Home Learning Feedback: P5-P7 Clans

We recently asked our pupils in Bramble (P5), Thistle, Ben Lawers and Ben Lomond, and our families to evaluate home learning at our P5-P7 stages. We have collated the results from the questionnaires and made an action plan for moving forward. Please find the results and action plan attached below.

The new home learning grids for our P5-P7 clans will come with an overview that provides the expectations for homework. We hope you find this useful and supportive!

Capturing Calderwood_Home Learning (P5-P7 Clans)_2023


Calderwood Careers- Term 3 & Term 4

Meet our new Calderwood Career employees! Before the holidays, all employees found out what career they have and signed their contract prior to starting. We are excited for all pupils to start their jobs this week!

Café Crew

Creative Crew

Reading Zone Leaders


Waste Warriors


Playful Pals


Look Out Crew


Our Sporty Helpers

Home Learning Choice Boards Term 3 2022/23

As a school, we are currently re-evaluating our home learning grids. We are firstly focusing on P5-P7 home learning and are making changes to reflect the views expressed by champions, pupils and parents. We will then explore home learning from P1-P4.

The current P5-P7 home learning grids will last for a duration of 4 weeks. The next homework to be issued will have changes and alterations, and will reflect our new  home learning structure in P5-P7. This has been discussed with all pupils at this stage. Further information will be issued along with our new grids.


P1 Home Learning Choice Board T3

Home Learning Grid-Term 3-Primary 2

Home Learning Grid- Term 3- Primary 3

Home Learning Grid – Term 3 – Primary 4

Home Learning Grid – Term 3 – Primary 5

Home Learning Grid – Term 3 – Primary 6

Home Learning Grid – Term 3 – Primary 7

Ben Lomond Residential – Lockerbie Kitlist

Ben Lomond are preparing for our first ever residential trip!

As you know, we are going to Lockerbie Manor on 1st-3rd March.

Please click the link below to view the suggested kitlist of essential items your child will need to pack, as well as some useful notes about optional items and which items will not be allowed.

Lockerbie Kitlist – Ben Lomond 2023

A paper copy has already went home with your child after having a thorough discussion about everything in class. If you still have any questions or queries please let us know.

Please note – we understand there could be costs incurred from potentially buying new items. If you have any concerns about this please reach out for support, we are happy to help.


We would also like to invite you along to an online information session about the residential, the information is below. If you are unable to attend, we will share the presentation on the blog.
01/02/23 – 6pm

P7 Residential Information Session: Teams  

Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 340 806 909 89 Passcode: NvXp3r

*changed date


Thank you!


P4-7 Calderwood Careers

Calderwood Careers returns! We are excited to let you know that we have revamped our jobs in the playground and around the school. Applications are now open for you to apply for a Calderwood Career. Your job will run from January- June. We would love to welcome new pupils to Calderwood Careers!
If you had a job last term, please fill out the form letting me know if you want to continue your job, change jobs or end your career (only fill out questions 1-4).
Please sign up by Wednesday 25th January 2023 using the link below. You can apply in school or at home.

Home Learning Choice Boards

Please find below a copy of the home learning choice boards for Term 1. Our approach to home learning is flexible to ensure we met the needs of our families and children’s extra curricular activities, therefore the amount of tasks you complete are up to you as a family. The tasks are a mixture of online and discussion/ paper tasks. If children choose to share any of their home learning with their clan they can do this via their champion.


The tasks are also uploaded to Seesaw/ Teams. Children will bring home their log in cards this week, please ensure you keep these in a safe place.


You can find further information here:

Our Parent Council are currently setting up a working group to consult on our approaches to home learning to ensure we meet the needs of our families.

P1 Home Learning Choice Board T1

P2 Home Learning Board- Term 1

Primary 3 Home Learning Board– Term 1

P4 Home Learning Choice Board_Term 1

P5 Home Learning Choice Board_Term 1

P6 Home Learning Choice Board_Term 1

P7 Home Learning Choice Board_Term 1

Term 1 Learning Letters

We are so excited for the learning journey all pupils will be embarking on during Term 1 at Calderwood Primary School. Our whole school theme for our interdisciplinary learning this term is on the concept Maths. You will see that our champions and pupils have planned creative and innovative Maths learning contexts. Please find the learning overview for each stage for this term below:

Term 1 – P1 Learning Letter

Term 1- P2 Learning Letter

Term 1- P3 Learning Letter

Term 1-P4 Learning Letter

Term 1 – P5 Learning Letter

Term 1 – P6 Learning Letter

Term 1 – P7 Learning Letter



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