Daily Archives: March 26, 2020

Group 10

Good morning Group 10

Not as nice outside today  Image result for emoji sad face. Hope you are keeping busy and are using your daily calendar to check the day and date.

We have our challenges that I sent out yesterday but today I thought I would give you a moths challenge.

We can practice our numbers by watching this video –


If you are looking to add numbers watch this –


Now you have practiced your numbers, it’s time to use them. Can you complete today’s SCAVENGER HUNT?

maths day

Good luck!

Image result for emoji excited face

Thursday and Gina is back

Hello song – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fN1Cyr0ZK9M
Weather – ask them to go outside and see if warmer or colder than yesterday – it’s a bit foggy – how does that happen? can they find out?
Jobs of the day – use the page in their pack or can they suggest a new job – maybe a job for each room of the house? they are very used to doing tick-lists so can you make one (other members of the family too can join in!)
Sign of the day – check the blog for today’s sign
Lifeskills – one of their goals was to follow a photographic sequence of tasks – I will put one below to show what I mean – today can they make a sandwich? they have been brilliant doing this in cookery and pretty much independent
Story – Easter egg hunt – this is a great story and very funny – I will send some Clicker 8 games for you to do too – check your email
Fiddly fingers if you have a balloon at home …or you can use an empty bottle or washing up/detergent bottle – glue and string/wool – can they make sure no gaps?
Maths – join Carol Vorderman’s maths page – it’s totally free – go to the end where it says free access (I did it this morning ) – make an account for your child – my daughter did it years ago over the summer and it’s got some great activities and challenges and games too (I will send an email with some egg pattern work this morning too)
Music – please go onto the blog and see Connie’s ideas – she is their music teacher (Gordon too has put some ideas on)
Dance – please see Rachel’s ideas as she is the dance teacher – or you can go onto Oti Mabuse’s social media pages for a dance lesson that is Disney themed – that is the lady from Strictly  – today’s theme is Shrek!!

Sensory play – today some relaxation using all the senses

Smell – hand cream
Touch – hand or foot massage (they have been out with Marion so will be experts!)
Listen and watch
Taste – have you tried the marshmallow challenge (obviously will need a marshmallow…hold it in your hands, smell it…feel it…and then put it into your mouth….do not chew…how does it feel in mouth…then they can slowly eat it…ask them to describe what they have experienced!)
Please see email for any other questions 🙂

Group 11 – Thurs 26 March

Good morning Group 11!

You could work on your transition passport today and could also try some of the following:

Movement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ea4TVg0_8Dk

Maths: We are playing snakes and ladders and dominoes.  You could also try some games https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/5-7-years/counting

Life Skills:  make your bed and tidy your bedroom

Fiddly Fingers:  We are going to put Kirby grips in our hair and try to find them again. You could play with playdough. We also played with the dominoes to know them all down.

Story: Read your favourite book or listen to one of these stories. https://www.booktrust.org.uk/books-and-reading/have-some-fun/storybooks-and-games/

Signing: check Lorna’s sign of the day video.

Music: We are going to jam with the musical instruments in our house.  If you don’t have any instruments then you can get pots and spoons to bash. We used our dominoes again too.

Sensory:  We are going to play some sensory games on our tablets/phones. http://www.shinylearning.co.uk/freegames/

Dance: we are going to have a boogie to https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=just+dance

I’ll post some pics of our day later so you know we are working hard with you.  Let me know if you are working hard too!

Have a good day, Kirsty.

Red class Thursday 26-03

Good morning everyone,

I hope you are ready for today!

Let’s start with songs …


Your challenge today is to look in your house and find 2 things that are yellow.

fiddly fingers

this is a fun activity!  no need for a paint brush today, just clothes pegs!

story What does daddy bear say?

sign of the day

check Lorna’s post


what songs have Connie and Gordon posted?


for this, you only need washing up liquid and water!  Simple! Have fun!


check Rachel’s post

Have a good day!

Thursday, 26th of March

Hello Yellow Class!

Hope you are all well and everyone is keep safe.


Here is a guide to Thursday! Please take it at your own child’s pace. If they don’t complete all the tasks, that is completely fine, it will take some time for everyone to adapt to learning at home.


Circle Time – We start our circle time singing “hello – super simple songs” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVlcKp3bWH8

This is also the time we started to learn some Spanish. Leave you here some Spanish translations.

Good morning – “Buenos Dias”

Hello – “Hola”

How are you? – “como estas?”

We then talk about how we are feeling today (happy, sad, tired, and excited). We find how does the weather look like and what day it is – You can do your calendar book.

And we finish our circle time sharing the last day news – Feel free to share your news, by email, posting here on blog some videos, photos or comments. J


MovementHere some of our favourite movement songs. You can use this ones or any other of your preference






Life skills – I set up a challenge for you this week. What about help mum and dad with the dishes. You were all doing great in the classroom, with more or less support.

Maths – Are mum and dad overwhelmed with the housework?  Why not give them a help sorting the pairs of socks.


Fiddly Fingers – here it is a little challenge for you. Try to fill the cereals in the spaghetti tower! No cheating, no eating! Ok, you can eat it when you finish your task.

STORY – here’s a nice story for you to watch. Follow the link below.


Sign of the day – Don’t forget to be practicing the sign of the day – if you want to send me a video then feel free

Music – Go to the Music section and choose one of the activities that your Music teacher prepared for you. Have fun J

Sensory – Time to go outside. Tell me what you can hear. Can you hear the birds? Can you hear people talking, can you hear the cars….

Dance – Go to the Dance section and choose one of the activities that your Dance teacher prepared for you.

Have fun 🙂

Gold Class – Thursday 26.03.2020

Good Morning Gold Class!

  1. Morning Circle
  2. Maths – Today’s focus is MONEY.                                                                                                        Follow this link for sorting coins: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/money/coins-game            Follow this link for using coins to pay for items: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/money/toy-shop-money                                                                                                                                    Empty out your adult’s purse or wallet…what coins or notes can you spot?
  3. Fiddly Fingers –   Can you strengthen your fingers? Use clothes pegs and squeeze them open and peg them on to different things….you could even peg them to your family’s clothes! How many can you peg on?!
  4. Story – Here’s a story about Patrick…What did Patrick do?! https://www.flipsnack.com/Ljmatt/patrick-found-a-something.html
  5. Sign of the Day – Today’s signs are all about ANIMALS
  6. Music – Have a look at what Connie and Gordon have for you.
  7. Sensory – Can you make a Tactile Road?
  8. Dance – Check out what Rachel has in store for you!

Group 2 – Thursday 26.03.2020

Good Morning, Group 2

  1. Morning Circle 

  2. Maths – Check out posts from Clare for your maths activities
  3. Fiddly Fingers   Can you strengthen your fingers by squeezing clothes pegs…you could peg them onto your family’s clothes or on things around the house!
  4. Story – Here’s  a story all about HANDS, read it with an adult. What special things can you do with your hands…..? https://www.flipsnack.com/Ljmatt/the-hand-book.html
  5. Sign of the Day – Today’s video is all about ANIMALS
  6. Music – Connie and Gordon will have something exciting lined up for you
  7. Sensory –  Can you make a Tactile Road?
  8. Dance –  Check out what Rachel has in store for you!