Category Archives: Primary 4

Soluble and Insoluble experiment

Yesterday Primary 4 conducted an experiment to find out what materials are soluble and which are not. Soluble means they will dissolve and disappear into the water. We made a prediction first and then completed the experiment.

Maria-Victoria – soluble things vanish in the water when they are added to it. Salt is soluble.

Karolina – I learned that chalk is insoluble.

Callum – I predicted that sand was insoluble because I know at the beach the sand doesn’t disappear. I was correct.

Piotr – I learned that sugar is soluble.

Ieuan – I learned bicarbonate of soda bubbles and fizzes when you add it to water.

Ethan – instant coffee is soluble and I knew it would be as my mum drinks it at home and it disappears.

Fraser – when you add flour to the water it turned lumpy and looks like slimy cheese. It was insoluble.

Water, water everywhere

Primary 4 are learning about Water this term as part of their Science topic.

Yesterday we put water into an ice cube tray and put it in the freezer. Today we found that we had made ice. We looked at how the water was frozen and no longer a liquid. We then had a competition to see whop could melt the ice the fastest. Sophie and Patryk were able to melt the ice the fastest. We talked about how to melt the ice quicker.

Sophie and Patryk – I rubbed my hands together quickly. This made it heat up.

Maria-Victoria – I squeezed my hands together.

Charlee-Marie – I used paper towels to melt it quicker.

Ollie – I crushed the ice into smaller pieces.

We discovered that the quickest way to melt ice was to heat it up.

Look at us with our ice.

Sink or Float!

Today primary 5/4 tried out their models of the Titanic in the waters of St Nicholas. Lots of the models were successful and stayed afloat however we did have a few disasters!

Molly – I first tried to fill my model with a swimming armband to help it float but it didn’t work. Next I filled a milk carton with lentils and this helped balance the weight of the model so it could float.

Finlay – I used reindeer dust to help my boat float but when I tried it out it tipped over. I tried it again with a rock at the side that needed extra weight and it worked.

Magic showcase

Primary 4 would like to thank all parents and members of their families for coming to our showcase on Friday. We had a great day and enjoyed showing you all of our hard work.

Well done to Ethan’s mum for getting the closest to the number of spiders in the hatchery. She guessed 63. A total of 77 spiders are hatching in our class!

Also well done to Sterling’s dad for creating the winning mythical creature. It was a hard job to decide on a winner so we took a class vote.

Your prizes are on the way home. Thank you to all the people who took part in our activities. We had great fun showing them to you.

The witches and wizards of primary 4.

Titanic – The unsinkable ship

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P5/4 and P5 learned lots of interesting facts about the Titanic, during this term.  Here are some of the activities we did:

– Created a large scale display of the ship in class.

– Wrote questions we wanted to find out about the Titanic.

– Visited the local library to find out more.

– Did observational drawings of the Titanic.

– Created a timeline of events from when the ice berg was first spotted by Frederick Fleet, to the investaigation following the disaster.

– Designed a new flag for the ship.

– Investgated the construction of the ship.

– Listened to survivors stories.

– Designed and built a Titanic ship or a first class cabin / third class cabin.

– Wrote a factfile.

– Read newspaper articles about the disaster.

– Used netbooks and library books to carry out personal research.

– Created a Titanic quiz.

– Wrote newspaper articales about the sinking of the ship.

– Created a class book about our learning of the Titanic.

– Created a bar chart displaying the number of survivors.

– Made psoters of the White Star Line.

– Watched Discovery DVDs about the ship and took notes about what we learned.

– Painted large scale first class and third class passengers along with facts about these groups of people.

– Looked at a variety of photgraphs, pictures and diagrams of the inside and outside of the ship.










Owl Post

Primary 4 will be coming home today with owl post.


Today we made invitations to invite parents to our Magic Castle showcase on 27th March at 11am. We will give a guided tour of our Great Hall and have activities for parents to complete. We hope they can make it as we are really looking forward to it.

Time Around the World

Time Around the World 015

This week Primary 5/4 have been carrying out some research into different time zones around the world. We found out that there are 24 different time zones.

To show off what we had learned we decided to make some clocks to display the times in different countries.

Abbie : I learned that some countries have the same time as us and some are in-front or behind us.

Haidyn: I learned that Hong Kong is 8 hours ahead of us. If it was 9.00 here it would be 5.00 in Hong Kong.

Grace: I learned that there are 24 time zones in the world.

Molly: I learned that we orbit the sun so different places in the world have sunlight at different times of the day. It can be day time here but night time in an other country.



No pen day!

Primary 4 had a busy day on no pen day. We still completed lots of work. This morning after P.E we worked on Maths games to deepen our knowledge.

After playtime, we had NYCOS then we played VCOP games and made an oral story by adding a sentence each to the opener. It was a funny story.

After lunchtime, we had a turn on Sumdog then we did some drama freeze framing images from Harry Potter. Look at us in action.

Finlay – No pen day was fun , we did lot of educational things without writing.

Finn – It was fun and I really liked Maths and the drama was awesome.

Hana – I had fun doing the drama about Harry Potter.

Fraser – I enjoyed lots of tasks on no pen day.

Sterling and Karolina – I enjoyed playing maths games.

Ollie – I enjoyed no pen day as it was good not doing any writing.

Callum – I liked doing drama as it was fun doing the freeze frames.
































In Language and Literacy we have been reading the story “A Tale of Two Robots” by Roy Apps.

We have been creating our own new chapter to the story where the Robots, Robert and Nita, decide they are tired of cleaning and go for a day out. However, they face a few problems. Here are a few examples of the problems they faced:

  • Bowling – Robert fell down the alley and they got thrown out. Saoirse
  • Cinema – Robert’s rusty ,metal made too much noise and they got throw out. Callum
  • Shopping- The metal sets off the metal detectors as their metal bodies. Natasha
  • Swimming – They turned rusty as the children were scared of them. Charlee-Marie
  • Beach – Robert and Nita got stuck in the sand and they couldn’t move. Sophie R
  • Zoo – Robert started cleaning up and the zoo keepers were not happy. Brandon

After writing our new chapter we acted it out in a  group. Look at some pictures of us in action.


Handball Festival

This morning P5/4 and P5 went to Broxburn Academy for a Hanball Festival.  We were all spilt into different teams and played against teams from other schools in the local area.

Jamie: “I liked playing against children from other schools”.

Isobel: “It was good to compete in an event in Broxburn Acadmeny”.

Ben: “In our team, we tried hard to defend against our oppposition”.

Isla: “The game was quite difficult because at the start it was hard to get the ball from the other team”.

Caitlin: “I had so much fun and I scored lots of goals”.

Adrian: “It was a great morning and I tried to enocurage my team”.

Grace: “My teams scored lots of goals and we won most of our games”.

Haidyn: “I would love to go back again next year”.




Knights in shining armour

In Primary 4 today we worked in teams to make knights in shining armour. Have a sneak peak at our hard work.

  • We made a diagram of a knight and tried to make it in 3D. Hana
  • We came up with our own design for a knight. Fraser
  • We used all our ideas to make different patterns on our knights. Maria-Victoria
  • We used silver paper, scissors, tape, staples and paper fasteners. Finlay
  • We had fun!

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Fantastic Fractions!

Primary 5/4 and Primary 5 have been learning lots about fractions in class.  We have been finding out about fractions of shapes, objects and amounts.

This week we have investiageted equivalent fractions, simplifying fractions and finding fractions on a nunberline.  These are some suggested games to support our learning:


Have a go at home and let us know how you got on with the games!

Miss Crease and Mrs Quin

The Magic Panel

Yesterday in class we were writing about what is behind the secret panel in the Great Hall. We had lots of great ideas of how to get into the secret panel, what is behind it, who put it there, what it does and who is going to open it.

Here are a few examples of the beginning of our writing. They are on display in our classroom so that other people can read them.


  • There is a secret panel, you have to type in 34517H to be able to enter it and behind it there is an Egyptian palace…  Maria-Victoria


  • The secret panel is so secret that no one knows of it except Artur the wizard … Finlay


  • To get through the secret panel go and find an ancient unicorns horns. Make a wish and it will open…  Sophie McC


  • There is a panel that is different in the Great Hall. To open it get a battle axe. Inside is a gold shield… Ollie


  • To open the secret panel you wait until it is dark, then you say “Hocus Pocus Diplodocus”. The secret panel will open quietly behind it gold… Wiktoria



The Unsinkable Ship

Yesterday Primary 5 and Primary 5/4 visited the library to find out more information about our new topic ‘The Unsinkable ship’. To our surprise when we arrived Diane had dressed up as a first class passenger! During our visit we learned lots of new information.

Caitlin learned that even third class passengers ate well on the ship, they ate porridge, toast and potatoes.

Grace learned that aboard the ship was 13 honeymooning couples.

Aaron learned that band members continued to play their instruments as the ship went down.

Kyle learned that there should have been 64 lifeboats but there were only 20 lifeboats on the ship.

Finlay found out that 55 people cancelled their ticket before the ship set sail.

Ali found out that there was a fireman who got off the ship when it arrived in France.

Aiden learned that the ship stopped at Ireland before making its journey across the Atlantic Ocean.

We really enjoyed our library visit and we are all looking forward to finding out much more information about “The Unsinkable Ship”.

Winter Ready Activities Primary 4 and Primary 5

Here are some ideas of what you can do if the school is closed in the event of bad weather.


  • Complete games and challenges on SUMDOG.
  • Use numbergym to practise times tables.
  • Use ‘Just in Time’ for mental maths practise.  (
  • Create some mental maths word problems to challenge your class when you return to school.
  • Build a snowman and measure how tall he is.


  • Continue to read your accelerated reader book.
  • Write a book review if you have completed your reading book.
  • Create a ‘Word Wizard’ or ‘Character Cop’ to show your understanding of your book.
  • Design a new front cover, blurb and title for your book.
  • Create a diary entry for your snow day, to tell us all about what you did, how you felt, where you went? etc.
  • Make a Winter Ready poster detailing how to keep safe in the bad weather.

Hope you have some fun in the snow and remember to keep wrapped up warm and stay safe!

Mrs Canning, Miss Crease and Mrs Quin

Lungs experiment

Today Primary 4 completed a science experiment to see how much air we have in our lungs. We had to blow into a balloon. We found out that we are all different and don’t have the same lung capacity.  Here are some photographs of us during and after the experiment. It was good fun!

Some amazing facts we have learned:

–  an adult breathes enough air to fill 1,000 party balloons a day.

–  we breath around 20,000 times a day.

Matter Chatter!

Primary 5 and Primary 5/4 have been learning all about SOLIDS, LIQUIDS and  GASES and their properties.  We looked at the main characteristics of each state of matter.

Emma – I learned that some solids are hard and can’t be molded into a shape without force. The molecules in a solid are packed close together and they don’t have much movement.

Molly- I learned that liquids are made out of particles that are more spread out compared to solids and have some movement. Liquids do not have a fixed shape but take the shape of their container.

Sami – I learned that the particles in Gases are spaced out and can move around freely. Gases do not have a fixed shape and can change volume.

We watched videos to learn about different experiments we could carry out. We then had a go at some of these in class, this got a bit messy!

We used a Kettle, cling film and ice to learn about condensation and evaporation.

We also experimented with different material to see what dissolves. We learned sugar, gravy granules and coffee granules are soluble and sand, chalk, flour and rice are insoluble.

Today we went to school kitchen to find out what changes in state are reversible or non-reversible. We carried out this experiment by heating different foods  to melt them then we placed each item in the fridge to cool it back down. Tomorrow we will check which change in state are reversible.


Amazing Author Visit

Primary 3-7 were extremely lucky to receive a visit from a fantastic Australian author yesterday… Jaqueline Harvey.

Jaqueline has written a series of books about girls called Clementine-Rose and Alice-Miranda. She entertained the children with exciting excerpts from her books and had everyone laughing in their seats!

She even had two very eager and willing participants in Ellie (P7) and Finlay (P6) who had to act out a very funny scene!

We would like to thank GlowWorm books in Broxburn for organising this very special event for us.

Hallowe’en in P4

In primary 4 some of us came to school dressed in our costumes for Hallowe’en. Look at us!

We also made pumpkins and bats using a variety of materials. Look at all our hard work.

This term our new topic is the Human body. We have started to learn the names of some bones today. We made a skeleton – we had to work out which bones are connected to each other. We discussed why bones are important. We also listened and danced to the song ‘Dem bones’. We will be learning more about the skeleton next week.

Money week

Primary 4 had a great money week last week. They enjoyed a visit from Financial Education Partnership (Fep) representative Cameron. He made us think about how to earn money and then what to spend it on. We made paper bags for spices together then sold them for some money that we could then spend on different things – food, healthcare, houses or more resources to make bags. It was good fun and made us think about the importance of money.

In class we have also been using money. We can calculate a total value of coins, work out coins to use to pay for items and then calculate the correct change.

Football Crazy!

Article 30

If you come from a minority group you have the right to enjoy your own culture, practice your own religion and use your own language.

We’re all football crazy at the moment, but a very big well done to Kyle Bryce who won all of these medals in a football tournament.  This is a wonderful achievement.  We might see you playing in the FIFA World Cup in Brazil one day soon Kyle!

Fun in the Sun!

Article 28

We can learn in lots of different environments.

P4 and P4/3 had great fun taking our learning outside yesterday.  It was a beautiful day: we gathered inspiration for an imaginative story; played times tables games and learned about Roman numerals; read and relaxed in the shade and played lots of class games in the afternoon.

Thank you to Eoin Sword’s mum and dad for letting us borrow their gazebo which provided us all with some much-needed shade!

Mathematical Art – Cubism

Article 29

You have the right to education which develops your personality, respect for other’s rights and the environment

We have been busy working on our mathematical artwork, which has been inspired by Cubist painters like Georges Braques, Pablo Picasso and Carlo Rossi.  We learnt that Cubist painters used lots of shapes in their paintings. Sometimes they didn’t even look much like the object they painted.

We took this opportunity to revise our knowledge of the properties of 2D (number of sides and right angles, whether the shape was regular/irregular) and 3D shapes (faces, vertices and edges).

We also used our ICT skills by using Microsoft Office Word to type up what had inspired our own paintings.

Look at some of our masterpieces, or pop in and see them in the classroom!

Plays are fun!

This week in Literacy Primary 4 and Primary 4/3 have been reading a play and acting it out.  They have looked at the importance of scene descriptions and instructions in a play.

From the play the children were able to identify the key moments: who is doing what; what phrases, actions and instructions are important to understand the play.

The children then worked together to put the key events of the play in order and then concentrated on retelling the story in their own words.

It was great fun!

Our Benchball Festival

Phew! We’re just back from a brilliant benchball festival up at Broxburn Academy.  We played in teams against Kirkhill, Uphall, Broxburn, Pumpherston and Holy Family Primary Schools.  We won lots of games and we all had a go. A wonderful time was had by all.  Thanks a million to our adult helpers – Mrs Thomson, Mrs McPherson, Mrs Beagley, Mrs Devine and Mrs Langton.

Have a look at the fun we had.

Equal Rights for All

On Wednesday 26th of March, West Lothian Council hosted an event to showcase the excellent work in the areas of Children’s Rights & Equalities across the region at Inveralmond Community High School.
Along with Mrs Buchanan-Coutts, Mandipa, Kerys, Carrick, Daniel, Mark and Chloe represented St Nicholas.
We set up our stand, sharing just a snippet of the rights education carried out at our school, including the  recent P2 and P2/1 diversity assembly, Send My Friend to School resources, world trade day and Famous Fridays, then prepared ourselves for questions from the vast amount of people who had turned up, including Scotland’s Commissioner for Children and Young People, Tam Baillie.
There was a little bit of time for us to have a look at the excellent work that some of the other schools are doing before Daniel and Carrick, very confidently, stood up in front of the auditorium and introduced the Primary 5 assembly and showed a clip from the DVD of the children singing the Every Child has Rights song.
Chloe and Mark then shared with everyone, their experiences of the digital rights programme they took part in as part of their transition to St Margaret’s academy.

It was a great morning and we definitely showed how, through our work, we contribute to Getting it Right for Every Child.


Primary 4/3 and Primary 4 really enjoyed Zumba. Here are some pictures of us dancing. It was fantastic.

Isla – “It was lovely to see Nina again and it was great fun!”

Erin- “We learned some dance routines.”

Lennon – “It was an exciting and fun.”

Emma- “We had a dance off which was cool!”

Jack – “When we were dancing it was so hot but good.”

Michael – “It was very energising.”

Iona – “It would be fun for all the family.”

Science with Mr Chatterjee

As part of our ‘Human Body’ science topic, we have been looking at various aspects of our body.  We have looked at the skeleton in detail and we are now moving on to look at the digestive system.  Mr Chatterjee, Olivia’s dad and a plastic surgeon, came in to talk to us about our digestive system, our respiratory system, our circulatory system and our nervous system.  He told us all about the work he does, and how he helps people who have had burns or other injuries to their hands.  Mr Chatterjee reminded us all of the importance of being safe around fires, especially at bonfire night.  We learned a lot and we had lots of questions for him.

Thanks for visiting us Mr Chatterjee and please come again soon!

Achievements outside of school

Primary four have been very busy in the last few weeks outside of school.  Have a look at the medals and certificates we have received.

Isla was given these certificates after taking part in a swimming gala. She also received a certificate and medals for coming second in a Modern Dance competition. She passed her exams with distinction.

Finlay was awarded this bronze medal after taking part in a Judo competition at the weekend.

Our Library Trip

P4 and P4/3 had a wonderful trip to Broxburn Library today.  Diane read us lots of stories – they were very funny.  We are looking forward to visiting the library again soon, perhaps with our parents at the weekend.  We promised Diane that, as a thank you, we would help decorate Broxburn Library with some lovely Easter artwork.

Thanks to Mrs Ferguson, Rachel’s mum, for coming with us today.

Our Viking Trip!

Today we went for a visit to the National Museum of Scotland. We all had a fantastic time. We saw lots of Viking artefacts including pots, jewellery, weapons and utensils. We even saw a Viking man’s grave! We know that Vikings were buried with objects that were special to them. We saw one poor horse who was buried with his master. We got to handle a lot of Viking artefacts too. We found out that the Vikings used ice skates and that they played games that were similar to chess. Following lunch, we had a quick visit to the fantastic animal kingdom, and then we were homeward bound for St Nicholas and Broxburn.

Thanks to all our helpers today: Miss King, Mrs Fitzpatrick, Mrs Chaudhry and Mrs Chatterjee.

Viking Trip to National Museum

Tomorrow (Thursday 13th February) Primary 4 and 4/3 are going to the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh. We are all looking forward to seeing Viking artefacts and learning more about the Vikings. We will be able to touch Viking artefacts and we will take notes and draw pictures of what we see.

Please remember packed lunches and to wear school uniform. You do not need any money to have fun and learn about the Vikings.

Viking Crafts

Primary 4 and 4/3 have been very busy learning about the Vikings and making some Viking items.

We made Viking helmets. We made them using a balloon and paper mache. When they had dried we painted them and made a nose protection for them. Look at us with our helmets on.

We also made Viking cups. We designed them on paper and then painted our Viking design. We then wrapped them around a cup. They look very like cups the Vikings would have used.

Some children also designed a Viking stone. We painted our designs onto a stone carefully. The Vikings used stones to record their history and stories about Gods so we have tried to copy some of them.

After learning about Viking Ruins we used Viking Ruins to write our names.

Finlay and Ben also built Viking Longships at home.  

We enjoyed all of these art and crafts activities.

P4 & P4/3 – NYCoS (National Youth Choir of Scotland)

Primary 4 and 4/3 have been very lucky to receive lessons from NYCoS (National Youth Choir of Scotland)

The children absolutely love it! This experience develops their concept of rhythm and rhyme and NYCoS stongly believe  that singing and musicianship go hand in hand, and that the singing/education experience should start as early as possible in a child’s life.

If you would like further information about this programme then please visit

Ask your child to recite some of the rhymes for you – Remind them to keep a steady beat!