesday 01-04

Good morning everyone,

how are you today?  Did you enjoy the dry weather yesterday?  What did you do?  Did you try to make mud cakes? Was it fun?  I hope you didn’t get too muddy.

So today, 

hello song

the days of the week song

the weather song

movement song

life skills

Today, you could help your mum with sorting the washing and help tidy up.


What can you see when you look outside?  Do you see cars on their drive?  What colour are they?  Check Lorna’s signs for colours.  Practise your signs with your family.


Check Pedro and Gerry’s post to see what they suggest you do to keep fit.



Sarah has been reading some lovely stories.  Have a look in the “Stories” section.  I am sure you will love this one!

Sign of the day

Check in the “sign of the day” section to see what Lorna is teaching us today.  Did you try to sign “boat”, “car” and  truck”?  Can your mum or dad do it too?


David suggests you could try and make some Easter/spring pictures.  


Try the daffodils experiment from Sarah.  Check her post under “Science”.

Day 1 – 25/03/2020

Day 2 – 26/03/2020

Day 3 – 27/03/2020


You have had a very busy day today, it is time to relax with some yoga.

Check this … in the Orange class, this is what David does with the boys and girls.  Do you think we could try?

Please find below a link to the full programme document with notes.                                       CAMHS Standing Yoga Programme Level 1   

Here are easy to follow pictures for you to try!


Stand still, feet slightly apart and arms by your sides.  Slowly stretch arms out to the side, then raise them above your head.  Hold the stretch for count of 5. Slowly lower arms back by your side.


Stand still with feet spread apart, arms by your sides and point toes to the front for a few moments.  Take a deep breath and raise arms out by your side.  Palms facing forward.          Hold for the count of 5-10.

 Starfish.png (630×400)



Stand still at the top of the mat with feet side by side.  Place your hands on the mat, on either side of your feet.  Take a step back with your left foot and place it sideways on the mat, toes pointing to the side of the mat.  Keeping your right knee bent and lift your chest and the rest of your body upwards.  Straighten your arms and raise them arms overhead.                               Hold for the count of 5-10.  Repeat with other side


Stand with your feet spread far apart.  Turn your left foot sideways and turn your right foot forward.  Raise your arms.  Turn your head to the right and bend you right knee.                    Hold for the count of 5-10.  Repeat on the other side.

I hope you enjoyed trying yoga.

CAMHS Claire Wakefield, Alexia Mitchell & Sarah MacFarlane


you could ask your mummy or daddy to do story massages with you.  Nicole has kindly made this video and is suggesting these two stories.  Which one do you want mummy or daddy to do?

For more info, check in the “stories” section.  Nicole has posted a comprehensive guide.


I hope you have a great today. See you tomorrow,


Group 11 Wed 1 April

Good morning Group 11!

You could work on your transition passport today and could also try some of the following:

Movement: put your favourite song on and dance like no one is watching.  We are going to use

Life Skills:  make your bed and help tidy up after breakfast.

Literacy: See Laura’s blog for language.  We are going to use these games

PE:  See Gerry and Pedro’s blogs. We are going to do some PE with Joe Wicks on

Story: Read your favourite book or listen to one of these stories.

Signing: check Lorna’s sign of the day video.

Art: We are going to try some drawing with Steve.  You can find it on the blog.

Science:  See Sarah’s blog. We are going to make gluck with corn flour and water to play with.

HWB: We are going to do some yoga.  We are using this one


Have a good day, Kirsty.