Monthly Archives: April 2020

Story Massage with Nicole – Monster Surprise

Hello everybody.  Today’s story massage will be ‘A Monster Surprise’

Please remember to ask permission before starting a story massage.

The Strokes

Story Massage Strokes handout

You can do it as you please but here are the strokes I have used

  • The downward fan
  • The circle
  • The drum
  • The bounce
  • The walk
  • The claw
  • The semi circle (upside down)
  • The drum
  • The walk
  • The semi-circle (upside down)
  • The claw
  • The semi-circle (upside down)
  • The drum
  • The semi-circle (upside down)
  • The walk
  • The semi-circle (upside down)
  • The circle
  • The semi-circle (upside down)
  • The drum
  • The semi-circle (upside down)
  • The squeeze
  • The sprinkle
  • The walk
  • The wave
  • The claw
  • The bounce
  • The calm
  • The circle
  • The drum
  • The squeeze
  • The semi- circle (right way up – smiley face)
  • The circle
  • The calm
  • The sprinkle
  • The semi- circle (right way up – smiley face)
  • The circle
  • The walk
  • The circle
  • The squeeze

If there are strokes your child does not like then miss them out and replace with ones they do.

If you want to access the book, it can be found here



any story requests then let me know 🙂


Group 10 – Thursday 2nd April


Morning routine – What day is it today? What jobs can you help with around the house?

Maths- Look at this link for activities to help with our numbers and counting

Fiddly Fingers –  Play with pasta or rice.  Can you thread them on a piece of string? Can you make a picture?

Story – We have our weekly story. Find somewhere quiet to watch and share.

Signing – check out what Lorna’s sign of the day is.

Music –  See Gordon’s blogs to find lots of music activities to do

Sensory –  We are going to make gloop with corn flour and water to play with.

Dance – Look at Rachel’s dance section to find loads of music and dance activities

Have a great day!

Thursday 2nd of April – Pink Class

Good morning everyone!

Let’s wake up! Get everyone to join in!

Calendar –

Can you name the four seasons. What happens outside during each season? Let’s see.


Movement – 

What will we do for movement today? Check out the movement section. How are you getting on with Joe Wicks?

Life Skills –

Mmmmmm! Can you help make lunch today? Let’s make some sandwiches.

Maths –

Today’s focus is MONEY.

Follow this link for sorting coins:

Follow this link for using coins to pay for items:

Empty out your adult’s purse or wallet…what coins or notes can you spot?

Fiddly Fingers –

Let’s make some slime!!!

Story –


Have you seen any bears out on your walk? Have a good bear hunt next time, how many can you spot? Can you describe the bears you see? How many bears do you have in your windows for other children to spot.

Let’s go on a bear hunt!

Signs of the Day –

Yesterday I was learning the signs for some fruit. You will have to test me when we go back to school. Check out today’s signs of the day section. What signs will we learn today?

Music –

Check out the music section to make an instrument or to do some singing with Connie. Have fun!

Sensory –

Play with some shaving foam today. Can you practise your letters or numbers or impress someone in your family by writing their names in the foam.

You can also check out Tracey’s sensory section for some more fun ideas.

Dance –

How are you getting on with Rachel’s dance? I think I’ve got two left feet!

Challenge of the Day –

We have been looking at water in the Pink Class. Here is an outdoor water challenge. Challenge your family to see who makes the best waterproof shelter. Who will be brave enough to sit under it while you test if it is waterproof? Have fun!

Outdoor Shelter

Some of you have emailed some fantastic pictures of all of the hard work and fun you are having. Unfortunately, I can’t post these yet as our photo/picture capacity is full at present. However, keep sending me your great pictures, they put a huge smile on my face.





Thursday 2nd April

Good Morning everyone.  Hope you are all having a lovely day.  It is almost the school Holidays.  Lets start the day with the wake up song!


If you missed it, here is the link to help you learn to sign ‘April’


Remember to complete your morning circle and calendar and then move on to life skills

Life Skills

Remember for the rest of the week you have been challenge to see how many of these tasks you can assist with in the home.  Let me know how you get on 🙂



In class we were learning about measure.  Why not join the Monster Math Squad on a measuring adventure as a nice little introduction and reminder on how to measure.

Complete the animal measuring pages in your monthly maths pack that was sent home.

You can then practice your counting on topmarks  and play the games below as well as your favourite teddy bear counting game.


Fiddly Fingers

Can you thread some pasta on to string to make a pasta necklace?  Are there other things you can thread?

or why not download the app below and draw some pictures using your fingers




Today’s story will be a story massage. The story I am reading is called ‘A Monster Surprise’ and  can be accessed below if you want to read along to the story or see the pictures.

Remember to ask permission before starting the story massage


Sign of the Day

Remember to check in with Lorna to practice your signing!



Visit same boat music to access some free songs and sing along. There are some FANTASTIC videos and all for free! Link below – you won’t be disappointed.

Also check out Gordon on the music page – he has uploaded a standard primary lesson routine, including our favourite ‘bounce the ball’.



Here are some sensory ideas – choose one or two each wee and let me know what you have done.  You could print this chart off and tick off the ones you have completed.


Check out dance with Rachel on the dance page and learn her dance – video yourself doing it and sent me it if you want to be part of the video – I know I am doing it



A reminder of this weeks STEM challenge (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths)

I can’t wait to see your videos and/or recipes


Calendar of Fun

You will be on day 2 now.  Have fun

Have a Wonderful day everyone

Group 11 Thurs 2 April

You could work on your transition passport today and could also try some of the following:

Movement: put your favourite song on and dance like no one is watching.  We are going to use

Life Skills:  dust the house

Maths: See Maths Steve’s blog or use

Fiddly Fingers:   Play with pasta or rice.  We are going to build a domino run.

Story: Read your favourite book or listen to one of these stories.

Signing: check Lorna’s sign of the day video.

Music: See Connie and Gordon’s blogs or go on You Tube for some Karaoke.  Send me a video of you singing.

Sensory:  We are going to make gluck with corn flour and water to play with. There are online games here

Dance: Do some dance with Rachel or Just Dance on You Tube.


Have a good day, Kirsty.

Red class Thursday 02-04

Good morning everyone,

how are you today?  Remember if you go outside, wrap up warm, yesterday it was very cold when I went out.

hello song

the days of the week song

the weather song

movement song

life skills

You could help with the dishes today, so remember, when snack (or lunch) is finished, to put your plate and spoon or fork in the sink.


So, over the last few days, you have learned lots of signs with Lorna.  You learned signs or colours and or transport.  Your challenge today will be to find 3 cars, a red one, a blue one and a yellow one.   Good hunting!

Fiddly fingers

Can you make lots and lots of patterns in the sand.  Don’t worry if you don’t have sand, you could use couscous or dry coloured rice or even lentils.  Have fun!

Fun with rice

Story time

You are in for a treat today!  It has taken me many attempts and I could not have done this without Lorna’s help (thank you Lorna xx).


Easter and spring time  

I think you will enjoy watching this video.  What could you see? what are those little fluffy birds called? Do you know?  Ah … yes, they called chicks!

Sign of the day

remember to check in the “sign of the day” section


check in the “music” section


finish with this


check in the “dance” section


Have a fab day, 

Group 4 – Thurs 2nd April

Good Morning everyone.

Here are some activities for your timetable today:

Circle Time

How are you feeling today?

Do you remember the months of the year?

Look at the window to find out what is the weather like today.

Life Skills

After morning routine it is time to help around the house. What about helping to sort the washing?



Have a look at the Maths section to see what Steve wants you to do.

Fiddly fingers

Excellent idea again from Tracey which I would like to share with you:

When the clothes are washed take them out and hang them up to dry using pegs.


Here is a beautiful story about peace and mindfulness. Relax and enjoy.

Sign of the day

Check for Lorna’s sign of the day video.


Go to the music section to have fun singing with Connie.


You could ask an adult to do story massages with you.  Nicole (Blue Class’ teacher) has posted a comprehensive guide and a story for today.

Or if you want you can make a tactile road.


Go to the Dance section and choose one of the activities that Rachel has prepared for you.

Have fun!


Group 2 2.4.2020

Good Morning, Group 2! How are you?

  1. Morning Activities:

  2. Maths: Have a look at what Clare has planned for you in the MATHS section.
  3. Fiddly Fingers: Get your fingers moving in different ways:
  4. Sign of the Day: Check out the sign of the day category for signs all about VEGETABLES
  5. Story: We all know this story well and since we’ve got our West Lothian Bear Hunt set up – here’s ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’.
  6. Music: Check out what Connie and Gordon have planned for you today in the MUSIC section
  7. Sensory: Choose one or two cards from this booklet and find out how you can use your senses:                                                                                          
  8. Dance: Have a look at what Rachel has put up in the DANCE section for you – have you been learning her routine?!

Gold Class 2.4.2020

Good Morning, Gold Class! How are you?

  1. Morning Activities:

  2. Maths: Today’s focus is all about PATTERNS.                                                                                                        1. Watch this video about patterns                2. Ask an adult to start a pattern (with objects or colours or written down                                        shapes/numbers/dots) Can you finish it? Can you make your own patterns? Take                      a photo of your patterns.
  3. Fiddly Fingers: Get your fingers moving in different ways:
  4. Sign of the Day: Check out the sign of the day category for signs all about VEGETABLES
  5. Story: We all know this story well and since we’ve got our West Lothian Bear Hunt set up – here’s ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’.
  6. Music: Check out what Connie and Gordon have planned for you today in the MUSIC section
  7. Sensory: Choose one or two cards from this booklet and find out how you can use your senses:                                                                                          
  8. Dance: Have a look at what Rachel has put up in the DANCE section for you – have you been learning her routine?!